Cop Refuses to Work at Gay Pride Parade in Utah

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Special Hen
Mar 16, 2006
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Del City, Oklahoma
Maybe a little insight on why he refused.

SAN DIEGO, California, January 28, 2011 ( - Four California firefighters forced to participate in a gay pride parade in July 2007 are victorious after the California Supreme Court this week refused to hear the city’s petition to review an appellate court decision last year.

The four men, led by Fire Capt. John Ghiotto of the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, filed the suit against the city of San Diego for sexual harassment a month after a battalion chief directly ordered them to ride a fire engine in a lewd parade through the city streets. The men endured verbal abuse and come-ons, as well as overtly sexual gestures from the crowd.

“You could not even look at the crowd without getting some type of sexual gesture,” stated the original complaint, which noted that Christian protesters reviled them for joining the parade. Had the men refused, Ghiotto noted, the men risked being immediately suspended and stripped of any chance of promotion.

“As a supervisor I felt disgusted and embarrassed, that I had to subject my crew to this type of behavior.”

An initial trial ended in a hung jury in September 2008, before a jury sided with the firefighters the following February. After the San Diego attorney’s office appealed, the firefighters won again in October of last year, when the California Court of Appeal for the Fourth Appellate District issued a ruling strongly in their favor.

Charles LiMandri, the general counsel for the California branch of the National Organization for Marriage who represented the firefighters, told that his clients were “delighted” with the outcome.

“It’s an important case because it shows that if Christian or people of faith generally are willing to stand up for their religious beliefs, and refuse to be bullied by secular agendas, that they do have rights that can and should be enforced in court,” said LiMandri. “In this case those rights were upheld.”

LiMandri said that it also “sends a strong message to people about what these gay pride parades are really like.”


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2006
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Del City, Oklahoma
And another article....a little bit more graphic.

Chief Tracy Jarman, an open lesbian, admitted that her homosexuality has never been an issue at the San Diego Fire Department and she has never seen any gay-related trouble. She couldn't leave it at that, though, in 2007 when it came to an upcoming gay-pride parade. She called it a "fun event" in which "all employees are encouraged to participate."

Four firefighters (John Ghiotto, Jason Hewitt, Alex Kane, and Chad Allison) said they were more than "encouraged," they were ordered into uniform to participate in the parade in their fire truck. Rather than disobey a direct order, they, as traditional family men, became part of the parade. Despite their repeated protests, there was no opportunity for them to opt out.

Attorney Brian Rooney stated:

“"Obviously the environment at the department has changed for the worse since Jarman has been appointed Fire Chief. 'Participation' should be a voluntary act-these four firefighters had no choice in the matter and that is wrong no matter what one's sexual orientation." ”

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center commented:

“"These firefighters dedicated their lives to save the lives of others. They did not sign on to become unwilling props to a controversial political and social agenda."

“"This is another example of how radical homosexual activists in positions of authority force their agenda on unwilling citizens. Although the local media avoided mentioning the debauchery and the obscenity that pervaded the parade, the general public should know what went on and how these firefighters were forced to participate against their will."”

The SDFD firefighters claim the event also featured displays of graphic images and behavior.

“"You could not even look at the crowd without getting some type of sexual gesture."

“"If any crew member were to hang up pictures at the station of what we saw, we would be disciplined." Source ”

The Firefighters Sue San Diego

The firefighters filed suit against the city in 2009 and won, but San Diego appealed the jury's verdict "even though it has adopted a volunteer participation system. But under that new policy, if there are not enough volunteers, the city will force them to participate."

Prior to the parade, the San Diego City Council adopted a resolution to designate July as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month."

Sexual Gestures and Obscenities

According to ADF attorney Joe Infranco the barrage of sexual taunts and lewd gestures the firefighters endured is difficult to describe in polite company.

"They were subject for three hours to hundreds and hundreds of lewd gestures [and] cat calls. They saw people gyrating and pantomiming sex acts, and wearing [sexually graphic] outfits and engaging in behavior...that would be embarrassing to discuss."”

