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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I got back today, and we had a really great hunt. Only got the one doe, with a 25 yd shot, but late yesterday afternoon after 14 hours in the stand,(I read an entire James Patterson novel) a massive buck came up the trail, and was sniffing the acorn rage that I had put out to stop any deer coming thru my shooting lane. The wind was calm, but shifting back and forth on occasion. He wasn't a booner, but would certainly make Pope and Young. Really massive in the bases. I was shaking like a leaf, and all he had to to was take two steps to clear a limb that I couldn't reach with my saw. 40 degrees, and the sweat was rolling off of me, and he just stood there looking at the little pile......and he just stood there, and stood there...
Finally turned and walked out of my sight. By that time I needed a paper sack to breathe into for hyperventilation.
I went and talked to my buddy that went with me, and he told me that each morning he had been seeing a sow with 6 little ones in a clearing. He had been seeing lots of does and small bucks where he was at.
After a day and a half on the stand, I was so sore that sitting another half a day in that stand was not going to happen. As the hunt was over at noon today, I managed to crawl up there and spent three hours in a heavy drizzle, without seeing anything. My buddy called me on his cell and said the pig was back. I asked him why he didn't go after it, and he wasn't interested, so I got down and hobbled the 1/4 mile to his area, and spotted the pig. All black, and would weigh about 70 lbs or so. They were feeding on persimmons, and had a nice grassy area that would allow me to slip around them. and get close.
The stalk took about 20 minutes in the drizzle, and I found a gap in the brush. 15 yds away she was broadside to me feeding, but I needed to take one more step to get above the brush, and a bramble caught my foot, and caused a stumble. She looked up, and they were gone in a flash.
So, No antlers, and no bacon, but we ate like kings, and got in a great hunt in an area that neither of had been. The quality pass for taking a doe will allow me to go back next year to hunt the same area, and at the same time.
They have two biologist on staff there, and with their recommendations, they set up some rules for the hunters. Each year its different to get a quality pass to come back without going thru the drawing.
This year they said that IF you stick a doe you get a quality pass, or IF you stick a buck on your first deer that is greater than 112" they will give the hunter an either sex tag for the second deer. If the second is a doe, the hunter gets a quality pass. IF the hunter takes a pig, they will get a quality pass.
The guy that runs the hunt said that taking a pig to get a pass was good last year too, and a guy brought in a tiny piglet that he had ran down and picked up. Tied its legs together and brought it in. He got a quality pass
I donated my doe to the Hunters Feeding the Hungry Program, they had going. She was so old that the two biologist and a couple of game rangers couldn't figure out how old she was.
A bonus for the trip was that I got to stand next to a MOAB. The Mother of All Bombs
They have one set up in front of the Head Quarters building. They won't allow any pics of it, but its HUGE Pity the poor fool that gets one of these dropped on them.

Here is the epitome of a dumb A$$.
There are strict rules that must be followed. For Gods sake its a bomb factory and you are walking around ordinance that is not even in a bunker. Just stacked on a slab.
They give the rules every morning, and your guide gives them again before you leave to go out on a caravan. One of the biggies is that you MUST put out a traffic cone where you want to park your vehicle. From that point, you can walk how ever many thousands of acres you want.
But it never fails. A group gets bored and wants to drive around. With all the video surveillance, and the security guards and the white hat guides for the hunt that have a tag number, and location for your traffic cone parking area, that are driving the areas, they catch people every weekend just driving around looking or road hunting. Out the gate you go, and you are banned from ever coming back. A group from our hunt met that fate. Dummies


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 29, 2008
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Stillwater, OK
Good report Dennis. Some people always have to learn the hard way. Good going on the doe. Wish you could have gotten some pork too. Those big bucks are hard to get. Seems like if they smell any scent, they are gone. I had a big 10 in there last year that came under a tree I tried to hang a stand in and couldn't get to fit, so I moved over about 15 yards and built a ground blind. Wouldn't you know he walked right under the tree and winded where I had been with exactly the results you had....stood for a long time and then turned and walked away...about 2 steps from giving me a broadside. I'm looking forward to hearing some good info from you.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Good report Dennis. Some people always have to learn the hard way. Good going on the doe. Wish you could have gotten some pork too. Those big bucks are hard to get. Seems like if they smell any scent, they are gone. I had a big 10 in there last year that came under a tree I tried to hang a stand in and couldn't get to fit, so I moved over about 15 yards and built a ground blind. Wouldn't you know he walked right under the tree and winded where I had been with exactly the results you had....stood for a long time and then turned and walked away...about 2 steps from giving me a broadside. I'm looking forward to hearing some good info from you.

