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OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Someone saying they have evidence does not equal proof. Someone making claims without incontrovertible, physical evidence is not proof. I've heard a lot of people argue about "evidence" but haven't really seen any. Apparently, neither have any courts.

I don't doubt there were some shady dealings. But proof requires more than just saying "proof" over and over. If you have proof, take it to a judge. I really wish someone would do that.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
Someone saying they have evidence does not equal proof. Someone making claims without incontrovertible, physical evidence is not proof. I've heard a lot of people argue about "evidence" but haven't really seen any. Apparently, neither have any courts.

I don't doubt there were some shady dealings. But proof requires more than just saying "proof" over and over. If you have proof, take it to a judge. I really wish someone would do that.
....you realize there were dozens of lawsuits involving the 2020 election?

you realize many of them, including the one involving how states circumvented the constitution by illegally altering voter law WITHOUT the approval of the legislature (which if you remember your schoolhouse rock, you'll know that's how laws are actually passed) thru the courts, which 100% happened, were thrown out?

you realize people actually *do* think of the things you act like are "Gotcha!" moments?

do you know how many lawsuits are brought up involving 9/11?
foia filings?
i have some.
i did some.

you don't know,
but you act like you do.

you think courts aren't political?
you think "politics" is "truth"?

you think "proof" is what you think it is to anyone else? anyone that has power?

i mean do you still think russians hacked our elections in 2016? what's your "proof"?


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Mar 20, 2009
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I'd think usually in courts, people need evidence and if there is any, then it makes it harder for the not guilty...
I'm curious to know what you think @okierider

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
@joegrizzy When you wanna grow up and act like you know how things work, and stop acting like you know everything, maybe people will start listening to you. You are a prime example of why people get tired of hearing about this. You think you know everything...you think you have all this worldly wisdom...and you don't.

I know exactly how the process works. I know there have been numerous lawsuits and I know none of them have gone far. I think that's because there hasn't been compelling evidence or those that filed the cases didn't have the proper standing or there was some other reason. There IS a legal process in this country. Is it flawed? Sometimes, yes. Maybe oftentimes. But only an idiot would believe that every single lawsuit regarding the election was thrown out because ALL courts are politically corrupt. One? Maybe...even probably. A few? Could be. All of them? No. Not a chance.

Furthermore, if you have all this evidence, or access to all this evidence, STFU on the gun forums and take it to court. So you did some FOIA filings... BFD. What was the result of that? Let me guess... Makes you feel like a big deal keyboard commando on internet forums, but, aside from that, not a f**king thing.

And stop fabricating arguments related to what you think I think or what you think I know. Because you don't know Jack S**T about what I think or know unless I tell you.

I'm also pretty sure having been following politics since I was in my teens in the 70s I have a decent idea of how things generally work...at least a layman's understanding. I've never run for office or held office so I'm sure there's a lot I don't know. But I'm guessing I know AT LEAST as much as you do.

I think proof...or evidence...is something that a court will entertain. Or some other body that has the power to act on it (ie: congress). So, yeah...until the right evidence is presented in a way that it convinces a prosecutor or a court, it doesn't really mean much. Regardless of how much you say it does or you want it to mean. It just doesn't work that way, Skippy. Right or wrong, whether you like it or not, whether you believe it's good or bad, or corrupt, or whatever it is you believe. It doesn't work that way. If you believe otherwise I'm just gonna tell you right now...you're a dumba55. And don't confuse that with me saying the system is right. That's not what I'm saying at all and you know that. So let's just nip that argument right in the bud...

Talk to me again when you have something...


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
courts determine was "evidence" that is "proof" to some can even be admitted.

there was a guy here posting about jury duty he did on a murder case; had no idea the suspect had murder OTHER people to COVER UP the murder he was on.

if ya ask me, it would have been "proof" to know the suspect had *murdered other people in response to committing the original murder*.

that's just a random ass murder case that no one even cares about.

now think about things that matter to the public sphere wherein they may indicate very powerful people as very evil people.

you really think "proof" matters?


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
@joegrizzy When you wanna grow up and act like you know how things work, and stop acting like you know everything, maybe people will start listening to you. You are a prime example of why people get tired of hearing about this. You think you know everything...you think you have all this worldly wisdom...and you don't.

I know exactly how the process works. I know there have been numerous lawsuits and I know none of them have gone far. I think that's because there hasn't been compelling evidence or those that filed the cases didn't have the proper standing or there was some other reason. There IS a legal process in this country. Is it flawed? Sometimes, yes. Maybe oftentimes. But only an idiot would believe that every single lawsuit regarding the election was thrown out because ALL courts are politically corrupt. One? Maybe...even probably. A few? Could be. All of them? No. Not a chance.