Over the course of three hours, they heard statements such as, "show me your hose," "you can put out my fire," "you're making me hot," "give me mouth-to-mouth," "you look hungry, why don't you have a twinkie (from a man wearing a "Girth and Mirth" t-shirt)," and "blow my hose."

These unwanted lewd statements are not acceptable at any event. Gay pride provides no exception.

According to Attorney Brian Rooney:

“"This event panders to the most base elements of what is advertised as 'America's Finest City.' Even the homosexual community should be outraged and ashamed of the sexual harassment these firemen were forced to endure." ”

Charles LiMandri, the West Coast director of the Thomas More Law Center said "the firefighters were targets of sexual gestures, including exposure of genitals, blowing kisses, grabbing of the crotch, rubbing of nipples, tongue gestures and men hugging and kissing one another passionately – many wearing make-up and dressed like women."

When the firemen refused to respond to the crowd, some in the crowd turned hostile and started shouting, "F--- you firemen" and others began "flipping them off."

Result of Appeal - Court Sides with Firefighters

Last month, an appellate court panel of three judges upheld the jury verdict of 2009. They awarded damages to the firefighters and attorneys' fees for the costs of the litigation.

LiMandri commented that government "employees should never be forced to participate in events or acts that violate their sincerely held beliefs. The jury saw this, and the court wisely upheld that ruling....This was a clear case of sexual harassment in violation of state and federal law as well as the City's own code of conduct....This is a clear violation of their constitutional rights, and the city must be held accountable. It should never happen again to any city employee."

Joseph Infranco responded:

““We hope this ruling will end the city’s attempts to defend its act of compelling people to participate in sexually-charged events against their moral and personal convictions. If not, we are prepared to defend the firefighters all the way to the California Supreme Court.” ”

"Local papers reporting on the parade made no mention of the lewd and offensive behavior that characterized the parade."

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Firefighters being assigned to participate in a parade is a little different than a police officer being assigned to crowd/traffic control at a parade.

I agree, the parades are stupid, but when a cop signs onto the force they become public servants....


Aug 18, 2012
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Keeping the peace during a parade isn't the same thing as being forced to participate in a parade. I agree with the firefighters but I think the cop is out of line.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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RKM, that kind of behavior is VERY common with almost any gay event. Not so much lesbian but the men can be worse then a bunch of construction workers at a strip club.

I worked as a bouncer at strips clubs back in the late 70s and early 80s. I had to threaten bodily harm to many before they would leave me alone. It got so bad with one that I had his arm through a cast iron railing telling him just how many breaks he would get in his arm before he would back off.


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2006
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Del City, Oklahoma
Firefighters being assigned to participate in a parade is a little different than a police officer being assigned to crowd/traffic control at a parade.

I agree, the parades are stupid, but when a cop signs onto the force they become public servants....

No difference. Both are public servants. The gay parades are foul and obscene. Obviously the homosexuals participating in the parade cannot control themselves in a civilized or dignified manner. If they were to act that way other than in gay parade they would be arrested for indecency or sexual harassement. Most would think someone dressed as a cop as a Village People impersonator.
What would a cop do at one of those parades if he (or she) witnessed something immoral that is against the law? Do the homosexuals get a free pass because it's "their" parade?


Aug 18, 2012
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No difference. Both are public servants. The gay parades are foul and obscene. Obviously the homosexuals participating in the parade cannot control themselves in a civilized or dignified manner. If they were to act that way other than in gay parade they would be arrested for indecency or sexual harassement. Most would think someone dressed as a cop as a Village People impersonator.
What would a cop do at one of those parades if he (or she) witnessed something immoral that is against the law? Do the homosexuals get a free pass because it's "their" parade?
A police officer does not get to choose who he protects based on whether he agrees with what they're doing or not. It really is as simple as that. So yes there is a difference you just are not seeing it apparently. I personally think the gay parade are despicable however they are legal and anytime you have a parade or other event that attracts large numbers of people you have to have the police on site to keep order. No valid argument can be made stating that keeping order at a public event is the same as being forced to participate and said event.
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