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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Even worse are the people who believe Trump got cheated in the last election....

Right? Everyone knows nothing screwy went on in that election......I mean the FBI makes sure of it..... and they are some of the most upstanding people in the country.....immune to political persuasion.

Sgt Dog

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Dec 6, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Third time's a charm. Real Raw News is satire.
I’m both ticled by the momentary fantasy of it all and horrified by the few who take five pages to realize (and are apparently reassured) their government is still out of control and even reasonable checks continue to leave perpetrators of extraordinary corruption at large.

Sgt Dog

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 6, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Even worse are the people who believe Trump got cheated in the last election....
Election fraud, Count me in!

I believe the election was not won fairly. There are at least two ways it was not a fair election. With a huge question mark that will linger about a third.

First was our press. How can you say an election is fair when a press that rivals the Communist Party media control in China, Russia, or Cuba maintains 24x7 attacks on a outsider-political-figure for four straight years. I mean you could not turn on the TV at any hour of any day without lies, exaggerations or uncharitable interpretations, motives or intent hysterically communicated to the public. Then, in the final weeks - an all out censorship was conducted by both big-tech and the DNCMedia over a damaging story about his rival. Is that the landscape of a fair election? We knew the truth then, and so did they. Enough independents and even Democrats polled show it would have made the difference.

Next was the strategy of mass mail-out ballots that whatever you are told is not the same as absentee ballots. Afterwards we learned of the privately funded drop-boxes. Couple that with countless testimony under threat of perjury of ‘conduct unbecoming’ in precincts within major cities in Battleground States. This may indeed not have been enough to change outcomes but we’ll never really know the full extent for certain. No court cases reached the point of addressing the fraud. And State Committees that entertained witnesses yawned and push forward with certification.

Third, and this is the one we’ll never know about. And that is the machines themselves. I believe two and possibly three forensic experts have shown anomalies that raise considerable questions. Same questions raised by Hillary in 2016. But the most glaring support for this claim comes in the statistical impossibility of results related to turnout, precincts won and lost, total votes per candidates, Biden winning more than Obama, even as Trump increased his totals over his first election, and most improbable, from all but one bellweather district with a sixty year record of successfully predicting results; and all this in the face of the support visible at rallies for the two candidates… from full stadiums to basement fireside mumbling. Preposterous probabilities!

One final note... I watched some of the hearings with legislators telling of their “harrowing” experience while performing their ‘sacred’ duties. Somehow I have less compassion for people in that chamber than shop owners on burning streets. The people in these chambers stood-by all year while others in their sacred body actually encouraged the exact same harrowing experience (AND WORSE) upon the common folk in our cities while they watched their livelihoods burn and in some cases were themselves hospitalized with injury. I’ll never forget seeing an elderly wife try and defend her husband in the doorway of her shop only to be beaten brutally herself. That went on all summer and fall but recall how it magically dissipated as election prospects appeared threatened by America’s mood. You do realize that this implies some culpability for those condoning and especially those encouraging the riotous behavior - but who signaled concern only after riots adversely threatened their elections. It implies they had some control and only exercised it when their interest were at stake.

Until then these Democrats didn’t seem nearly so outraged at violence inflicted on commoners. So finally they got a taste of the toxic environment they tolerated.

Jan 6th wasn’t an insurrection so much as the previous four years full of lies and media campaign were an attempted coup.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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Election fraud, Count me in!

I believe the election was not won fairly. There are at least two ways it was not a fair election. With a huge question mark that will linger about a third.

First was our press. How can you say an election is fair when a press that rivals the Communist Party media control in China, Russia, or Cuba maintains 24x7 attacks on a outsider-political-figure for four straight years. I mean you could not turn on the TV at any hour of any day without lies, exaggerations or uncharitable interpretations, motives or intent hysterically communicated to the public. Then, in the final weeks - an all out censorship was conducted by both big-tech and the DNCMedia over a damaging story about his rival. Is that the landscape of a fair election? We knew the truth then, and so did they. Enough independents and even Democrats polled show it would have made the difference.

Next was the strategy of mass mail-out ballots that whatever you are told is not the same as absentee ballots. Afterwards we learned of the privately funded drop-boxes. Couple that with countless testimony under threat of perjury of ‘conduct unbecoming’ in precincts within major cities in Battleground States. This may indeed not have been enough to change outcomes but we’ll never really know the full extent for certain. No court cases reached the point of addressing the fraud. And State Committees that entertained witnesses yawned and push forward with certification.

Third, and this is the one we’ll never know about. And that is the machines themselves. I believe two and possibly three forensic experts have shown anomalies that raise considerable questions. Same questions raised by Hillary in 2016. But the most glaring support for this claim comes in the statistical impossibility of results related to turnout, precincts won and lost, total votes per candidates, Biden winning more than Obama, even as Trump increased his totals over his first election, and most improbable, from all but one bellweather district with a sixty year record of successfully predicting results; and all this in the face of the support visible at rallies for the two candidates… from full stadiums to basement fireside mumbling. Preposterous probabilities!

One final note... I watched some of the hearings with legislators telling of their “harrowing” experience while performing their ‘sacred’ duties. Somehow I have less compassion for people in that chamber than shop owners on burning streets. The people in these chambers stood-by all year while others in their sacred body actually encouraged the exact same harrowing experience (AND WORSE) upon the common folk in our cities while they watched their livelihoods burn and in some cases were themselves hospitalized with injury. I’ll never forget seeing an elderly wife try and defend her husband in the doorway of her shop only to be beaten brutally herself. That went on all summer and fall but recall how it magically dissipated as election prospects appeared threatened by America’s mood. You do realize that this implies some culpability for those condoning and especially those encouraging the riotous behavior - but who signaled concern only after riots adversely threatened their elections. It implies they had some control and only exercised it when their interest were at stake.

Until then these Democrats didn’t seem nearly so outraged at violence inflicted on commoners. So finally they got a taste of the toxic environment they tolerated.

Jan 6th wasn’t an insurrection so much as the previous four years full of lies and media campaign were an attempted coup.

I agree with your post. I’ve posted along those very lines also. There is no changing Mighty mouse’s opinion. Or he is just trolling. Either way it doesn’t matter. It’s not worth posting a long reply to him on this matter. We all have our own opinions and he has his.

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