NY Daily News Columnists suggests NRA be put on terrorist list

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May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Edit to add link to the original NY Daily News columnist, Linda Stasi, piece:

The blog is from "The American Thinker"

Here's the link:http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/10/columnist_nra_should_be_placed_on_state_departments_list_of_terrorist_organizations.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook

Here's the text:

October 4, 2015

Columnist: NRA should be placed on State Department's list of terrorist organizations

By Rick Moran: Linda Stasi, a columnist for the New York Daily News, has a unique proposal to share with her readers. She thinks the NRA should be listed on the State Department terrorist list because they are responsible for thousands of gun deaths over the last few years.


One terrorist group is responsible for more civilian deaths since December 2012 (the Sandy Hook massacre) than Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas and the Taliban. Yet it is the only nearly-state sponsored terrorist group that is not listed by the U.S. State Department as such.

It is the National Rifle Association and for their unending lobbying that’s kept a lid on gun control we now have 428 times more American deaths by gun than deaths by foreign terrorists.

No? Between 2012 and 2015, according to University of Maryland’s Global Terrorism Database, ISIS has murdered approximately 12,138 civilians, Boko Haram,10,092, the Taliban 9,427 and Hamas, 85.

In that time, homegrown American terrorists have murdered or spree killed, via gun and assault rifle, 87,423 people in the United States.

In contrast, terrorism killed 28 Americans per year on both U.S. soil and abroad according to the Global Terrorism Database.

Those murdered Americans killed by our own lunatic gun slingers include terrified children calling for their mothers, teachers begging for the lives of their students, students begging for not just their own lives but the lives of their classmates, moviegoers looking for escape, bystanders cheering for athletes, athletes trying to be the best they can be as the worst we ever could have imagined struck them down in cold blood.

Therefore the NRA should take its rightful place on the State Department list of terrorist organizations, because its influence is more of an immediate threat to the lives of our citizens than foreign terrorists.

Although the NRA is not an officially state-sponsored organization it is the supporter of the state with its massive member and lobbyist donations to our elected officials.

After the last no-vote on gun control, the British newspaper The Guardian did an analysis that showed 45 of the 48 senators who torpedoed gun control in Congress “have received money from firearms lobbyists.”

On Friday, even as the country’s collective heart was breaking again, faded pol and former-gun control advocate Rudy Giuliani, who will say anything to get on TV in a pathetic and dangerous attempt to be relevant (that ship has sailed, bub), went on “Fox & Friends” to rant about his now-support of guns, ranting that murderers don’t follow gun control laws.

No, but lax gun control laws put guns in those murderer’s hands.

I love it when idiot liberals offer proposals that have absolutelly no chance in a gazillion years of ever - ever - being adopted. This is usually the result of total cluelessness about the subject at hand - namely,the definition of a terrorist organization.

Terrorists target innocent people to make a political statement. Is Stasi suggesting the NRA deliberately targets innocent people and encourages crazies to commit mass murder in the name of politics? Of course she is, which makes her pathetically ignorant rant irrelevant. The laughable notion that advocating for Second Amendment rights (you do remember the Constitution Linda, right?) is the same as commiting a terrorist act is off the charts, bat guano crazy.

It is typical that Stasi would confuse advocacy with terrorism. Making criminals out of the opposition is the wet dream of many leftists who equate disagreement with commiting a crime. Since they can't win the argument over gun control (there is a singular lack of proposals from Stasi that would have prevented any mass killing), they wish to silence their opponents by putting them in jail. There is not one, single gun control proposal from anyone - President Obama on down - that would have prevented the tragedy in Oregon. Why pretend otherwise? Because it serves a political purpose to accuse the opposition of murder.

This is easily one of the nuttier things I've read from a liberal in a long time. What was the Daily News thinking when the allowed this drivel into print?

Linda Stasi, a columnist for the New York Daily News, has a unique proposal to share with her readers.

