Anyone have experience indexing a business on the web?

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Special Hen
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Here are some basic passive SEO tips that will get you started. Anything more requires actions that might as well be a full time job by pushing users to your site, increasing linkbacks, generating new daily content, ect. Won't get into the details for that, but will cover passive things you can do to your website.

The first thing you should do is to make sure you <title> is straight forward and accurately describes what your site/business is about. This is a good area to include your location.

Second, you want to add meta data that also accurately describes your site and tells search engines more about what your site is about. Place these tags in the meta section of your header after the <title>. For example, here's a copy and paste of the meta data on my portfolio site that I just pushed online under a different domain name and am in the process of getting my site indexed.

<meta content="John Doe is a creative designer and art director who does freelance work in print, web, mobile, front-end development and interface design." name="description">
<meta content="John Doe, iphone design, android design, mobile design, interface design, user experience, oklahoma, oklahoma city, web design, freelance, consultant" name="keywords">
<meta content="Blog and Design Portfolio" name="classification">
<meta content="2011 - John Doe" name="copyright">
<meta content="John Doe" name="author">

Third, be sure you use the proper heading tags in your content. <h1> tags are very important. Your website name/logo should be in an <h1> tag. <h1> tags should be used for important headers for content in your site, as well.

Forth, be sure you have descriptive urls for your subpages. You want URLs for your secondary pages to be like "" or". What you don't want is: ""

Fifth, providing search engines with a sitemap speeds their crawlers into indexing your site.

Besides, the steps provided above, the rest relies on SEO magic, ninja trickery, and good old fashioned herding of sheep to your site and having some of that sheep to link back or talk about your site from their sites, facebook, twitter, ect.

Hope this helps. That's a free basic SEO consultation normally worth about $250/hr :D

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