Corona Virus- Panic Buying

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Michael Armstrong

Special Hen
Mar 21, 2017
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I've never seen one media report that shows that ONLY the elderly are at risk? I still don't understand. You've got one kid on the vent...... again... 125 kids have died this year from the FLU. Where was your hysteria then?
The two are not comparable. This thing has a serious complication rate of 15 percent. 20x deadlier than the flu. When heath care is overrun 50x. R0 as high as 6.7 where as the flu 1. We are seeing cases double only in a matter of days. These are only known cases as we can not test each individual. Spreads asymptomatically. The cruise ship infections suggest both droplet and aerosol transmission. Long incubation period. No natural immunity or vaccine available. Testing often results in false negatives. 5% of cases require intensive care.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I've never seen one media report that shows that ONLY the elderly are at risk? I still don't understand. You've got one kid on the vent...... again... 125 kids have died this year from the FLU. Where was your hysteria then?

Wonder if this particular patient vapes?


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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That's the problem... we don't know. The numbers aren't accurate and the panic is ridiculous, so you really can't rely on ANYTHING other than "WASH YOUR FREAKING HANDS, PEOPLE" as advice. lol
Wash your hands, stay away from people, don't go out to eat. stay out of hotels (dirty), don't meet new friends.

23 minutes ago#105

We’ve evolved
. Nope, Obama evolved...
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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The two are not comparable. This thing has a serious complication rate of 15 percent. 20x deadlier than the flu. When heath care is overrun 50x. R0 as high as 6.7 where as the flu 1. We are seeing cases double only in a matter of days. These are only known cases as we can not test each individual. Spreads asymptomatically. The cruise ship infections suggest both droplet and aerosol transmission. Long incubation period. No natural immunity or vaccine available. Testing often results in false negatives. 5% of cases require intensive care.

It's been repeated several times here that the flu also can spread "asymptomatically." I'm not sure why you boys ignore this?

You are correct in that they are not comparable.

Your stated metrics seem to be a assembly of FUD media reports? Got any references?

To your RO number... You people spreading all this FUD need to stay in your lane. You just don't have the scientific background to relay or spread information, and all you do is spread erroneous or misinformation fueled by the media.

Cannot test every individual? Look at South Korea

The country with the most involved and extensive testing has shown a .6 fatality rate.

False negatives? You literally just said that we couldn't test everyone (although SKorea is trying) yet you somehow think you know concrete information on all the false negatives, or even the false positives for that matter?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Michael and ZH, pay special attention where he talks about the press reporting medical stories. This will fall upon deaf ears I'm sure.

Here's the funny thing..... what happens around here when we have the next mass shooting and the press reports on 2A related statistics.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok

So a 20 year old goes on the vent and we are supposed to lose our minds? What are you trying to relay?

Where is all the mass hysteria from you boys on previous flu seasons? I figure y'all should get worked up about October through April.

Here's what's even more strange about these posts. This particular Coronavirus, for whatever reason, seems to be significantly less deadly to children.

The vast majority of cases in China — 87% — were in people ages 30 to 79, the China Center for Disease Control reported last month based on data from all 72,314 of those diagnosed with Covid-19 as of Feb. 11. That probably reflects something about biology more than lifestyle, such as being in frequent contact with other people. Teens and people in their 20s also encounter many others, at school and work and on public transit, yet they don’t seem to be contracting the disease at significant rates: Only 8.1% of cases were 20-somethings, 1.2% were teens, and 0.9% were 9 or younger. The World Health Organization mission to China found that 78% of the cases reported as of Feb. 20 were in people ages 30 to 69.
The death toll skews old even more strongly. Overall, China CDC found, 2.3% of confirmed cases died. But the fatality rate was 14.8% in people 80 or older, likely reflecting the presence of other diseases, a weaker immune system, or simply worse overall health. By contrast, the fatality rate was 1.3% in 50-somethings, 0.4% in 40-somethings, and 0.2% in people 10 to 39.

The age-related death risk probably reflects the strength, or weakness, of the respiratory system. About half of the 109 Covid-19 patients (ages 22 to 94) treated at Central Hospital of Wuhan, researchers there reported, developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), in which fluid builds up in the small air sacs of the lungs. That restricts how much air the lungs can take in, reducing the oxygen supply to vital organs, sometimes fatally; half of the ARDS patients died, compared to 9% of patients who did not develop the syndrome.

The ARDS patients had an average age of 61, compared to an average age of 49 for those who did not develop ARDS. Elderly patients “were more likely to develop ARDS,” the researchers wrote, suggesting how age can make Covid-19 more severe and even fatal: age increases the risk that the respiratory system will basically shut down under viral assault.

Youth, in contrast, seems to be protective. The WHO mission reported a relatively low incidence in people under 18, who made up only 2.4% of all reported cases. In fact, through mid-January, zero children in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, had contracted Covid-19. It’s not clear whether that’s because children do not show signs of illness even if infected.

Read a whole lot more here:


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2015
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Lincoln county
I tried to do my part to help keep this stuff from spreading. Was at my heart doctor's appointment. There was a man reading one of the magazines sitting across the room from me. He started to hack up a lung and was using the magazine as a shield then closed the magazine and put it back up. Yuck! I told one of the ladies working in there and she immediately went and confiscated the mag and kinda chewed the dude out. I recommended to my doctor that they get rid of all the magazines in the office and exam rooms until this is under some kind of control. He said he would look into that immediately!
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
That this is deadly to young as well as old, doesnt matter what you feel.

This is not a ****ing flu. The flu doesnt put 20 year olds on ventilators.....for real.

Did that 20 something have underlying health issues? One case doesn’t constitute a death sentence for everyone that contracts it.

Teens and people in their 20s also encounter many others, at school and work and on public transit, yet they don’t seem to be contracting the disease at significant rates: Only 8.1% of cases were 20-somethings, 1.2% were teens, and 0.9% were 9 or younger. The World Health Organization mission to China found that 78% of the cases reported as of Feb. 20 were in people ages 30 to 69.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Ive been screaming this since january. It is NOT A FLU for **** sake.

WHO declared global pandemic. I work for a state agency during the daylight hours in IT, we are getting ready to deploy work from home for a majority of those who can by end of week.
Me too, although Im not in IT, I work for a government agency and we have been given an email that stated:

Now that COVID-19 is in Oklahoma it is imperative that employees be proactive in taking steps to limit exposure to the virus. The CDC recommends, and ODOT strongly supports, the following actions to reduce your exposure to COVID-19 and influenza during this cold and flu season:

· If you are sick stay home;

· Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and discard the tissue or sleeve;

· Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (think “Happy Birthday” twice);

· Use hand sanitizer;

· Avoid the touching of your face, nose and eyes; and

· Frequently clean and disinfect common surfaces and objects, for example desks, light switches, doorknobs, computers copiers, etc.

Additionally, through April 30, 2020, ODOT will relax the requirement for a doctor statement to be provided when an employee is sick for three consecutive working days. The CDC is recommending employees call their physician to report their symptoms, prior to an actual physical visit and therefore, a doctor statement may not be available. This arrangement will be reviewed at a future date and may be extended, if needed.

The second priority is the continuance of ODOT’s Mission. Should the need arise the Business Continuity Plan will go into effect and more instructions will be available to you at that time.

If you have questions, please contact your supervisors or the ODOT Human Resources Division.

Thank you.

The bold statement has me wondering?

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