MMMMM-kay ... All you guys with neck injuries I need some advice --

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Oh good Lord ... We went shooting last night. I shot 60 rounds. I am now up looking for a leg to chew off. WTF was I thinking?!!??!

Maybe something here too. I used to work with a gal that had reduction surgery. She said it helped her back immensely. And tell GC that yes, she was still very well figured afterward and there were very little to no scars. I could have probably seen 1st hand if I wanted. Her and her sisters were just a hoot. Especially the sisters!

Funny you should mention that, he says he would gladly give them up (and is about to in a couple of weeks) if it would get me even back to half-way where I was before. I can hardly wait. This doctor is a RIOT!! He and GC hit it off instantly (that's important, you know, that your HUSBAND hit it off with your plastic surgeon! ROFLMAO!!). He keeps telling me he can't promise me a particular cup size. You should have seen his (and GC's) face when I said "I'm not looking for a little off the top, I'm looking for a hi-&-tite ... Like HIS!" and pointed at GC's haircut. :naughty: GC just looked at him and said "Welcome to my life." :tounge:

Surgery. Worked great for me. Dr. Kevin Kelly. He moved back to Chicago though. You know my story already. Fragmented disc between C5 and C6. Fusion. I should have done it years ago. I'm like a freakin' Ninja now, compared to how I was. A Daniel Boone, ass kickin', disco moving, titanium injected, super ninja.

You know I don't mean to boast, but I'm a rather brilliant surgeon. I could do something with that... hump.

(dislcaimer: I am not really a surgeon. I just love that Young Frankenstein line)

I remember. I was soooo happy for you!! There's nothing worse than a pain in the neck (of course, if the pain was in my leg I might be singing a different story)!!

I need to watch Young Frankenstein again! It's been WAY too long! LOL

i get charlie horses in my neck & shoulders when my magnesium & potassium get low , couple pills the pain goes away.

Are you just trying to make me jealous?? LOL

K guys ... ya'll have all given me something to think about here and there. Thanks for the responses. I really appreciate it as more heads are better than a few and we had run out of ideas. I'm gonna toss a few handfuls at the wall and see if any of it sticks. Wish me luck!

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