Four Legged Friends

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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That ear stickin straight up has made my day. LOL
I'm telling that dog has more personality and intuition than any dozen people I know. Something I've noticed since he's been here -- before @OK Corgi Rancher brought me Snoop when my pain levels were really high I tended to isolate and be a bit ... Ahem, well ... "Short". I have no doubt I took it out on Grumpy sometimes. A lot. Because, God bless him, he NEVER stops talking. Lol

Anyway, Snoop has changed that -- he absolutely will NOT let you be grumpy. He even makes Grumpy laugh. Lol The antics this dog comes up with -- Today when I opened the door to the pantry he went in and sniffed every single square inch of it. Inspected EVERY can on every shelf he could reach. 🤣 And when he was done he looked at me like "Good job, Mom!" bumped me with his nose and went on his merry way. 🤷🤣🤣🤣

The bottom line is he absolutely won't let you focus on the bad. He has some kind of sixth sense and will do whatever he has to get you to play and laugh. And on the days where it's really bad and all I can do is count the time down to my next dose of meds, he will lay next to me on the bed and put his head on my shoulder and make this noise like he's trying to purr. I swear. And it is the most soothing sound on the planet. He really has been what we've needed around here for a very long time. He has SO much love to give -- it just oozes out of every pore on his body. He really is one of a kind. And we ALL adore him -- even Dawg and MissPriss think he's a thang. Haha!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 25, 2023
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Blanchard, OK
This is my "grand dog" not the first Heeler type dog we have had in the family. Definitely high maintenance and high energy.



Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Good luck taming them! The Baby Gatos were raised on a bottle two years ago and are still half feral.🤣
Hey!! I have the touch! The smaller orange and the tortie have both let me pull them out of the pen 3-4 times today and hold and pet them. A little hissing but only when I first reached in. No glove!

The bigger orange tabby let me hold him a bit this evening but he grumbled quite a bit. Now that I've cleaned out their litter tray (again 😳 I forgot how much little babies can pee and poop) and fed them, the 2 oranges are sound asleep and Tortie is sitting on top of the box just hanging out. I'm tickled that the runt of the litter has turned out to be the more outgoing, adventuresome one of the bunch.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
Ok ... Update on the kittens ... The little orange purrs when I get him out now. He (yes, I checked, both the orange guys are fellas and the little tortie is a female) will actually come to me when I open the pen door.

The bigger orange fella is still an *******. But not quite as much as he was yesterday. Lol

The little tortie is a sweetheart. But no purring yet.

They are eating me out of house and home. Additionally, I had forgotten how much baby kittens poop. 😬

Harvey is NOT impressed but at least he's not hissing at them now. They want to engage with him SO bad. It's gonna be cute when he finally decides they are not the enemy. MissPriss knows they are here but she could care less.

Dawg and Snoop want to sniff and play SO bad. That seems like a recipe for disaster right now so No, that ain't happening for a while.

Oh! And a couple of kids in the neighborhood are walking Snoop and Dawg in the mornings. I dunno who is having more fun -- the boys -- 12, 13 years old -- who are now making bank ($10 each/week) or the dogs -- who are worn plumb out when they get back. Lol

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