"Functional" Doctor ...

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Ok enough of you guys posted and PM'd me about your loved ones having some of the same fatigue and autoimmune issues that I'm having that I thought I'd post my experience and advice from this doctor ... If you guys are like me you never stop reading and looking for answers even if the mainstream medical community basically writes you off ...

So ... Without further adieu (is that right?? Or is it adoooo ... Or Ah-doo??) Hell I dunno. I'm an Okie ... Lol

Day 1:

He had me do several pages of questionnaires and take my temp every morning before I got out of bed for a week before I went in today. (I'll look and see what that test was called and how to read the results, and edit my post to include that later).

According to that test, my thyroid is not functioning as it should (hypothyroidism), even though the T3 and T4 tests that traditional doctors run say it is functioning within normal limits, though at the very low end of normal.

Although I have complained to EVERY doctor I've seen for almost a year that I am having pain in my upper right quadrant that is very similar to gallbladder pain (I have no gallbladder) no one has ever checked my blood glucose levels -- I most likely had a "mild" case of pancreatitis as my blood glucose today was high (I was fasting so ... 🤷)

My zinc levels were normal. He was shocked. Lol

He did some kind of pH testing that showed I am "very acidic" and need to eat a certain way to bring my pH levels down a bit. I dunno ... I need to do some more research, that's not my understanding of how pH levels in the body work but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for right now.

He did some other tests that I'm not sure I get right now so we'll talk about those after my next appointment Monday.

It was truly a lot to take in but first things first, he gave me homework. And so I have downloaded Hashimoto's Protocol by Izabella Wertz and started reading it.

All in all I didn't hear any witchcrafty hocus pocus that "real" medical professionals -- i.e. traditionally trained western -- warn you about when they hear "functional" and "doctor" used together, so he gets a cautiously optimistic rating from me for the time being ...

Now let me go find the name of that temp test for y'all ...


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May 15, 2010
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“They” are leaning towards Hashimoto diagnosis with my wife. Her thyroid isn’t working well, lower than normal operating range, they say.

She has extreme fatigue, bouts of forgetfulness, mild depression, lots of headaches, especially afternoons and evenings.

She was already on a couple meds that are typically prescribed for it, so they did not change her medication schedule. But no real, concrete answers or treatment plan as of yet. She is just rolling with punches. I’m proud of her for still working and trying to be a great wife. I feel for her, but have my own issues that limit me as well. We are quite the pair.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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“They” are leaning towards Hashimoto diagnosis with my wife. Her thyroid isn’t working well, lower than normal operating range, they say.

She has extreme fatigue, bouts of forgetfulness, mild depression, lots of headaches, especially afternoons and evenings.

She was already on a couple meds that are typically prescribed for it, so they did not change her medication schedule. But no real, concrete answers or treatment plan as of yet. She is just rolling with punches. I’m proud of her for still working and trying to be a great wife. I feel for her, but have my own issues that limit me as well. We are quite the pair.

Yep. That sounds EXACTLY like me -- since my early 30s. And I was holding my own pretty decently (working, keeping up with the house, the kids, blah blah blah) until the tree fell on me. It appears that THAT was the straw that broke this camel's back. I can only be up and moving a couple of hours and then I crash and burn HARD. Like laying down for a "quick nap" and Grumpy waking me up 5 or 6 hours later just to make sure I haven't died on him ...

I'm only into the third chapter of the book I mentioned above that Dr. Ramsey recommended I read but her thought process is pretty compelling so far. It's a 90-day regimen to treat the thyroid, adrenal dysfunction and correct the gut biome.

I'm definitely gonna follow her advice for the next 90 days -- soon as I finish the book which, if I can stay awake, should be this weekend. I'll keep you posted on how it goes if you'd like.
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Special Hen
Jan 12, 2017
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Tuttle, OK
Yep. That sounds EXACTLY like me -- since my early 30s. And I was holding my own pretty decently (working, keeping up with the house, the kids, blah blah blah) until the tree fell on me. It appears that THAT was the straw that broke this camel's back. I can only be up and moving a couple of hours and then I crash and burn HARD. Like laying down for a "quick nap" and Grumpy waking me up 5 or 6 hours later just to make sure I haven't died on him ...
Never met ya but I sure hope you get this figured out! I can't imagine what you're going through. Can't imagine a tree falling on me either. :)

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