Pistol Brace "rules" signed by AG today

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Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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I watched two different vids yesterday from two major retailers who attended an ATF seminar put on to explain and take questions on the brace ruling. The first one said "all you have to do is slide your brace off your buffer tube and your legal" while the other said " you HAVE TO have a smooth pistol buffer tube to be in compliance". This is common, I'm even seeing 2nd amendment lawyers with wildly conflicting statements. It would be GREAT if we could get ACCURATE and CONCISE information rather than useless speculation.
Those "two major retailers" attended an ATF seminar online (let's call it a "webinar"). There was a morning and an afternoon webinar both Tues (Jan 31) and Weds (Feb 1), for a total of four. Any FFL could have watched any one or all of them. Same 30-40 minute PowerPoint presentation for all four webinars. Each presentation was followed by a Q&A session which lasted between 35-50 minutes for the two afternoon webinars I watched (I did not get a chance to see either of the morning sessions).

Questions were submitted to the ATF during the presentation, the questions were correlated, and the most common ones were answered. Someone read the questions, a panel from the ATF answered them. (I should add that the Q&A sessions were audio only--no video.) With four Q&A sessions, it is easy to see how the two retailers might have gotten two different answers. And, if you're like me, I found myself jotting down notes about the answer to the previous question while the next question was being asked. Some of those Q&A's were fired off in rapid fashion, and you had to be listening closely (not always possible depending on the circumstances surrounding your environment--like in a active retail sales establishment). And that is as accurate and concise as I can make my useless speculation.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Aug 13, 2012
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Those "two major retailers" attended an ATF seminar online (let's call it a "webinar"). There was a morning and an afternoon webinar both Tues (Jan 31) and Weds (Feb 1), for a total of four. Any FFL could have watched any one or all of them. Same 30-40 minute PowerPoint presentation for all four webinars. Each presentation was followed by a Q&A session which lasted between 35-50 minutes for the two afternoon webinars I watched (I did not get a chance to see either of the morning sessions).

Questions were submitted to the ATF during the presentation, the questions were correlated, and the most common ones were answered. Someone read the questions, a panel from the ATF answered them. (I should add that the Q&A sessions were audio only--no video.) With four Q&A sessions, it is easy to see how the two retailers might have gotten two different answers. And, if you're like me, I found myself jotting down notes about the answer to the previous question while the next question was being asked. Some of those Q&A's were fired off in rapid fashion, and you had to be listening closely (not always possible depending on the circumstances surrounding your environment--like in a active retail sales establishment). And that is as accurate and concise as I can make my useless speculation.
Surely those webinars were recorded for playback, but we are talking about the government here so who knows.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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Surely those webinars were recorded for playback, but we are talking about the government here so who knows.
The PowerPoint presentation can be seen on the ATF's website. The Q&A sessions may have been recorded, but I have no way of knowing.:anyone:

To see that presentation, click on the link below, then scroll down to the section headlined "Related Resources" and click on "(New): PowerPoint training on Final Rule 2021R-08F."

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Pat Tidwell

Supporting Member
Oct 5, 2020
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Just for clarification, does the ATF define "attach". I bought a device at one of the Lawton gunshows a while back that does not physically attach in the legal sense of the word. It braces but if I let go of the pistol it literally will fall off on the ground.


Special Hen
Sep 12, 2022
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Do you really think they are going to make millions & millions of search warrants? I don't think so. If this rule goes thru & becomes a law (which I don't think it will) then the only people who are going to het caught & get in trouble are going to be the ones that brag (possibly online) on what they have or if they are dumb enough to take it out in public.

Mums the word.
Keep what you got in your house, don't take it out in public,
if you have your own land to shoot on or your own private range like some folks on here, you can still be lucky enough to get your "once non-SBR" out & shoot it some.

Some of you guys think they are going to issue warrants for you if you have a "once non-SBR" in your house. I think the truth is nothing will happen to you unless the word gets out that you have it & its still together.
They made themselves relevent again, got more budget money, and gave themselves an endless amount of easy work, questioning, seizing propery, and/or arresting people who were doing something that they said was fine for over a decade. Gives them an excuse to stay out of ghettos to get people posting their glock switched glocks. They will leave that for the cops so they won't have to risk their lives and potentially make the national news in a very bad way.

This is part of the left's agenda of harrying gun owners, I feel safer already.

Chief Sapulpa

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 9, 2011
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Where they bust the sod in South Tulsa County.
I contacted my Congressman about this issue and this is his response…
“Thank you for contacting me regarding the Biden Administration'sactions on stabilizing braces for firearms. As an avid hunter and a lifetime member of Gun Owners of America and the National Rifle Association, I appreciate your input on this issue.

On January 13th, the ATF finalized a proposal to limit law-abiding citizens from using stabilizing braces on their firearms. For the past several years, the ATF has sought to eliminate the use of pistol braces under the guise of classifying them as short-barrel rifles (SBRs). After several legal opinions defending these braces, the ATF was forced to allow them to continue to be bought, sold, and used as originally intended.

Despite this legal precedent, the ATF continues to attack the constitutional right to bear arms for law-abiding citizens. The newly released guidance from ATF on SBRs is ambiguous and could lead to law-abiding citizens losing their gun privileges overnight. I am proud to cosponsor legislation eliminating the Biden Administration's latest attack on the Second Amendment.

It is my priority to ensure that your voice is heard in Washington, and I strongly encourage you to continue contacting my office with any thoughts, suggestions, concerns, or questions. To keep up with my work in Congress, please visit my website at hern.house.gov and sign up to receive my newsletter at hern.house.gov/forms/emailsignup.”


Special Hen
Mar 23, 2022
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What game wardens are federal?
US Department of Fish and Wildlife agents. I have seen their trucks and agents around waterfowl hunting areas since waterfowl regs. are federally established. I cannot say whether they bother with enforcing state regs. or not but they can sure call someone on the radio that will.

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