Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Easy for you to say - not like you can get pregnant from bottoming.

No, but if i could, i would accept the consequences of my action. If i got a woman pregnant through my own actions, i would take responsibility for that.

But the point is that you take responsibility for your actions and not terminate the life of a child.


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May 11, 2009
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No, but if i could, i would accept the consequences of my action. If i got a woman pregnant through my own actions, i would take responsibility for that.

But the point is that you take responsibility for your actions and not terminate the life of a child.

which is the correct way to think/act .. but in our imperfect world for every one person that thinks like you .. there is at least another male or more that cannot/will not honor that commitment. totally chickenshit and not what I would do, but that's our again .. imperfect world.

then let's not forget who's life you are so caviler in deciding for .. the woman that's pregnant. what about what she wants?
it's her life!!! our government should stay the F*** out of her life!

what really gets me is ... usually it's the most anti-government/stay out of my life types that are the most in favor is limiting a women's right to control her own life via legislation that are among the most intrusive in existence.
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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
which is the correct way to think/act .. but in our imperfect world for every one person that thinks like you .. there is at least another male or more that cannot/will not honor that commitment. totally chickenshit and not what I would do, but that's our imperfect world.

then let's not forget who's life you are so caviler in deciding for them .. the woman that's pregnant. what about what she wants?
it's her life!!!

It is her life, and the life of her child's as well. It takes two to tango, her decisions brought that child into this world, too. She chose that for her life, and now she is responsible for her decision. We cannot tolerate the termination of the life of a child merely because the mother made a bad decision in the first place. This could be applied to children outside the womb as well -- It's her life, she shouldn't have to take care of a kid if she doesn't want to. So what if she chucked her toddler in a dumpster?

Let's not forget, that when you choose to engage in unprotected sexual activities(or even protected sexual activity, because it's not 100% foolproof) you are taking a risk, and you should be willing to accept that risk. Much like driving a car, you risk getting into a wreck that you are equally responsible for.

I decide my own life. I choose when i engage in sexual relations with women, that if i cause them to become pregnant, that i may become responsible for that child. I accept that. Because i'm a responsible adult and i'm responsible for my actions. That is a simple risk of life. I do not have God's authority to murder an innocent child brought into this world because of my own actions.

I would much rather the child be cared for by the State or adopted than murdered by an evil, selfish mother.


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May 11, 2009
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It is her life, and the life of her child's as well. It takes two to tango, her decisions brought that child into this world, too. She chose that for her life, and now she is responsible for her decision. We cannot tolerate the termination of the life of a child merely because the mother made a bad decision in the first place. This could be applied to children outside the womb as well -- It's her life, she shouldn't have to take care of a kid if she doesn't want to. So what if she chucked her toddler in a dumpster?

Let's not forget, that when you choose to engage in unprotected sexual activities(or even protected sexual activity, because it's not 100% foolproof) you are taking a risk, and you should be willing to accept that risk. Much like driving a car, you risk getting into a wreck that you are equally responsible for.

the solution is certainly not medical ... morning after pills have been available for a decade or more that safely prevent pregnancies before they have an embryo has chance to form in the first place.

I decide my own life. I choose when i engage in sexual relations with women, that if i cause them to become pregnant, that i may become responsible for that child. I accept that. Because i'm a responsible adult and i'm responsible for my actions. That is a simple risk of life. I do not have God's authority to murder an innocent child brought into this world because of my own actions.

I would much rather the child be cared for by the State or adopted than murdered by an evil, selfish mother.

if legislation would not get in the way .. most pregnancies could be avoided in the first place by proving more access to birth control. then let's not forget yet more legislation that prevents/delays termination of a pregnancy when it's in early stages where there is NO question a fetus has not formed yet.

then yet more hypocrisy is in order ... most generally the folks that are so worried about pregnant women terminating ... are no where to be seen when it comes time to take care of that unwanted/deformed child. know anyone that wants to take care of a zika virus child?

it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out .. avoiding/terminating an early pregnancy avoids all chance of your example of the mother chucking her unwanted baby in the dumpster.
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Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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It isn't a waste of time. Until men stop trying to control women's lives, people need to speak up about it...and men speaking up about it will help in the long-run.

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