"House committee votes to release Democrats' Russia memo"

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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
So, anyone laying odds on whether Trump will release the second memo?

Link to the article.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives committee voted unanimously on Monday to approve the release of a classified document that Democrats say will rebut a contentious Republican memo alleging FBI bias against President Donald Trump.

The vote will send the 10-page Democratic memo to the White House as soon as Monday night, giving Trump until Friday to decide whether to allow its release.

If he declines, after approving the release of the Republican memo despite strong objections by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it could set up an angry dispute pitting the White House and many of Trump’s fellow Republicans in Congress against Democrats, law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

A week ago, Republicans, who control a majority on the committee, joined together to block the release of the Democrats’ memo and approve the Republican memo, despite unanimous Democratic opposition.

But Republican committee members said on Monday they were comfortable with releasing the Democratic document now that it had been reviewed by House members.

The Republican memo accused senior FBI and Justice Department officials of not revealing that portions of a dossier used in seeking a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant to eavesdrop on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page were partly paid for by Democrats.

Trump allowed its release to the public last Friday.

Democrats said the Republican memo was intended to undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal probe into possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, and that Trump might try to use it to justify firing Mueller or Rod Rosenstein, the No. 2 official at Justice, who signed off on at least one warrant application for Page.

The dispute, an extraordinary breach between the White House and law enforcement, has also deepened partisan rancor over congressional investigations of Russia and the 2016 U.S. election, prompting concern about lawmakers’ ability to produce unbiased reports.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday showed that nearly three out of four Republicans believed the FBI and Justice Department were trying to undermine Trump, a sharp turn for a party that has historically been a strong backer of law enforcement agencies.


Democrats said their document would help set the record straight.

“We think this will help inform the public of the many distortions and inaccuracies in the majority memo,” Representative Adam Schiff, the committee’s top Democrat, told reporters after the House Intelligence Committee’s business meeting.

He also said Democrats wanted to ensure that the White House would not seek to block all or part of the document, and that any redactions were “fully explained” by the FBI or Justice Department. The agencies have had the Democratic document for days, he said.

“We also want to make sure that the White House doesn’t redact our memo for political purposes and obviously that’s a deep concern,” Schiff said.

Representative Devin Nunes, the committee’s Republican chairman who commissioned the Republican memo, declined comment.

Representative Mike Conaway, a senior committee Republican, said he wanted the Democratic memo released but did not know how he would respond if Trump sought to block it.

House rules could let Democrats request an unusual closed vote in the full House of Representatives on whether to override the president if Trump opposes the memo’s release.

House intelligence is one of three congressional committees looking into the matter, along with Mueller.

Russia denies trying to influence the election.

Trump, who denies collusion between his campaign and Moscow, and has dismissed the Russia probes as a witch hunt, used social media to express his views on the memos.

Trump took to Twitter on Saturday to say the Republican memo vindicated him, and used more tweets on Monday to praise Nunes as a hero and accuse Schiff of leaking “confidential” material. Schiff responded by warning Trump against “tweeting false smears.”

The White House said it was open to releasing the Democratic memo once it goes through a security review.
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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
Wouldn't surprise me if they stuck a bunch of classified stuff in it just so Trump couldn't release it so they could blame him for not doing so.

to point 1) some of the stuff in the GOP memo was classified until it was declassified, i believe. The reason the information is 'classified' is probably more the issue.


2) i'm guessing we'd already being hearing about it since it's been vetted by both the DOJ and the whole of the house (or at least, they had the option to look). So far a lot of GOP lawmakers seem to be on board with it's release.

I'm sure it will muddy the waters for some and be totally dismissed by others. I put no more faith in it being 'unbiased' than i do the Nunes memo


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I put no more faith in it being 'unbiased' than i do the Nunes memo

Definitely agree on it being biased. The weeping and gnashing of teeth by the dims prior to the release of the "GOP" memo proved un-surprisingly to be totally false. I have every belief that the "dim" memo will just pile onto that so I'm all for releasing it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
The Democratic rebuttal to a highly publicized GOP memo alleging government surveillance abuse is filled with sensitive details, a source told Fox News – claiming this was done intentionally to pressure the White House to either block the memo’s release or significantly redact it.

See? I told ya.

Okay it's now time for Trump to call their bet. Release it all with nothing redacted. Then they'll ***** about that and he can pound them for putting the **** in there in the first place. One of these days they'll figure out the rules when playing with Trump. Time to kick 'em in the nads Trump...


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
See? I told ya.

Okay it's now time for Trump to call their bet. Release it all with nothing redacted. Then they'll ***** about that and he can pound them for putting the **** in there in the first place. One of these days they'll figure out the rules when playing with Trump. Time to kick 'em in the nads Trump...

you mean both sides are playing politics and claiming the other is trying to harm national security? i'm shocked! shocked i tell ya!

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