A Brit's take on gun control and the media...

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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In the woods...between OKC & Tulsa
This is the ending of an article written by Paul Green and originally published 01/05/13 at

It is important to note that government, irrespective of party, maintains power by doing the vast majority of armed stealing in the UK. It pays off the something-for-nothing brigade of voters in welfare entitlements. It is true that many good people are also forced onto the welfare system due to a crippled economy borne down by taxation, regulation, state privileged big business and central banking. Nevertheless, many do support the principle of something for nothing by voting for it.
That expectation will not immediately change when the economy tanks and welfare is dramatically reduced. Then the gloves will really come off. In the meantime, there is still a lot of private violent crime in the UK. But that is not the concern of the politically motivated media control freaks. It does not really concern them that violent crime and even gun crime has shot up after the already few handguns were banned completely.

A genuinely free press would report with outrage on every single case of defenceless victims with headlines like: “Victim defenceless – politicians to blame” “Gun control kills again – no protection for murder victim” “How many more defenceless victims?” “When will the innocent be able to fight back?”
The only time I ever heard a concern of that nature expressed in the UK press was a few years ago when a farmer shot a burglar and killed him with a shotgun. The farmer went to jail, many sympathised, but few followed the sympathy to its obvious conclusion.

What could they do anyway? Governments in essence are organised special interest groups – headed up by pathological insiders, and assisted by self-righteous busybodies and sycophantic ladder climbers. They want power above all else and are convinced it is for the general good. They are also greedy for personal advancement and gain. They like things just the way they are.

When the population starts rising up in anger, they retreat into their modern secularised “divine right of governments” philosophy and demand “law and order” at all costs. Of course, they get to dream up the “law” and to enforce the “order”. As long as the military/police state brass is in on the plot, then the tools for dictatorship are in place – provided the people are disarmed.

I never rule out miracles – but it will certainly take one of Biblical Exodus proportions to free a people once they finally realize they have been enslaved, but have no weapons. Perhaps the fall of the Soviet Union – which was also due to the harsh reality of economic law, not Western belligerence – offers just a glimmer of hope. For similar reasons, freedom has increased in China.

Perhaps the British people will also come round, eventually. But gradualism has done its work and right now, many of them are happy being spoon fed from cradle to grave by government and bureaucrats. Natural social welfare institutions have been so shot to pieces that, landless and abandoned by family, neighbours and church many others have no alternative.

It will take a crisis to change that, along with the teaching of ideas that a state sponsored church, state franchised media and state owned education establishment are unlikely to celebrate. The crisis is certainly on the way – but which way it will go from there has yet to be decided.

Finally, what about the actual question of private crime? Are governments anywhere really capable, through police state measures, of keeping people safe?

Their own power-and-glory elite are certainly kept safe with armed personal bodyguards. That much goes without saying across both sides of the Atlantic, with Obama’s own children protected at their private school by no less than eleven armed security guards.

However, in less exalted circles, the last figures I heard from the London Metropolitan Police were that detection rates – even for serious crimes – were around 28%. That’s bad enough, but the fact is that even for serious crimes like rape, less than half are ever reported. Of course, more recent public figures will have been massaged and fudged by including great “victories” like picking on uninsured young drivers (insurance cost £2-4000+ – $4-6k), or turning young people’s pockets out and finding cannabis, or a pocket knife for self defence.

But in the real world of real crime, that is about a 15% detection rate of perpetrators.

A 15% detection rate – after a crime has already happened – and the British people are supposed to place 100% reliance on police for protection from crimes before they even take place?

Gun control first enslaves; then it kills. That is just one more price the politicians and their allied beneficiaries of the state are happy for others to pay.

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