Falconry coming to Woodward

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
You hit the nail on the head, Bobwhite numbers around here have plummeted in the past 15 years, mostly because natural burns have ceased and controlled burns don't even touch the number of acres needed.

This is absoulutly correct. You have to manage the land. In the old days lightning strikes took care of the situation. In modern history, when farmers left brushy fence rows cut off corners leaving habitat,and after the dust storms when tree rows were started, created cover for the quail we had a boom when everybody killed limits of quail.
Farming practices have changed now. Fences are taken up, shelter belts are cut down, and there are no more brush corners.

TRUST ME! Farming is almost a no-profit business. It makes no sense to allow any of the habitat solutions when you are trying to make a living for your family, kids going to college, etc. The incentives provide a stable income in up and down years.
Now, the State OWD in cooperation with the feds offer farmers/rancher incentives to leave land, corners and fence rows for the quail. You have to follow their directions, plant these areas in the prefered cover/food and you can get a little money. This can make the difference in losing the family land and making it another year.

FYI I manage several places for upland game and deer. I have never applied for the GOV incentives. Any body that does gets my blessing. I don't because there is just so much money alocated each year. Somebody might get cut out.

Michael Beran

Special Hen
Aug 1, 2009
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Bossier City, Louisiana

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