She thinks the NRA should be listed on the State Department terrorist list because they are responsible for thousands of gun deaths over the last few years.


One terrorist group is responsible for more civilian deaths since December 2012 (the Sandy Hook massacre) than Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas and the Taliban. Yet it is the only nearly-state sponsored terrorist group that is not listed by the U.S. State Department as such.

It is the National Rifle Association and for their unending lobbying that’s kept a lid on gun control we now have 428 times more American deaths by gun than deaths by foreign terrorists.

No? Between 2012 and 2015, according to University of Maryland’s Global Terrorism Database, ISIS has murdered approximately 12,138 civilians, Boko Haram,10,092, the Taliban 9,427 and Hamas, 85.

In that time, homegrown American terrorists have murdered or spree killed, via gun and assault rifle, 87,423 people in the United States.

In contrast, terrorism killed 28 Americans per year on both U.S. soil and abroad according to the Global Terrorism Database.

Those murdered Americans killed by our own lunatic gun slingers include terrified children calling for their mothers, teachers begging for the lives of their students, students begging for not just their own lives but the lives of their classmates, moviegoers looking for escape, bystanders cheering for athletes, athletes trying to be the best they can be as the worst we ever could have imagined struck them down in cold blood.

Therefore the NRA should take its rightful place on the State Department list of terrorist organizations, because its influence is more of an immediate threat to the lives of our citizens than foreign terrorists.

Although the NRA is not an officially state-sponsored organization it is the supporter of the state with its massive member and lobbyist donations to our elected officials.

After the last no-vote on gun control, the British newspaper The Guardian did an analysis that showed 45 of the 48 senators who torpedoed gun control in Congress “have received money from firearms lobbyists.”

On Friday, even as the country’s collective heart was breaking again, faded pol and former-gun control advocate Rudy Giuliani, who will say anything to get on TV in a pathetic and dangerous attempt to be relevant (that ship has sailed, bub), went on “Fox & Friends” to rant about his now-support of guns, ranting that murderers don’t follow gun control laws.

No, but lax gun control laws put guns in those murderer’s hands.

I love it when idiot liberals offer proposals that have absolutelly no chance in a gazillion years of ever - ever - being adopted. This is usually the result of total cluelessness about the subject at hand - namely,the definition of a terrorist organization.

Terrorists target innocent people to make a political statement. Is Stasi suggesting the NRA deliberately targets innocent people and encourages crazies to commit mass murder in the name of politics? Of course she is, which makes her pathetically ignorant rant irrelevant. The laughable notion that advocating for Second Amendment rights (you do remember the Constitution Linda, right?) is the same as commiting a terrorist act is off the charts, bat guano crazy.

It is typical that Stasi would confuse advocacy with terrorism. Making criminals out of the opposition is the wet dream of many leftists who equate disagreement with commiting a crime. Since they can't win the argument over gun control (there is a singular lack of proposals from Stasi that would have prevented any mass killing), they wish to silence their opponents by putting them in jail. There is not one, single gun control proposal from anyone - President Obama on down - that would have prevented the tragedy in Oregon. Why pretend otherwise? Because it serves a political purpose to accuse the opposition of murder.

This is easily one of the nuttier things I've read from a liberal in a long time. What was the Daily News thinking when the allowed this drivel into print?

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog...of_terrorist_organizations.html#ixzz3nfFW0BTx
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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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One terrorist group is responsible for more civilian deaths since December 2012 (the Sandy Hook massacre) than Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas and the Taliban. Yet it is the only nearly-state sponsored terrorist group that is not listed by the U.S. State Department as such.

It is the National Rifle Association and for their unending lobbying that’s kept a lid on gun control we now have 428 times more American deaths by gun than deaths by foreign terrorists.

No? Between 2012 and 2015, according to University of Maryland’s Global Terrorism Database, ISIS has murdered approximately 12,138 civilians, Boko Haram,10,092, the Taliban 9,427 and Hamas, 85.

