's Parents want change.

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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Got this email today. And if this one doesn't suit you, there's several pages of them here.✓&q=trayvon

Justice for our son Trayvon: 'Stand Your Ground' laws must be reviewed.

Sign Tracy and Sybrina's Petition

Last year, our son Trayvon Martin was stalked, chased down and killed by George Zimmerman, and Zimmerman received no punishment whatsoever. That's in large part because Florida is one of at least 21 states with some form of 'Stand Your Ground' law which enables people like George Zimmerman to claim self-defense.

'Stand Your Ground' was never meant to give aggressors the opportunity to get away with murder, but that is what happened when our son Trayvon was killed. After Trayvon's death, law enforcement used the law as an excuse to refuse to arrest George Zimmerman. Even worse, the jury in the case was instructed to think of what Zimmerman did as self-defense, even though Zimmerman ignored instructions from the police and instigated conflict with our son, who was just trying to get home to his father.

We are shocked and heartbroken by the jury’s decision to allow our son’s killer to go free. Despite our despair, we must honor Trayvon’s legacy by doing all that we can to protect other young people from being targeted, pursued, and senselessly murdered.

We started a petition on calling on 21 governors whose states have some form of 'Stand Your Ground' laws to review those laws and amend them so that people who instigate conflicts -- people like George Zimmerman -- won't be able to use these laws to get away with murder.

We are not the only ones calling for 'Stand Your Ground' laws to be reviewed. President Obama spoke out on the need for review, and prominent Republicans like Senator John McCain have joined him. This is not a Democrat or Republican issue, it’s not ‘black’ or ‘white’ issue, it’s a wrong and right issue.

This is a matter of making sure that no other family will ever have to go through what we have been through. No parents should ever have to know what it feels like to watch your child's killer walk free.

Our hearts broke on the night of February 26, 2012 when George Zimmerman killed our son -- and we were stunned and devastated when the police refused to arrest Zimmerman. We petitioned for Zimmerman's arrest on, and after more than 2 million people joined our call, Zimmerman was charged with our son's murder. We felt so much closer to justice for Trayvon, and so grateful for the support of those who signed our petition.

But on July 13, 2013, our hearts broke again when the jury set Zimmerman free. Our hearts broke because it is so hard to accept that we can't protect Trayvon anymore. But we can fight to make sure that this never happens again.

Please sign our petition calling for a thorough review of all 'Stand Your Ground' laws to prevent killers like George Zimmerman from going free.

We want to say thank you to all of you who have stood up for our son. Because of all your efforts, Trayvon’s life is celebrated all over the world. Please continue to stand with us as we fight to ensure that his legacy is to leave behind a safer and more peaceful world for all our sons and daughters.

Thank you,
Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Is there a comment section on the petition request?

I can't get the entire link to load. Its probably my slow internet connection. I have a lot to comment on.

Edit, It finally came up.

Classic anti gun retoric always starts with "I own a gun".....

As a survivor of a home invasion, a knife attack, an armed robbery at gunpoint, three burglaries, and domestic violence, I have been able to defend myself without ever firing my gun at anyone. I am a petite, white-female, and a gun owner who has been around guns my entire life. I am sick and tired of gun owners blaming the government for their decision to own/carry a gun by claiming second amendment rights. It is our choice as Americans to own or carry a firearm, and with that choice comes great responsibility, considering that a firearm gives you the ability to kill a human being with the tug of one finger. The government doesn't force anyone to own a firearm. Not every sticky situation requires a bullet to neutralize a threat. Just because a person can come up with a few hundred dollars to buy a gun doesn't give that gun owner the right to play judge, jury, executioner and God with their gun. A responsible gun owner is humbled by their gun and would never allow their gun to embolden them to do anything they would not ordinarily do, as Zimmerman did in this case when disregarded his training as a neighborhood watch person by getting out of his vehicle and pursuing a teenager with his gun, and also failing to identify himself as neighborhood watch. He pursued a teenager that, according to Zimmerman's defense team, Zimmerman knew he had no physical ability to defend himself against without his firearm, although he out-weighed Trayvon by almost 50 lbs and supposedly was strong enough to pull 4 people out from under a vehicle that had flipped over shortly after his acquittal, and a teenager who was clearly afraid of him and his stalking behavior. Instead of calling the government on a teenager for allegedly walking slow in the rain, we would have all been better off if he would have called a psychiatrist about his paranoia problem. Further, gun owners with a CWP should be required by law to also carry a non-lethal weapon to use against an unarmed person in order to neutralize a threat. It is a shame that so many gun owners are so irresponsible when it should be common sense to also carry a non-lethal weapon along with their lethal weapon. It appears that many gun owners just want an excuse to kill somebody, and it makes me sick. Changing the Stand Your Ground laws across the country is a good start, but not nearly good enough. Especially not good enough for the children across this country....


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I actually signed up to a few years ago. I get their email requests and such, and also request all the "free" stickers for O at election time. Why not let them spend a few extra shekels on me, says I.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
I actually signed up to a few years ago. I get their email requests and such, and also request all the "free" stickers for O at election time. Why not let them spend a few extra shekels on me, says I.

A-ha. I'm keeping an eye on you, Ted. The ADL is too, and may be you shortly.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
This is just the beginning, Obama & company found a better deal to use than Sandy Hook. Anyone else notice not a single word about Sandy Hook in quite a while, Zimmerman & attacking self defense laws was too good a bus to pass up.


Special Hen
Apr 23, 2010
Reaction score
Wanna be cop v. wanna be gangster. Punk lost. His parents can look in the mirror and see the problem. They no doubt thought his gangster hoodie was cute. F...-em.

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