how fast are you?

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Jun 21, 2013
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the old west test of draw speed was to hold your hand outstretched, palm down, at waist height, with a coin on the back of the hand. Let the coin fall, draw and dryfire before the coin can hit the ground. That's about .55 second, and of course, does not include your .20 second reaction time ,nor the hitting of any target at all, with an openly worn pistol. While it takes a bit of doing if you are thumb-cocking an SA revolver, it's nothing special with a modeern handgun.

In the late 70's, after getting involved in IPCS matches, I worked at the fast draw until I could drop the coin from waist height, draw a 1911 from an IWB rig (but no garment concealing the butt of the pistol) and get to an eye level, 2 handed point firing position before the coin hit the deck. :-) With a lot more work, I was able to often(but not always) put the coin on the back of my left hand, hold it at waist height, let it fall as the left hand yanked up the tail of a t shirt, giving access to the pistol, draw and drysnap it before the coin hit the ground. Add in the .20 second reaction time to the "beep" of the electronic shooting timer, and the total is .75 second, to react, make a draw from REALISTIC ccw, and hit the chest at arm's length. Adding in live ammo, however, BETTER slow you down at least a little bit, so say .80 second. I have many times shown guys that I can react to the starting beep, with hands hanging naturally at sides, draw a Commander from iwb, under a shirt tail, and hit the chest at 10 ft, after going to the Weaver firing stance. Can you?

Ernie Linde used to demo his "quick sling roll' method of carrying/shooting a Winchester .351 self-loading rifle. He was right handed, but carried the rifle slung upside down, (mag forward) on his left shoulder. He could hold his left hand outstretched at shoulder height (3/4 second for a coin to fall that far) with a coin on the back of that hand. He'd let the coin fall, grab the forend of the rifle with his left hand, get a "hasty sling" wrap around his left forearm, get the butt to his right shoulder and fire before the coin hit the ground.

Ernie could also point a .22 pumpgun at the ground a bit in front of himself, with the ejection port up,butt of the gun by his hip,. He'd work the action, ejecting the empty casing straight up, you see. He'd then close the bolt, shoulder the rifle and shoot that first empty out of the air. Repeat. :-) Hitting a spinning .22 casing at such distances is equivalent to hitting you in the brain at 20 yds, or in the chest at 50 yds. The time frame is a hair over one second, without the .20 second reaction time seen when you react to the start-beep of a shooting timer. That's some fast and accurate rifle work. If you dont think so, try it sometime. Cheat a bit, having the butt of the rifle on your shoulder, but use an autoloader


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2007
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tilling subprep's cornfield
It all started when our over-heralded star, President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, woke up in a disease-infested jungle. It was the fifth time it had happened. Feeling scarcely exasperated, President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho slapped a ripened avocado, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Suddenly inspired by the wise teachings of Confuscious, he realized that his beloved tampons was missing! Immediately he called his favorite rape victim, Secretary of Energy. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho had known Secretary of Energy for (plus or minus) 200,000 years, the majority of which were eccentric ones. Secretary of Energy was unique. She was plucky though sometimes a little... insensitive. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho called her anyway, for the situation was urgent.

Secretary of Energy picked up to a very unhappy President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Secretary of Energy calmly assured him that most South American hissing sloths turn red before mating, yet man-eating capybaras usually exotically cringe *after* mating. She had no idea what that meant; she was only concerned with distracting President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Why was Secretary of Energy trying to distract President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho? Because she had snuck out from President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho's with the tampons only two days prior. It was a exotic little tampons... how could she resist?

It didn't take long before President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho got back to the subject at hand: his tampons. Secretary of Energy cringed. Reluctantly, Secretary of Energy invited him over, assuring him they'd find the tampons. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho grabbed his refrigerator and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Secretary of Energy realized that she was in trouble. She had to find a place to hide the tampons and she had to do it aimlessly. She figured that if President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho took the neighborhood-terrorizing crotch rocket, she had take at least four minutes before President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would get there. But if he took the Hummer? Then Secretary of Energy would be alarmingly screwed.

Before she could come up with any reasonable ideas, Secretary of Energy was interrupted by seven pestering meer cats that were lured by her tampons. Secretary of Energy belched; 'Not again', she thought. Feeling worried, she recklessly reached for her dull pencil and aggressively hit every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the foxy forest, squealing with discontent. She exhaled with relief. That's when she heard the Hummer rolling up. It was President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 29, 2009
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Bob Mundon, may he rest in peace, would have laughed loud and long at your "Slolthfull attempts at fast draw, as do I as well!


Special Hen
Dec 7, 2007
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So PG, how have the last 40 years affected your reaction time. I see from other posts that your accuracy is still there, which is the most important, but curious how your reaction time is now? I am unsure of your Location, as I am sure you need to keep that silent for security issues. However, if you are around the Tulsa area, I would love to pay your range time, ammo, and any other expenses at 2A Shooting Range to see and learn some pointers. If you are closer to OKC, I would make the same offer and go to H&H. Please let me know the date you are available and I will gladly make arrangements.

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