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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
Hopefully I wasn't one of them, but not gonna lie, I've definitely had that reaction before!
If your practice isn't in Mustang or Yukon you are safe! Lol

I forgot until a while ago that there was actually a third fella. He was some place Grumpy found. He thought they were the bees knees. I told him they wouldn't touch me with a 10-foot pole. Did all the intake stuff and then the doctor comes in and listens to my story. When he was done asking questions he asked me if I had any questions. I said "Just one -- am I gonna get a hug before you tell me to be careful and not trip on my way out?" 🤣🤣🤣

He laughed outloud and said "I gotta work on my poker face, huh?" 🤣🤣 I told him I kinda had him at a disadvantage because he was the 3rd chiropractor I had seen since my accident. And I figured WTH 3rd times a charm?? Maybe?? 🤷🤷

He said that if any chiro EVER told me they could help me I needed to RUN because the way my fractures were laying and the bulging I had I was one bad bump away from losing function in at least 2 of the places I had breaks. AND, if nobody else had mentioned it, I might want to consider never, ever, ever even sitting on a motorcycle, muchless firing one up and riding off into the sunset. 😭😭😭

He was a REALLY sweet guy. And he did give me some exercises that I STILL do. Because they help. Turned me on to DDPY, too. Said he knew that wasn't what I was looking for but he hoped it would help.

AND he gave me my hug on the way out the door. 😁🤣🤣


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
I like those chiros that talk first, then tell you IF they can possibly help, what they want to do, IF I agree or they can't help. Went to 1 that was convinced he was God's gift and I shouldn't question, just listen and follow.

For those in Lawton area, Dr Lail is fantastic. Every visit, you sit and talk for 10-15 minutes, then he treats. He doesn't schedule WEEKLY, never ending visits.

Plus, he is very 2A and likes talking during the visit.

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