Colonoscopy - Jimmie Hoffa is still missing, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Number 1 before the humor, if you are 50 or older, GET A COLONOSCOPY!

I have no idea why but the first thing I asked my male recovery nurse after my lights out Colonoscopy today is, "Did you find Jimmy Hoffa?" The poor 20+ year old kid was perplexed, my wifey rolled her eyes, no I didn't see her roll them I could hear her roll them, and I went back to sleep a few more minutes.

This is my second time round the ole poop chute camera. The first one was in 2014. I was supposed to go ever three years but alas, life.

Precious Bodily Fluids. That was Col. Ripper's (how poignant) soliloquy about the commies taking over.

Precious bodily fluids? How about 6 year old sandwich lettuce? The first time I went through this I found Tinkertoys I lost when I was 5 and the heads of rubber farmers riding rubber tractors from before that. This time was easier however I outsmarted them. They wrote down I was to start my prep at 6 pm the night before and the second dose at Midnight.

Midnight? are you kidding me. I wanted a little more sleep than thirty minutes before my 9 a.m. check in. I started a 3 p.m. and again at 9. Finally got to sleep around 4 a.m. Woke at 8 in a hurry to the bathroom. Arrived at the doctor at 9 and again found a bathroom. Right before the procedure I was still squirting. Can you imagine the wall in the procedure room if I had followed their instructions?


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Lucky. When I hit that half awake/half sleep moment and the good looking nurse said I was good to go ahead and get dressed, I stood up, ripped off that gown, and made half the recovery room blush. To be fair, so did I when my better half told me I was hanging brain with the curtains open. I had no idea.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2009
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I was gonna smart off and tell the doctors "If you find Elvis or Jimmy Hoffa back there, don't tell the FBI 'cause they will just (screw) up the investigation!"
But I never got to use my brilliant wit, as far as I know.
I only got to "ninety-six" and that's all I remember.
And there wasn't anyone in the recovery room to blush, really. When I woke up there was only one older nurse (very nice lady) and she talked to me a bit, took my pulse, etc and said I'll step outside and let you get everything all together (i.e. dressed) and she came back a few minutes later.
They gave me the results and did tell me my colon was perfectly cleaned out and I said well I followed your directions exactly.
(Didn't tell 'em I was scared not to, sure as hell didn't want to go through THE PURGE again because I messed it up. They call it "the prep" for the procedure -- Ha! Prep is cutting up some onions or measuring the flour and sugar you're gonna use in a recipe.)


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I've had three in the last three years. Two this year from the VA. The VA requires a two day purge. It really sucked for the first day but the second day the hunger pangs kind of went away. After the procedure on the way home, thought I'd stop and binge at a place to eat, but just did the 2 hour drive home and ate some snacks getting there. All were negative for anything.
VA test detected some blood in stool during a semi annual checkup, and they went full invasion mode.
I've swallowed a camera that took thousands of pics on its passage through my innards, two colonoscopy's within two months, an Upper GI, Cat Scan and so on.
Found nothing. Inflammation of the lower intestine is their best guess and all the symptoms are gone now.
Wife and myself were impressed on how bulldog they were going after the diagnosis. Kudu's to the OKC VA.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
I've had three in the last three years. Two this year from the VA. The VA requires a two day purge. It really sucked for the first day but the second day the hunger pangs kind of went away. After the procedure on the way home, thought I'd stop and binge at a place to eat, but just did the 2 hour drive home and ate some snacks getting there. All were negative for anything.
VA test detected some blood in stool during a semi annual checkup, and they went full invasion mode.
I've swallowed a camera that took thousands of pics on its passage through my innards, two colonoscopy's within two months, an Upper GI, Cat Scan and so on.
Found nothing. Inflammation of the lower intestine is their best guess and all the symptoms are gone now.
Wife and myself were impressed on how bulldog they were going after the diagnosis. Kudu's to the OKC VA.

Gotta step up that fiber game.

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