Gun Grabbing Lib Dems Cool Their Heels In CA Because Of CO Recalls

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JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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The Democrats in Oklahoma need to go back to being the party of working people and not the party of every social special interest. They need to realize the "ultra liberal" agenda is never going to fly in Oklahoma. Being the party of the gun grabbers, rather than working people and the Middle Class has not endear the party to everyday Oklahomans.

Of course, when it comes right down to it, both parties are the same. Both stink. It's just that one odor is a little more tolerable than the other.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
They are hardly scared. There no chance that they can be recalled in California. Even if this one didn't pass several other bills did. Including one that forces registration on any weapon fed by a magazine and bans the purchase of new firearms that are box fed. They also past the lead ban on hunting ammo. And a bill that would allow illegals to obtain a driver's license. They've been busy.

I tend to agree with this. Commiefornia really needs to do something about their elections. 3 maybe 4 counties run that entire state. All the other counties put together are outnumbered by just those counties. So the vote of the vast geographical majority of the state isn't worth the ballot it's printed on. It you look at all the OTHER counties they are just about like us in OK. They despise the libards too, at least that was my impression when working there. They need to revamp their elections or split those 4 counties off into their own little commie utopia. And Texas had better be careful, they are the next target. Turn that one Blue and just turn out the lights.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Unfazed by Colorado recalls, California lawmakers press on with gun-control bills

[Among the most controversial bills, Senate Bill374 by state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento -- which would ban all semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines -- passed the Assembly on a 44-31 vote late Tuesday. Then the Assembly voted 41-34 on Wednesday to approve SB567 by state Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara, which would expand the definition of an illegal shotgun...

The Assembly also voted 43-30 Wednesday to agree to Senate amendments to AB48 by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, which would ban conversion kits used to turn legal ammunition magazines into illegal high-capacity magazines.

The only gun-control bill that ran into trouble was SB396 by state Sen. Loni Hancock, D-Berkeley. It would ban possession of all high-capacity ammunition magazines, even those that had been grandfathered in under the 1999 update to California's assault-weapons law. Four votes in, the Assembly fell short, but Hancock and Assemblyman Anthony Rendon, D-South Gate, may call for another vote Thursday.

The Assembly also Wednesday voted 41-27 to pass SB55 by state Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Vacaville, which would expand the list of convicts who can't legally own guns to include those with multiple drug or alcohol convictions, active participants in street gangs and others. The state Senate needs to approve Assembly amendments before the bill goes to Brown's desk...

Already on the governor's desk are measures that would expand the state's safety-certificate requirement from handguns to long guns as well; crack down on "straw purchasers" who buy guns on behalf of those legally prohibited from doing so; tighten exemptions to the law prohibiting the purchase of handguns not tested and deemed safe by the state; and ban use of lead ammunition in hunting. Brown has until Oct. 13 to sign or veto this year's bills.

Bill Whalen, a Hoover Institution research fellow and longtime GOP media consultant and speechwriter, said that unlike the purple nature of many pockets in Colorado, most California districts are either deeply blue -- like in the Bay Area -- or very red. That means most Democrats don't have to worry about a Republican taking their job just for supporting gun-control measures.

"Show me a Democrat that is coming from hunting territory," he said. "You don't have too many members caught in the crossfire."

And because Democrats so strongly dominate the Legislature, they can afford to allow peers from the few "swing" districts to vote against the gun measures if they think it will protect their jobs, Whalen said...]

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