Memphis cops charged with murder

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Mar 24, 2020
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Lawton, Oklahoma
If it were my kid, I’d expect a lot more numbers to the left. How much do you think their child was worth?
No more or less than anyone else’s child. And we’ve all gone through major tragedies including you and me. Can’t speak for you but somehow I managed to get through them without sticking my hand out like a charity case but rather dealt with life like an adult.


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Nov 9, 2013
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Before all you cop haters get your panties in a twist, I'm not commenting specifically on this incident nor am I condoning the behavior of the officers in this incident.

Why is it that a segment of the black population seems to think they're immune from police contact? I see videos every single day of blacks being contacted by police over very simple infractions that could easily be resolved with a little cooperation. Time after time they yell, scream, run, resist, say they did nothing wrong, fight, etc... The piss poor behavior ALWAYS escalates the situation. Always. The outspoken, racist black leaders in this county seem to have created an attitude and culture among many in the black population that they can do whatever they want and they're just not accountable for their actions.

Now I'll comment on this case specifically WITHOUT condoning the police behavior...

This case started out the same way. Black male contacted by police. Black male refuses to cooperate, verbally resists, physically resists and runs. Why? How f**king hard is it just to keep your mouth shut and cooperate? Or, if you don't really want to cooperate, just don't resist and tell them you want your lawyer. If you feel like you've been wronged, take it to court like any other responsible person. Did his behavior amount to being killed over it? Sure as hell doesn't look that way. But there's simply no denying his behavior was at least a contributing factor in his death. It appears that initially the officers were just trying to take him into custody and he resisted from the start. The guy made some really bad choices. So did the officers...and now they'll be facing the consequences just as it should be.

Another thing that's really tiresome is having justice decided by the court of public opinion instead of a real court. It appears these officers committed several crimes. But, for all of you who are constantly referencing the Constitution over various things just keep in mind these men are all innocent until PROVEN guilty. That's how our justice system works


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 9, 2013
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This is stupid you talk about a portion of the black community thinking they don’t have to comply. Black this black that! This is racist! There are more white people in Oklahoma untitled that resist cops in Oklahoma yet you don’t talk about that, the problem is people still make this about race. It was a human that got beat. Yes he could’ve complied and maybe he wouldn’t have got it. There are cops that will people anyways!!!! I am a retired police officer so do tell me I don’t know what I am talking about. You know how many white people resist ? Yet never a word’s just he’s black the cops were black it’s just black black black…..::just stop!

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
THE NEWS MEDIA used to convict black people simply because they were black, and the vast majority of American went along with the politicially correct way to think, and act, then, REMEMBER? NOW THE NEWS MEDIA convicts WHITE COPS, simply because they are white cops, and the vast majority of Americans go along with that, simply because it's the politicially correct way to think, and act NOW, RIGHT? Have we learned anything, or have we just allowed the NEWS MEDIA TO REDIRECT OUR COLLECTIVE, GUILT TO WHITE COPS? I guess it doesn't matter as long as the news media gets rating? I know black people, and white cops, commit crimes, and must be stopped for the good of, we the American People! BUT to allow the propaganda to over rule our logic, as well as our CONSTITUTION, and BILL OF RIGHTS, IS NOT, AND NEVER HAS BEEN RIGHT!! Does freedom of the press mean free to contol what we are allowed to think? I DON'T THINK SO! THINK, AND VOTE!!!!!!!


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Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
That's MOSTLY "peaceful demonstration."
If it were White Officers involved there would be riots in the street, looting, vandalism, and probably a building or two being burned down (based on history). But being that Black Officers were the ones involved, it [so far] has been mostly just peaceful marches, protests, and a few speeches. Draw your own conclusions about . . .

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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If it were White Officers involved there would be riots in the street, looting, vandalism, and probably a building or two being burned down (based on history). But being that Black Officers were the ones involved, it [so far] has been mostly just peaceful marches, protests, and a few speeches. Draw your own conclusions about . . .
I mean, to be fair history also indicates that if it were white officers involved they'd probably still be on paid leave with the union lining up behind them.....


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
Yet what has the various police unions said about this… they keep condemning it it, very different than the blue wall of silence one normally sees.
What is different about this is that the Officers involved were all Black. If it had been White Officers, you could bet that the police unions would be standing by those Officers' side with the best lawyers money could buy. Ignore it, deny it, preach against it, but it's been that way time after time, and will continue to be that way because that's just the way it works.

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