In that time, homegrown American terrorists have murdered or spree killed, via gun and assault rifle, 87,423 people in the United States.

In contrast, terrorism killed 28 Americans per year on both U.S. soil and abroad according to the Global Terrorism Database.

Those murdered Americans killed by our own lunatic gun slingers include terrified children calling for their mothers, teachers begging for the lives of their students, students begging for not just their own lives but the lives of their classmates, moviegoers looking for escape, bystanders cheering for athletes, athletes trying to be the best they can be as the worst we ever could have imagined struck them down in cold blood.

Therefore the NRA should take its rightful place on the State Department list of terrorist organizations, because its influence is more of an immediate threat to the lives of our citizens than foreign terrorists.

Although the NRA is not an officially state-sponsored organization it is the supporter of the state with its massive member and lobbyist donations to our elected officials.

After the last no-vote on gun control, the British newspaper The Guardian did an analysis that showed 45 of the 48 senators who torpedoed gun control in Congress “have received money from firearms lobbyists.”

On Friday, even as the country’s collective heart was breaking again, faded pol and former-gun control advocate Rudy Giuliani, who will say anything to get on TV in a pathetic and dangerous attempt to be relevant (that ship has sailed, bub), went on “Fox & Friends” to rant about his now-support of guns, ranting that murderers don’t follow gun control laws.

No, but lax gun control laws put guns in those murderer’s hands.

I love it when idiot liberals offer proposals that have absolutelly no chance in a gazillion years of ever - ever - being adopted. This is usually the result of total cluelessness about the subject at hand - namely,the definition of a terrorist organization.

Terrorists target innocent people to make a political statement. Is Stasi suggesting the NRA deliberately targets innocent people and encourages crazies to commit mass murder in the name of politics? Of course she is, which makes her pathetically ignorant rant irrelevant. The laughable notion that advocating for Second Amendment rights (you do remember the Constitution Linda, right?) is the same as commiting a terrorist act is off the charts, bat guano crazy.

It is typical that Stasi would confuse advocacy with terrorism. Making criminals out of the opposition is the wet dream of many leftists who equate disagreement with commiting a crime. Since they can't win the argument over gun control (there is a singular lack of proposals from Stasi that would have prevented any mass killing), they wish to silence their opponents by putting them in jail. There is not one, single gun control proposal from anyone - President Obama on down - that would have prevented the tragedy in Oregon. Why pretend otherwise? Because it serves a political purpose to accuse the opposition of murder.

This is easily one of the nuttier things I've read from a liberal in a long time. What was the Daily News thinking when the allowed this drivel into print?

Linda Stasi, a columnist for the New York Daily News, has a unique proposal to share with her readers.

She thinks the NRA should be listed on the State Department terrorist list because they are responsible for thousands of gun deaths over the last few years.


There... maybe that will help.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
The NY Daily News has recently taken a hard-turn left in an effort to grab the non-elitist left, i.e. union leadership in NY.
The NY Times has the elite-left sewn up and has for years.
The NY Post is sort of more conservative but in a very quirky NY City way and it is still a scandal mongering rag that does no credit to the side it supports.

Is it any wonder that after I left NY (grew up there and went to college on Long Island), and despite the many truly fun and interesting things to do and see there, I made a very firm decision to never, ever, move back?

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Yesterday, I learned that I/we are just as guilty as the killers since I/we do not support additional, reasonable, responsible, common sense gun control. I was also chatised for pointing out the errors in the anti's arguments about firearms. Things such as, automatic weapons and rate of fire and assault weapons being too easy to aim. Lots of silliness. In the end I was unfriended because of my "blase" attitude toward the death of innocent children. Of course, in her mind we can't violate the individual civil liberties of the mentally ill, but it's fine to violate my enumerated rights because it's for the "greater good".


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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People without experience in the real world, who are used to having someone else do most everything for them, are not fully functioning rational people.

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