Heightened terror threat, the need to carry

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Special Hen
Jul 7, 2016
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Oklahoma City
Given the takedown of the Iranian terror mastermind (good riddance!) and the ensuing "death to America" frenzy in that bizarre land, plus the shock and outrage by lefties like AOC that any president would actually have the temerity to blow up a mass murderer, it would not be a surprise to see some subsequent homeland outbursts by radical Islamists, including mall shootings, etc. I for one will for the next few months take carrying and preparedness out in public even more seriously. I hope others will do the same.


Special Hen
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
Any thought that this just might be a move by tRump to try to get re-elected ? We all recall how Rumpt claimed that the former president in 2012 would start a war with Iran to win reelection!!!

Anyone doubt what potus says, I do all the time now , lots of claims he has made , lots of falsehoods. Last count I read he was over 15,000 false statements documented made since inauguration . In case you forget we can start with "the largest to see inauguration " yeah right , anyone with eyes can see for themselves. And the voter fraud he was pushing, last i saw tRump hasn't produced the information he said he would, another falsehood ?!

Edit this in, we should all remember the video of Donald on air force one being asked if he knew of moneys payed to quiet the Stormi Daniels affair, pres saying "NO" to the reportes question of if he knew of the money paid ? Well if you don't i recommend you check into what Michael Cohen said and the conversation Cohen had with tRump that Cohen had recorded.

List can go on and on ... if you don't doubt what this president says ... perhaps you should listen closer.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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Any thought that this just might be a move by tRump to try to get re-elected ? We all recall how Rumpt claimed that the former president in 2012 would start a war with Iran to win reelection!!!

Anyone doubt what potus says, I do all the time now , lots of claims he has made , lots of falsehoods. Last count I read he was over 15,000 false statements documented made since inauguration . In case you forget we can start with "the largest to see inauguration " yeah right , anyone with eyes can see for themselves. And the voter fraud he was pushing, last i saw tRump hasn't produced the information he said he would, another falsehood ?!

Edit this in, we should all remember the video of Donald on air force one being asked if he knew of moneys payed to quiet the Stormi Daniels affair, pres saying "NO" to the reportes question of if he knew of the money paid ? Well if you don't i recommend you check into what Michael Cohen said and the conversation Cohen had with tRump that Cohen had recorded.

List can go on and on ... if you don't doubt what this president says ... perhaps you should listen closer.

Holly ****!! You have got to be kidding me!! Politicians lie!! That there is just crazy talk!! I thought for sure Clinton was telling us the Gods honest truth when he said he did not know getting a blowjob was sex!! Man I am just going to have to change my whole out look on politicians!!

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