A blessing for us is that it rained every day or there was a drizzle, so in my way of thinking scent was not an issue. The biggun knew there were acorns in the area as I was in an oak tree, with persimmons all around, but since the acorn rage feed is processed with extra fat and protien it just didn't smell the same. I'm thinking that somebody could grind up some regular acorns, put them in a mesh bag, suspend it from a tree or bush, and make a good attractant.
I had several forked horns, and so on stop, and take a few bites, and even had one bobcat nibble on it, as I suspect from the added fat. It a good product, but the biggun was just cautious enough to walk away. I hate it when that happens, but then again it gives me respect for the big bucks and their instincts to stay alive.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Sounds like you had a great hunt. Doe on the ground, up close encounters with other deer and hogs, time spent with friends in the wild, and a trip back next year...... Congrats on the successful hunt.

Any deer with a traditional bow shooting instictive is a trophy in my books.


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May 10, 2007
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Bixby, OK
What section did you hunt? I am hunting this weekend in the Boggy area. If anyone has any experience with the Boggy area, please let me know anything you think would help. Thanks


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2008
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Dennis - Way to go! MCAAP is a great place. You and I were there at the same time. That rain on Friday morning would have been miserable, so Im slept in till @ 9:00 a.m. Had brunch and then headed out ... really didn't go out till around 2:00 p.m.

Got real lucky when there very first deer that comes within sight (2:40 p.m.)is this buck. There was a 3 pointer with him and I actually watched the little fellow for 20 minutes, sometimes as close as ~ 12 feet ... he even was looking righht at me then around me and my blind.

My friend Frankie did not find the buck, but we knew I needed to get a doe for a quality pass. We set up again and wait while the three pointer is still milling about the area eating persimmon and other green grasses. Somewhere around 4:00 p.m. victum #2 enters the picture. The Ten Point crossbow with Rage 3 blade cuts right through this deer, too.

We are blessed to have a facility like MCAAP and the state and fed guys who work there not to mention the White Hats. Everyone is so helpful and friendly. You saw how much it rained. It was not easy for me and my lectric wheelchair to get a good place to hun, but they were determined to get me a deer and they got me two deer.

The buck was 8.5 years old, field dressed at 115 lbs, 10 points, 136" gross and 128 net. 19" inside width.

I'll be on the look out for you next year.

Take care and good luck,
Tim / Dreaming Man


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Dennis - Way to go! MCAAP is a great place. You and I were there at the same time. That rain on Friday morning would have been miserable, so Im slept in till @ 9:00 a.m. Had brunch and then headed out ... really didn't go out till around 2:00 p.m.

Got real lucky when there very first deer that comes within sight (2:40 p.m.)is this buck. There was a 3 pointer with him and I actually watched the little fellow for 20 minutes, sometimes as close as ~ 12 feet ... he even was looking righht at me then around me and my blind.

My friend Frankie did not find the buck, but we knew I needed to get a doe for a quality pass. We set up again and wait while the three pointer is still milling about the area eating persimmon and other green grasses. Somewhere around 4:00 p.m. victum #2 enters the picture. The Ten Point crossbow with Rage 3 blade cuts right through this deer, too.

We are blessed to have a facility like MCAAP and the state and fed guys who work there not to mention the White Hats. Everyone is so helpful and friendly. You saw how much it rained. It was not easy for me and my lectric wheelchair to get a good place to hun, but they were determined to get me a deer and they got me two deer.

The buck was 8.5 years old, field dressed at 115 lbs, 10 points, 136" gross and 128 net. 19" inside width.

I'll be on the look out for you next year.

Take care and good luck,
Tim / Dreaming Man

Way to go! I showed the pics of the rig on your chair for shooting your crossbow to my son. He isn't interested in hunting, but we can adapt the design to hold a fishing rod. I'll look forward to visiting with you on the forum, and see you back there next year, same time, same place:D
Maybe we won't get quite as much rain:wink2:


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Jun 13, 2005
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