Furthermore, if you have all this evidence, or access to all this evidence, STFU on the gun forums and take it to court. So you did some FOIA filings... BFD. What was the result of that? Let me guess... Makes you feel like a big deal keyboard commando on internet forums, but, aside from that, not a f**king thing.

And stop fabricating arguments related to what you think I think or what you think I know. Because you don't know Jack S**T about what I think or know unless I tell you.

I'm also pretty sure having been following politics since I was in my teens in the 70s I have a decent idea of how things generally work...at least a layman's understanding. I've never run for office or held office so I'm sure there's a lot I don't know. But I'm guessing I know AT LEAST as much as you do.

I think proof...or evidence...is something that a court will entertain. Or some other body that has the power to act on it (ie: congress). So, yeah...until the right evidence is presented in a way that it convinces a prosecutor or a court, it doesn't really mean much. Regardless of how much you say it does or you want it to mean. It just doesn't work that way, Skippy. Right or wrong, whether you like it or not, whether you believe it's good or bad, or corrupt, or whatever it is you believe. It doesn't work that way. If you believe otherwise I'm just gonna tell you right now...you're a dumba55. And don't confuse that with me saying the system is right. That's not what I'm saying at all and you know that. So let's just nip that argument right in the bud...

Talk to me again when you have something...
yeah see, my point is there's no point in talking when i already have the proof. the proof is all around.

what "proof" do you need to determine ANY of the things you do? that guns prevent crime? plenty of PROOF they don't, in fact they cause more, right?

>convinces a prosecutor or a court

who are these people? convince them of what? again; when you demand proof, proof of what? you need to be EXTREMELY specific here.

proof that ballot boxes were stuffed by people, people who visited at least 10 drop boxes while also visiting 5 NGO's in the area as well?
proof that states illegally altered voter law by mass mailing unrequested ballots without approval of state legislatures?
proof that eye witness testimony claimed they saw several vote counters simply putting the same stack of ballots thru the tabulator many times, even if by mistake?
proof that there is video evidence of these EXACT people doing EXACTLY that?
proof that lawsuits raised with information were thrown out for purely politics reasons?

do you have proof biden is the president? i really mean this. do you have proof america is america and not ruled by a completely outside foreign power?

i mean....have you even watched the doc?

you realize a COURT has "proof" that a man can put on a dress and magically TRANSFORM into a woman? we are so past "proof". this is 2022. not the 1970s (and you didn't have it then either lol, in fact you had FAR less)

did this woman have "proof"?

you guys crack me up; you demand proof but you won't even watch a 1h30 doc. you won't even bother clicking links. you won't even bother watching anything i link. you want proof. FIND. IT.

edit: and i'll ignore the person callouts because i think it's hilarious. you literally don't know what i know on this; otherwise you wouldn't be asking for "proof". since you are; you clearly don't know. it's that simple.
Last edited:


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Dec 26, 2016
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evidence for what?

what are *you* looking for and why can't you find it?
i guess i need to know what you *believe* before I can provide any kind of evidence about anything.
do you think it was a bunch of iraqis hijacking some planes?

you realize this is going to backfire on you, right? if you merely googled a single name i have given you, you would already have your proof.
And, you sidestep. What my beliefs are have nothing to do with your accusations. You made a statement about someone at OU supporting or having been involved with 911 and I asked for your proof. I can find supporting reading for both sides but zero evidence. Speculation is just that.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
There's such a thing as life experience. You may not think it matters. You probably don't. But it does. Based on what you write here you're in for some real letdowns in life if you believe things should be the way you want them and not the way they are.

I thought that when I was young and stupid, too. I still wish that, I just know now that it's never gonna be. That's life experience.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
There's such a thing as life experience. You may not think it matters. You probably don't. But it does. Based on what you write here you're in for some real letdowns in life if you believe things should be the way you want them and not the way they are.

I thought that when I was young and stupid, too. I still wish that, I just know now that it's never gonna be. That's life experience.
i don't understand.

you guys are the ones thinking someone is going to bring "proof" to a court and get some kind of resolution, and you think I'M the one who is in for letdowns?

loooool i think you guys are really misunderstanding.

yes the 2020 election was stolen.
yes there is ample proof.
yes nothing will be done about it.

what about that is "believing things should be the way i want them"?

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