They call us “The Elderly”.

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Nov 18, 2021
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Somewhere west of Tulsa
Everyone is an individual, hence the "some of you are all right."
But you left out the "but by in large the worst, most selfish generation in history" part which is lumping a whole group of people together based solely on one characteristic.
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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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The members of Gen X that lived and didn't fall to despair are some of the hardest workers. They lacked the advantages given to the boomers or the millinials and faced setback after setback as society crumbled around them. To generalize what I have seen from a management perspective:

Boomers: entitled, incompetent, poor communication, abysmal tech skills. Every once in a while there's a good one usually in upper management that has been there his whole life or did a bunch of bad ass stuff. prefer talking to texting, dont remember what was said.

Gen X: Solid, good decisions, good communication, work well with tech, succeeds against all odds, work well alone. Prefer texting to talking

Millennials: good communication, great tech skills, work well as teams, whine a lot, need constant recognition and affirmation. on their phones a lot

Gen Z: Turds or Gems with no in between. Not tech savvy with traditional systems, file folders, email, spreadsheets. on their phones constantly.
There really isn't an emoji that conveys my feelings about this post. I was born smack dab inside the Boomer window, 1946 to 1964. I disagree with your assessment of the Boomers being entitled and incompetent. At least the crowd I grew up with and associated with my entire life. In my opinion, Millenials and Gen Zers are the entitled ones. They don't know what work is let alone a time clock. , They don't even show up for an interview when there are employers out there actively seeking people. They scam their employers at every chance with their expense accounts.

Boomers aren't tech savvy because they grew up when computers were a Commodore 64 which was awkward and useless unless you wanted to play a cheap version of PONG using a static cling screen overlay or you could learn BASIC and create your own programs saved to a 5 inch floppy that didn't work half of the time and took forever to load. I remember one program had 64 3-inch diskettes and would consistently hose up on the 60th disk which was "unreadable". Tech, so to speak, put a sour taste in one's mouth.


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Sep 27, 2022
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Rush Springs ok.
What a wonderful time it was being a kid and growing up in the 60s and 70s. Best toys, best cars, best music... I wouldn't change it for anything.
Born in 1946. Had the fun years, hard years and easy years. Wouldn’t trade it for anything. I feel sorry for the young today. Most don’t get married, many don’t have a job and the world doesn’t look so good in the coming years. Thank you government. You have done such a good job. Your Time is comming.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Yep. The economy in the 80s was much like it is now. I had a co-worker who got married. She and her new husband took on a mortgage loan that was 24%. Yep, you read that right -- 24%.

The loan on my first house was 17.0%. And, it was a VA loan!

I keep pointing that out to my daughter who gripes about how high her interest rate is and she got in when it was 4.0. I keep telling her that historically rates on mtgs run around 6.5% going way back to about 1900'ish.

I sat her down with an amortization statement and showed her how paying extra principal each month saves you big $$$$$$$ in the end, so you aren't really paying that high rate if you are disciplined about it.

They used to teach this stuff in school. That, and not having to face true hardship for several generations (ours included) is where a lot of our youth's "problems" come from these days. I'm of the opinion that some good old fashioned hardship would go a long way to righting the ship.
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Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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But you left out the "but by in large the worst, most selfish generation in history" part which is lumping a whole group of people together based solely on one characteristic.
They did get us where we are today. Took all the benefits of being in the most prosperous country in the world and ran it into the ground by being self absorbed. Like I said it isn't every boomer, and the ones here are less likely to be involved due to there place on the political spectrum. Prior generations were concerned with the success of future generations, the boomers didn't the opposite leaving a social and economic mess that will take decades to clean up, if it can be cleaned up.


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Jan 29, 2009
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I liked the part where boomers are incompetent, and not tech savvy.
Now I will admit readily that I'm not a tech guy! But I can still do calculus on paper, I know how to add, subtract, and a myriad of other math related function, and how to use a slide rule. When the power out here goes out, or the computers get glitchy, I become one of the most valuable people on the rig...... It's seems all these high tech super computer savvy guys usefulness runs out about the same time the power does. I have found most the newer engineers are great as long as aided by tech, but lack an understanding of how things really work and really can't deal with real time problems without tech.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I've seen a lot of articles lately about younger kids (Gen Z) wanting the "tradwife" life -- husband works, wife stays home and takes care of EVERYTHING and the kids. Very much like the 1950s. I admire anyone who can do that now, in this day and age, and really do hope this lifestyle takes off as a "thing".

Kids need their parents and my kids are proof (at least as far as I am concerned) that one parent, no matter how hard they try, is not enough.

1000% truth. I'm batting .500. I got one I couldn't be more proud of, and one I'm estranged from.

Their mother never did any mothering with them and I was always working 2 or 3 jobs to keep them clothed and fed, but I did what I could, when I could. It only sunk into one, unfortunately...


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 27, 2022
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Rush Springs ok.
What a wonderful time it was being a kid and growing up in the 60s and 70s. Best toys, best cars, best music... I wouldn't change it for anything.
Yes, best cars, best music and girls wore skirts and dresses. Looked and smelled like girls. The guy always paid when on dates. Hummmm wonder why marriage’s are down in opposite sexes and up in same sex. Maybe they can’t tell the difference. Again, wonderful time back when. Making out in the drive in. Now folks get high have sex and (oops kids) then leave. Wonder why the kids are screwed up. Yes we had sex back then, and yes some oops, but we married and accepted our responsibilities. Times are different now… anyone know how to restore a 1956 Chevy with an electric motor?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I liked the part where boomers are incompetent, and not tech savvy.
Now I will admit readily that I'm not a tech guy! But I can still do calculus on paper, I know how to add, subtract, and a myriad of other math related function, and how to use a slide rule. When the power out here goes out, or the computers get glitchy, I become one of the most valuable people on the rig...... It's seems all these high tech super computer savvy guys usefulness runs out about the same time the power does. I have found most the newer engineers are great as long as aided by tech, but lack an understanding of how things really work and really can't deal with real time problems without tech.
I'm as old as you and I'm the opposite! I'm lost with a pen and paper anymore, but give me an Excel worksheet on a computer and I can do some serious work!

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