Is a body cam my best legal protection as a CCW Person?

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Old Truckers Never Die
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Jul 12, 2022
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Sierra Vista, AZ
All I am hearing is a bunch of Ad Hominin attacks meant to discredit the man rather than the argument. Why you decided to "Waste everyone's time" with baseless arguments I am not sure.
If your only argument is calling names please do everyone a favor and refrain from posting until you have something to add to the matter under disscussion.

I remember a shooting in Tulsa years ago (71 YO retired Security officer 41 YO Much more physically fit male charging screaming "I'll end you!" I fthe older man had a video of the younger man's actions could it have made any difference in the legal outcome. The honest answer is maybe.

About whining about my post "Wasting your time, Don't be such a snow flake. Nobody forced you to read any of this. Possibly I acidently used Triggering words or phrases ( Micro agression?)

Let me appologise and say now I never meant to hurt anyones feelings.
In my Opinion, for what it is worth, I see NO PROBLEM with a body cam and a Dash Cam. There is too many crazy people doing illegal things and if you are caught in the middle, these cameras can save your butt. Are in another instance, save another innocent person's well being. I'm all for both. Not looking for trouble when using either one. Just protecting my butt! Good example of he said she said... My dash cam shows not only the Green light, but also my speed (if I want the sped to show up on camera) Cop give you a ticket for running a light. You just save $300 cause the judge will normally rule on the cops word! Been there and done that. Especially driving a 18 wheeler in Calif. Big income for the state.


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Nov 18, 2021
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Somewhere west of Tulsa
In my Opinion, for what it is worth, I see NO PROBLEM with a body cam and a Dash Cam. There is too many crazy people doing illegal things and if you are caught in the middle, these cameras can save your butt. Are in another instance, save another innocent person's well being. I'm all for both. Not looking for trouble when using either one. Just protecting my butt! Good example of he said she said... My dash cam shows not only the Green light, but also my speed (if I want the sped to show up on camera) Cop give you a ticket for running a light. You just save $300 cause the judge will normally rule on the cops word! Been there and done that. Especially driving a 18 wheeler in Calif. Big income for the state.
Apples and Oranges... There is a huge difference between using a dash cam and the video it captures to prove how fast you were going, if you were at fault in an accident or whether or not you ran a light and using a body cam, that may very well not have captured the whole incident and the surrounding area, to defend yourself for using lethal force and possible homicide charges where every small detail of the video will be dissected by attorneys.

Additionally, a dash cam stays in the vehicle and goes relatively unnoticed, the same thing can't be said about a body cam. So, are you really willing to walk around with a body cam attached to you everywhere you go on the remote chance you may have an encounter with some crazy person? Also, unlike dash cams that obtain their power from the vehicle and can basically run continuously, body cams run off of batteries and have to be activated to work. In other words you can't just leave them running all the time or your batteries will die. This means that if you do find yourself in a situation that you want to record you have to remember to activate the body cam while dealing with the situation. Speaking from experience that is much, much easier said than done.
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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Aug 13, 2016
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In my Opinion, for what it is worth, I see NO PROBLEM with a body cam and a Dash Cam. There is too many crazy people doing illegal things and if you are caught in the middle, these cameras can save your butt. Are in another instance, save another innocent person's well being. I'm all for both. Not looking for trouble when using either one. Just protecting my butt! Good example of he said she said... My dash cam shows not only the Green light, but also my speed (if I want the sped to show up on camera) Cop give you a ticket for running a light. You just save $300 cause the judge will normally rule on the cops word! Been there and done that. Especially driving a 18 wheeler in Calif. Big income for the state.
Maybe in Sierra Vista...and a dash cam isn't the same as a body cam in a gunfight, unless of course you're getting in running gun battles on the 10 from SV to S Tucson or something or going Mad Max up 191 to Safford.


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Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Get a body cam, further the degradation of our 4 A Rights. 8 hour loop, nope. The police will take the whole camera / memory card, not just wait for you to hand them a DVD with the highlights. Delete video prior to the incident? You have destroyed evidence. I am not for self imposed 24 hour surveillance all of what you said or did will be part of evidence. Example, when driving to the store you get cut off and utter a string of expletives, the defense will say you were angry at the time of the shooting. Perhaps you went to get a snack late at night after watching "The Purge," or "Die Hard," and had an incident, think of what a progressive DA could do with that.

Tin foil hat stuff, who wants to take the body cam manufacturer's word that the video is not fed to servers and reviewed elsewhere...?


Special Hen
Aug 22, 2012
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Broken Arrow
I’ve thought hard about this and while it could exonerate you, just the smallest inconsistency in your testimony with the video or something that could have done better could be a huge liability to you in the juries eyes.

I sat on a jury early this year. People are right that the prosecution will use the video against you, even if it shows you are in the right. They will go frame by frame and will question to the jury why you did something some way when a “reasonable” person would have done it differently.

You will likely get a jury where less than half of them (probably less that a quarter really) have any understanding of self defense and firearm laws for the state. The prosecutor can use that to their advantage to steer the video to make it more favorable to them. I’ve seen it happen and it really infuriated me.


Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
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Sure. Get one. It’s a free country. It might show some butthole that was trying to start a fight with you.

BUT if your blurred, high adrenaline memory doesn’t match your video footage, you’re screwed. If the footage can be twisted by a prosecutor, you’re screwed. If the judge, jury, prosecutor, or police view your recording of the shooting as an intention effort to record yourself shooting someone for self satisfaction or clout, you’re screwed. If it gets construed that you think you’re a LEO or vigilante, or that you only put on the camera that morning because you were planning on shooting SOMEBODY, you’re screwed.

What I’m seeing is an extra piece of crap to fail, and extra thing to carry around, an extra expense, and something that very obviously broadcasts that you’re armed, or up to no good. It’s pretty much bad all around. In my opinion, you’ll be much better served with a solid understanding of self defense law, cases, and what is expected when you get involved in a self defense shoot.


Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
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In other news.


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Apr 11, 2022
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Hey OP… grow some thicker skin when you’re on here. Guys can be blunt and a bit harsh on here but they mean well usually. Until they get irritated then the more direct rudeness comes out. Try to learn the flow of how things go around here.

Nobody was really attacking you much initially. Most just disagreed with your idea.

I personally wouldn’t be interested in wearing one as a civilian. For many of the same reasons already presented. That being said… at the same time I think some of these guys are overblowing the negatives. Get one and use it if you want, chances are you’ll be fine.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
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Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
If you were forced to shot someone, guess who would hold you trial in the court of public opinion, the one that counts! The lap dog news media would do what they always have done, what ever the boss that pays their salary tells them to do! 100 years ago the black guy was always WRONG, today the WHITE GUY IS!
30 odd year ago a friend was forced to shot and kill two black PUNKS in Florida. They kicked in his RV door, and came in on him his wife and two small grand-kids. This was ruled justifiable, but he was sued by everyone that knew these punks. he won all the law suets over the next few years, but b he was forced to hire lawyers in Florida, he lived in Arkansas, and he told me WINNING cost him over $400,000.00, 30 years ago! LETTING THE PUNKS ROB THEM, IF THAT IS ALL THEY WOULD HAVE DONE, WOULD HAVE BEEN CHEAPER?

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