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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 23, 2009
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As you all know my grandpa passed away on tuesday. His funeral is tomorrow and I asked to say a few words. I was wanting to know what the general population thought of about what i wrote. I will include it at the end of this paragraph. Also I have been thinking about getting my first tattoo and had an idea to get his unit emblem with the words in honor of above the emblem and his name,and his rank, bday and death day below it. What are your thoughts on that as well? Thanks.

Here is what I wrote up to say

Tom Brokaw once wrote that my grandpa’s generation was truly the greatest any society had ever produced. They faced the stock market crash of 1929 at a young age, the great depression for their whole young adult life along with the Dust Bowl for those like grandpa who grew up in this region. Then at 18 years old are asked to fight 2 of the largest and greatest military forces of their time. Without hesitation they answered the call and when they returned they built this nation into a superpower. They did all of this not for glory or fame but because it was what was right. I say all of this because to understand grandpa you had to understand where he came from. He believed in Hard work, dedication, and a strong devotion to God and Jesus Christ, values that he instilled in my dad and uncle. Grandpa was a part of the 5th Army Air Force which fought in the pacific campaign during world war 2. He was there for almost every major engagement in the pacific theater. When the war was won he returned home and 3 years later married the greatest woman he could ever ask for. They moved to Ponca City, raised 2 great men in my dad and uncle steve all the while working to give them a great life. He worked for 30 plus years at Conoco and when that was done he worked some more. He was the strongest most alive 88 year old I have ever seen. He did almost all of the work around his house and wouldn’t have it any other way. When it was time for a haircut he would almost always walk the mile down to the barbershop and the mile back afterwards. He also had a great sense of humor something that I am glad was passed down to me. Like the time when I was 6 I got a bb gun for Christmas. I took it over to my grandparents house to test it out on Christmas day. Instead of hitting the pop can I thought I was aiming at this dead eye hit grandpa square in the belly. Instead of getting mad he just laughed it off and said nice aim boy, and here In the past few years anytime I would grow a beard the first thing he would always say to me when he got done chuckling was “when are you going to shave that thing?” He loved us all very much and was not only the greatest grandpa anyone could ask for but also the greatest husband, father and all around person anyone had the pleasure to know. I believe that like the lyrics for the united states air force song, he went off into the wild blue yonder to be with the family and friends that passed before him. Thank You


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Sounds great, but our opinions don't matter on this one, if that's the way you remember him and that's the way you want him to be remembered, then that's all that matters.
Looks as if you have a lot of good memories to cherish and pass on to your kids.


Special Hen
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
just get all of that tatooed to your body
I have had hundreds of good friends and family members die over the years, in fact everyone dies eventually but if I had just there names tatted on my body it would fill a lot of space.

sorry for your loss.

Bill Mac

GForce, totally agree with Okie on this one. Your thoughts are a fitting tribute to a great man. This is the way that you remember him and no one can provide any better words than your own personal experience. I'm sorry for your loss. Another of the greatest generation has passed on to his rewards.


Special Hen
Dec 6, 2006
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Saguaro Land
That is a beautiful tribute, not only to your grandfather but to alot of fellows just like him, including my dad. I'll be thinking of you today. God bless your family and my deepest sympathy for your loss.


Special Hen
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
I wouldn't change a thing. When you get up there to speak, it might not be easy. Don't worry if you get choked up, who wouldn't. Just lower your head take as long as you need to get focused again. I'll pray for you and your family. God Bless.

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