Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
At one time everyone really believed the world was flat.. I have felt for a long time that religion only exists because people are afraid of dying.

Actually, I'd like to know the time. Early sailors KNEW that the earth was round because when one could no longer see the masts of ships, something had to explain that.

Those Gospels have only been passed down through to us through the filter of 1000s of years of politics, doctrinal differences, paganism, and war. Assuming that the original was the word of god, what we have today surely isn't.

Actually, I've spoken with a biblical scholar that knows "original languages" and has thus worked with the Dead Sea Scrolls. In a discussion with him, he confirmed that he can literally translate directly from the original languages to what is written in the American Standard Version (1908) of the Bible. All other "translations" require him to first translate directly and then "paraphrase."

The fact that Pilate was shouted down by the mob while trying to save Him, lends historical veracity to His existence. The Greeks called the offspring of women and gods demi-gods. But this was different. This was the Son of God. I have never held to the Trinity. I've always believed Jesus was the Son of God, and subordinate to Him. In Old Europe, I would have been burned at the stake for saying this.

Biblical confirmation of Jesus being subordinate occurred when Jesus stated that "only the Father" knew the time of the end.

Are there many scientists running around committing acts of terror? Or preaching to their audience about denying civil liberties to others? Or trying to regulate morality? Or collecting money in the name of God?
Did scientists start wars because of science? Did scientists torture and kill anyone who contradicted them?
Does science discourage dissent, dissection of evidence, or opposition to ideas?

Yes, all of the above bolded parts are evident in the "science" for "global warming" scientists. They try to deny us the rights to use coal and oil based fuels, they try to convince us we are "deniers" if we don't follow their "doctrine", and while they haven't yet begun to torture and kill, it hasn't stopped those that "believe" those scientists from calling for drastic punishment to the "deniers." Lastly, those scientists and political leaders that follow, constantly say that the "science" is settled, without acknowledging that more scientists disagree than agree with the believers of global warming and man's contribution to it.

Faith in science isn't faith in man. Science is correct whether man believes it or not. The beauty in science is when facts change, evidence evolves, and answers reveal truths, the scientific individual can change his stance to reflect the understood truths found.

I was under the impression that science was to begin with a hypothesis, followed up with a theorem to be proven, and once proven to then call it a "law." Today, "politically correct" scientists want to offer up consensus as a form of deciding whether something is true. This is especially true with the global warming debate. I know that the humanists try to debunk religion by saying that evolution is "fact," but they always seem to fall short of calling it a scientific LAW.

Last but not least, I missed "quoting" the comment about the Quran building on the Bible, which built upon the Torah. With regards to that, I disagree. Text within the Bible and the Torah have consistencies, which the Quran does not with either. Primarily, Mohamed was the author of the Quran and claimed that Allah actually moved his hand for the writing. While Mohamed did offer some "respect" to the Bible and Torah, the only common thread between them all is that Abraham is the patriarch to which all three religions have a tie.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Yeah, the politicians really drag the climate change theories through the ringer, but surely most can appreciate a man who stands by a conviction he cannot prove.

EZB has contributed the most to this thread. .0311 comes close with ersatzism. But this^^^^ DEMANDS honorable mention. It has a nice beat and you can dance to it.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Yes, people who have atheistic beliefs, those people who put man and mans accomplishments ahead of all else, have done plenty of that.

Me thinks that you haven't got the slightest idea about atheists and their beliefs. Which atheists have committed acts of terror in the name of science? Which atheists have denied civil liberties to others in the name of science? Which atheists have started wars in the name of science? Which atheists have tortured and killed others who denied science?


Jan 8, 2013
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I've never been a smile feel good Jesus Loves You Christian. I've always felt God was an austere, taciturn diety,and that Jesus was his obedient Son. As far as I know, Jesus was the last of the Gods, coming rather late. But he was the Son of the Most Powerful. None of the others have had staying power. I don't deny being a pick and choose Christian. I choose to go by the Red Letter quotes. When I used to go to Church, mainly on account of my children, I felt annoyed by the prayers that seemed to go on forever, repetetive in nature, asking for favors. Jesus said not to do that. Not to let people see you pray. When I'd bring this point up to preachers, they'ed point out that He prayed openly. But in my skewered line of thinking, Jesus was a God and could do as he pleased. The preachers would say, "Well, that's what He said, but what He really meant was..." Another point of contention I had, and still do is that they say Jesus was scourged by soldiers. My King James says Pilate scourged Him.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2011
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surely most can appreciate a man who stands by a conviction he cannot prove.
I'd see such a person as stubborn, foolhardy, and close-minded.

Which is the difference between science and faith. Science is about creating a hypothesis, testing it, analyzing the results objectively, then revising your hypothesis based on reality. Tests have to be repeatable and the results have to allow accurate predictions to be made.

Faith is the opposite, it starts with a conclusion and looks for evidence to support it, often discarding evidence to the contrary. It doesn't seek to learn and predict, but to validate and indoctrinate.

I'm more scientifically and logically minded, I question things. So no, I do not personally appreciate such a man. I'm sure others do though.

I was under the impression that science was to begin with a hypothesis, followed up with a theorem to be proven, and once proven to then call it a "law." Today, "politically correct" scientists want to offer up consensus as a form of deciding whether something is true. This is especially true with the global warming debate. I know that the humanists try to debunk religion by saying that evolution is "fact," but they always seem to fall short of calling it a scientific LAW.
No, not at all. Law, fact, and theory are not hierarchically placed. It's not law > fact > theory. Laws are boring, often equations, and aren't always correct but remain as laws. Theories seek to explain and predict information and in their current form, have absolutely nothing to disprove them and all evidence on-topic points toward them being correct. If there was something to disprove them, they either would have to change or be considered obsolete. Evolution itself is a fact because it is observed that species change. Evolution via natural selection will always be a theory because we don't have a time machine, but it remains true that the theory of natural selection is constantly supported by new discoveries and is never shown to be wrong in its current form. Facts, as you may have guessed, are just things that are observed. Theories are the most complex of the three and just as "true" as facts.

You need to read up more on the scientific definition for those words. Because they're different than standard English, it causes many confusions, primarily with the phrase "evolution is only a theory" which makes at least two errors as discussed previously.

Last but not least, I missed "quoting" the comment about the Quran building on the Bible, which built upon the Torah. With regards to that, I disagree. Text within the Bible and the Torah have consistencies, which the Quran does not with either. Primarily, Mohamed was the author of the Quran and claimed that Allah actually moved his hand for the writing. While Mohamed did offer some "respect" to the Bible and Torah, the only common thread between them all is that Abraham is the patriarch to which all three religions have a tie.

If the Bible did not exist, the Qu'ran would not exist. If the Torah did not exist, the Bible would not exist. The Qu'ran specifically mentions Jesus (Isa), Mary, etc. If Jesus was proven to not exist, that would mean that God, via Mohammed, is not all knowing, which would wreck Islam. Or alternatively, that Mohammed was NOT in fact writing God's words, which would be much the same thing. Or you could say that God knowingly lied to Mohammed. But if God would lie on that account, what else can you trust to be true in the Qu'ran?
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