Apology to All of You

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Special Hen
Sep 22, 2011
Reaction score
You continue to earn my respect with posts like this.

As for the others things you may have said, I've never taken them personally. Despite our differences of opinions on this forum, we are bound, all of us, by a shared love of liberty. We truly are a community. I know that from the way I've seen us join together to help others, and I'm proud to be here.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Guys and Gals:

Every day that has passed since last week's horrible Friday, has been like a wind blowing the fog from my eyes. I have seen the way the Democratic Party has pounced on this tragedy and attempted to manipulate our national sense of grief into an agenda that would have a significant impact on curtailing our rights as Americans. I have also watched how the Republican Party and the NRA has waited to make a response. They have treated this horror with dignity and respect for the families of the victims precisely by NOT attempting to play on the anxiety, grief and sheer disgust we all feel.

In the past, I have mocked and scorned people for the positions they have taken here. I was WRONG. I watch the outpouring of love and genuine concern from the conservative community and I have seen the ridicule and blame pouring out from the other side. I can't be a part of that.

Again, I am a social liberal, and I am sure the Republican Party will piss me off, but I have seen the true faces of the liberal movement and it has enraged me. I am an American. I love this country. I love what it stands for. I love the fact that with hard work and effort, a poor kid like me from a broken home and a small town can become successful. I know this privilige was bought and paid for by the sacrifice and blood of the generations who came before me. I know it is maintained by the sacrifice and blood of those people who serve and protect our nation currently.

I am an American. That makes me a part of a special people. A people free to move about the nation. A people free to pursue their dreams. "The gun" has been the instrument to safeguard and ensure that freedom. I will not be part of a group that seeks to rob me of my ability to protect myself, my family, my friends and my country. I will not be a part of a group who mocks patriots who love this great nation. I will not be part of a group who simply wants to take the easy way out and who have traded their moral duty to face the hard questions of life for the warm fuzzy feeling of blindly following the easy way in life. Americans don't do that. When hard times come, we step up and are counted, often at great personal cost.

This will be my last post about this. It's just that I am ASHAMED of the way I have treated some of you. I hope you will find it possible to forgive me. I was dead wrong and I promise you all that I will do my absolute best to rectify my mistake.

I'm taking this as a sign te Myan/Zombie Apocolypse will in fact happen tomorrow.

Fatboy Joe

Special Hen
Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
Stand up post, I don't know that you had to do it though (except for personal relief.) If someone gets offended on an internet message board they need to take a good hard look at themselves.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
JB I'm truly touched. Not as much as I'm touched by purplehaze, but that's a different kind of touched. :lookaroun

Anyway... I digress.

I'm with you on your mindset. As a registered Republican, I have come to the belief with this recent election that the only way to save our party and the country from complete loss of our most important rights is to transform it from within to be the Constitutional Party and to accept with open arms the incredible amount of libertarian leaning people who may have different views on social issues than the supposed base of the Republican party that has driven our candidates of late.

Mind you, I am still firmly personally against many of the issues that drive the politics, but I have decided to step back and look at what our founders would have said and whether or not the government has, or should have, the authority they have taken and displayed. I want a smaller government, one that is fiscally conservative & protects the tenants of the Constitution more than anything else.

Oh, and don't be ashamed or apologize too much... none of us took you seriously anyway lol :D


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 17, 2005
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Guys and Gals:

Every day that has passed since last week's horrible Friday, has been like a wind blowing the fog from my eyes. I have seen the way the Democratic Party has pounced on this tragedy and attempted to manipulate our national sense of grief into an agenda that would have a significant impact on curtailing our rights as Americans. I have also watched how the Republican Party and the NRA has waited to make a response. They have treated this horror with dignity and respect for the families of the victims precisely by NOT attempting to play on the anxiety, grief and sheer disgust we all feel.

In the past, I have mocked and scorned people for the positions they have taken here. I was WRONG. I watch the outpouring of love and genuine concern from the conservative community and I have seen the ridicule and blame pouring out from the other side. I can't be a part of that.

Again, I am a social liberal, and I am sure the Republican Party will piss me off, but I have seen the true faces of the liberal movement and it has enraged me. I am an American. I love this country. I love what it stands for. I love the fact that with hard work and effort, a poor kid like me from a broken home and a small town can become successful. I know this privilige was bought and paid for by the sacrifice and blood of the generations who came before me. I know it is maintained by the sacrifice and blood of those people who serve and protect our nation currently.

I am an American. That makes me a part of a special people. A people free to move about the nation. A people free to pursue their dreams. "The gun" has been the instrument to safeguard and ensure that freedom. I will not be part of a group that seeks to rob me of my ability to protect myself, my family, my friends and my country. I will not be a part of a group who mocks patriots who love this great nation. I will not be part of a group who simply wants to take the easy way out and who have traded their moral duty to face the hard questions of life for the warm fuzzy feeling of blindly following the easy way in life. Americans don't do that. When hard times come, we step up and are counted, often at great personal cost.

This will be my last post about this. It's just that I am ASHAMED of the way I have treated some of you. I hope you will find it possible to forgive me. I was dead wrong and I promise you all that I will do my absolute best to rectify my mistake.

Unlike all the others that give you a warm and fuzzy pass on things, I will not you puke. I was you and your like that re elected him. If you could not see this coming as soon as the election was over you are a DA. "The only way to make this a socialist country is to disarm the American people" I believe a Hillary quote. That is his goal, we saw it, we knew it but you stood on your big rich horse and mocked the honest people on this board for nothing more than your entertainment. I have read your posts with disgust, holding my thoughts...until now. You sir are a typical hoidi toidi Democrat POS. Just my 2 cents and if I get banned for it so be it.

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