First Bow Deer

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 9, 2009
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Yukon, OK
Congratulations on the doe! So did the other hunter acknowledge you in any way. Or did yall just have a pretend not to see other guy until you left. LOL

Well, the deer that I shot at in the morning walked right under his stand and followed the trail right under mine. He watched me the whole time I tried to shoot it. I didn't miss it completely. The arrow went in on the deer's side and exited right below that through the belly. So I had gotten down to look for blood and find the deer. It ws pretty late in the morning and he got down too. He told me that he had been hunting in that same spot every year for 20 years. But I hadn't seen him the previous 5 years that I had been hunting there. This was also the first year you could carry your muzzle loader and your bow with you. He tried telling me that I was going to get into trouble for that, since I had both with me. I just told him to call the game warden, but before he do that, he might want to read the new regualtions.

That next morning as me and my friend were carrying my deer out he shot a little buck and had a cart that he was using to wheel his deer out. As he passed us I thought surely he would offer to let us use his cart when he was done.... nope he smiled and kept on truckin!


Special Hen
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Sand Springs, Oklahoma
I only bowhunted when I lived back in West Virginia in the late 70's early 80's. It was a windy day and I walking. The wind was blowing in my face and I was able to walk within 30 yards of a doe. Perfect broadside shot threw both lungs and even found my arrow. Bad thing she went downhill but I got her. I was using an old Bear whitetail hunter compound bow. My next bow was a Bear Polar LTD, I really liked that bow. You older guys probably had one of those way back when.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 9, 2009
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Yukon, OK
Jmiller45 LOL I thought your story was this years.

No it was a 4 or 5 years ago I think. I can't remember for the life of me what year it was. I even went through all of my carcass tags but I can't figure out wich one it is. I believe I had to use my muzzle loader tag but I'm not sure.

Does anyone know what year it was when we could legally carry a bow with us during muzzle loader and gun seasons?

Oh and I was using a Hoyt Raptor with powerflex split limbs. The first thing I ever saved up cash for to buy. I got it when I was in high school. But my first bow, I bought for $40 out of a pawn shop with my dad. I was 11 years old and I told him that I wanted a bow. It was a Bear. I don't know the model but it had the brass pins and no peep sight. I currently have a Bear Instinct. I like it, but I'm not in love with it like I was my Hoyt. I think next year I may have to switch back to a Hoyt!


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 9, 2009
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I shot my first deer for this year today.A 6 point not real big but a good start to some very goooood eating.I shot him about 5|30 this afternoon-used a spitfire broad head put him down in less then 75 yards,I got to see him fall.I used the new check in online was easy to do.Bring on the bacon.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 9, 2009
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You go to the O.D.W. web site the top link is for deer,elk & turkey check in,then follow directions.You will need to know the area you have taken your animal in( O.W.D. provides a map w/area numbers) the map is part of the directions.Believe me if I could do it anybody can do it.I think this is the web add.


Special Hen
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
my first deer with a bow was an 80 pound doe on my uncles property in meeker. it was on the last day that i was going to be able to hunt for the season. i had woken up late that sunday morning, the only day that i wasnt up at 4 AM all season. i was shooting a PSE Typhoon set at 70lbs, easton STepic arrows, and muzzy three blades 100 grains.

there was a heavy snow on the ground for oklahoma standards and it was 9 AM. i was pissed cause i had woken up late, and almost didnt go out cause i just knew it would be a waste of time. but i got up, threw on my warm clothes(forgot my gloves) and took off on the four wheeler to my stand.

i rode in far enough that i didnt have to walk too far to my stand, but far enough away that i wouldnt spook anything that was in the area of my the area. i snuck in as quietly as i could and got in my stand. it was almost 9:30 when i sat down in my stand and that was when i realized i didnt have my gloves, and man was it cold out there.

i had been sitting there for maybe 15 or 20 minutes and i heard a ruckus to my right. i stood up hoping it was deer coming into the area. as i stood up and looked to my right i see one deer way off down the trail. my blood got to pumping and i froze. i am not sure i was even breathing. i watched for it to move and finally it started down the path towards me.

just behind her was 3 more deer and they were all moving towards me. i started trying to pick out the biggest one and trying to figure out what distance they were going to be when they got to me.

the four deer were almost within shooting distance from me and another doe a ways back from them started to blow. again i froze. i turned my head ever so slightly so that i could try to see where that doe was blowing from. she was on the same path and looking right at me about 30 yards behind the 4 that were almost to me.

the other deer started looking around and even looked right at me a couple of times up in my tree stand. they looked at me then back at the doe that was behind them like she was crazy and then started walking again. the first three were facing towards me too much for me to draw so i had to let them pass me before i could. when they got passed me i drew my bow and put my 30 yard pin on the last deer that was crossing through. i let the arrow fly and i knew i hit her but was unsure how good the shot was.

i watched all four of the deer run into the woods, then only three came back out when they doubled back towards the open field in front of me. i thought that i was seeing things and thought i had just missed the last one come out.

i sat there in my stand shaking from adrenaline for about 45 minutes before i got down. i climb down, walk over to where the deer was standing when i shot her and i see an awesome blood spray. i looked for my arrow and i couldnt find it. so i start to track her. i was so tunnel vision that i never looked up from the ground to see that there was an awesome blood trail in the snow until i got about 5 yards from where she was when i shot her. there was a spray of blood on both sides of her tracks that was at least 2 to 3 feet out from where her body would have been. the trail only lasted about 30-35 yards from where i shot her and she was piled up in a thicket just on the edge of the woods from the open field.

i walk over to her, check to make sure she had expired, then i look for where my shot hit her. i honestly could not have made a more perfect shot. it was right where i wanted the arrow to go.

so as i am just about to drag her out of the thicket and start gutting her i look up and see a buck coming right towards me. he cant see me cause i am hidden in the thicket. i cant tell how big he is, just that he had horns. i squatted down to make sure he couldnt see me. when he got closer i could tell he was a small deer and decided that i wasnt going to take him too. so i just stayed squatted down to see what he was going to do.

he walks right up to the edge of the thicket where i was with my deer that i had just shot and started sniffing around. i sat there motionless for about 3 minutes until he started to step into the thicket with me. at that point i didnt want him getting any closer to me, he was only about 10 feet from me. so i stood up and stomped the ground. he didnt much care for that and jumped back and stomped back at me. so i yelled at him and he just starred at me. i thought i was in trouble, but he finally took off running. i could only guess that he could smell the deer that i had just shot and was coming to see where she was. not sure though.

i had hunted hard that whole season, took two with my rifle, two with my muzzle loader, and i had never taken one with my bow. my whole goal for the year was to take one with my bow and i started bow hunting in mid october and i didnt shoot this deer until the beginning of december. i had spent at least 30 days on stand with my bow and i had almost given up on bow hunting. taking a deer with my bow was the most rewarding hunt i had ever been on.

i learned a few things from this hunt. hunting in the snow is awesome. makes tracking a deer much easier. hang a stand in a tree with a little bit of coverage so it is harder for deer to see you. never forget your gloves. and even if you wake up late, get your butt in the woods cause you never know what might happen. there really is no "on time" for deer hunting.

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