Ron Paul for President

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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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Seriously not fools, most of my family are genetically prone to addiction. This is why I do not drink or use any drugs I do not have to anymore.

My childhood friend was a fool. He was killed while driving high on weed. Slowed his reflexes down enough that he could not stop in time and rear ended a semi.
The dancer I knew that ODed did not know that someone laced her pot.
The guy that killed himself got paranoid while high on pot.
The girl that cut off her own hand did it while high because she could not stop smoking it.
The mother who's baby died just got high and forgot to turn on the heat and cover the baby up before she fell asleep.
I can name many more if you want.

Which also occurs to a greater extent under the influence of alcohol. So do you think it should be illegal to possess, use, or sell alcohol?

I personally believe that any naturally occurring substance should be outside the scope of government regulation.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
I feel that in order for liberty to work, you must practice a certain level of pride, nationalism and socialism on a personal scale. Being soverign and only beholden to your creator sounds great, but it doesn't do anything to defang the wolves that would set upon you with all manner of liberty destroying restrictions. Were we to live in a moral society that valued the liberty, peace and prosperity of others, there would be no need for these restrictions. Unfortunately, the religious right somehow feels that we can legislate morality, while the socialist left feels we can legislate charity and good will. Neither cause is wrong, but legislating it is unjust and chafes the serf who is burdened by their weight.

We really do need to stop condemning each other as wrong, unpatriotic, uncharitable, etc. We need to understand that we bring these restrictions on ourselves when we act in immoral and unethical ways. There will ALWAYS be immoral and unethical people in our world. But setting our societal rules and laws based on these "10%'ers" is a disservice to our entire society. We're pandering to the lowest common denominator and it's literally destroying the fabric of our Republic! :(

I'm much in agreement. However, freedom is nothing more than the unfettered action of an individual. Liberty is is freedom bound by obligations to society. Thus the distinction as I understand it. Liberty, although bound by society, doesn't require a sense of nationalism. If this were the case, then I would have a very difficult time with the concept of liberty as I have absolutely no loyalty to any nation. Such is my background which provides me an unbiased, untainted view of issues in the two nations that I've lived in. As this forum deals mostly with the US, I impart my views as it pertains here. Unfortunately what I type does often chafe many here as they embrace love of country and I don't. I try to be diplomatic about it but sometimes don't convey it well in the written word.

Politics and religion are games. Behind the political scenes are men of money who influence the game so that the outcome is to their advantage financially and growth of power. The common man is nothing but the source of taxes to fund the government built by the elites. The petty discussion of one candidate being better than the other, or this candidate will restore freedom and liberty or let us keep our guns is a non-issue. The issue is the philisophical debate between what is good and what is evil. Over the course of my life I've come to the conclusion that evil is nothing more than one harming another by infringing on another's right to life, liberty and property. Thus, when government, for all it's good, socialist, utopian intentions taxes a man without his consent, then government is engaging in the evil act of theft which is an infringement on a man's property. When government dictates what vegetation a man can smoke or not then government is engaging in the evil act of theft on a man's right to life choices. Conversely, if I infringe on a man's right to life, liberty and property I am acting with evil intent.

Which brings us to the point that I've often made on this forum: what is the purpose of government? If we are to have government, then it's only rightful purpose is to protect a man's right to life, liberty and property. Anything that does not protect those rights is thus an infringement and evil. The Constitution was the embodiement of this on paper to restrict the national government. It's now a worthless piece of paper and meaningless as the federal government is believed by most Americans to be the entity that must govern society and regulate man to nothing more than a 17th Amendment serf and slave to the government.

Voting won't change a damn thing. And whomever sits in the Oval Office is just a tool of the elites who have perverted the Law for their gain as Bastiat mentions.


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2011
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dutchwrangler: I understand the message you are conveying it was well executed. Even though you see politics as futile, I am surprised that you don't at least support Ron Paul in theory even if you think he would have no positive affect. The views you expounded are entirely in line with Ron Paul, he cites Bastiat "The Law" as paramount to understanding the law and the proper of role of Civil Government.

For any interested the Tulsa Ron Paul HQ is having a Pot Luck at 6:30p.m. this evening. If you want to come in and watch the results and meet some supporters you are all welcome. I am not affiliated with this group but I am interested in meeting them and will be there.

Tulsa Ron Paul 2012 HeadQuarters
2416 E. 51st St. S., Tulsa, OK

I just read on their website that on Jan 07 they will have a booth at the Gun Show, that's my kind of campaigning :D


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
dutchwrangler: I understand the message you are conveying it was well executed. Even though you see politics as futile, I am surprised that you don't at least support Ron Paul in theory even if you think he would have no positive affect. The views you expounded are entirely in line with Ron Paul, he cites Bastiat "The Law" as paramount to understanding the law and the proper of role of Civil Government.

For any interested the Tulsa Ron Paul HQ is having a Pot Luck at 6:30p.m. this evening. If you want to come in and watch the results and meet some supporters you are all welcome. I am not affiliated with this group but I am interested in meeting them and will be there.

Tulsa Ron Paul 2012 HeadQuarters
2416 E. 51st St. S., Tulsa, OK

I just read on their website that on Jan 07 they will have a booth at the Gun Show, that's my kind of campaigning :D

Griffin. I do agree with nearly everything RP says in theory. In practice, nothing he says will change the course of the US that began to veer the day the Constitutional Convention strayed from it's mandate to fix the Articles when Hamilton and his cronies pushed for a "national government". The tyrant Lincoln hammered in that final nail. The Creator was replaced by "god" (money). That god is emblazened on US coinage and currency and is the all encompassing passion of the people and the government. The Money Masters will make sure that whoever gets into the White House will be their boy and direct policy that enriches and enpowers the elites. Fawk the people.

One thing I learned in life is that sometimes it's necessary to go through hell to come out a better person. As I watched the economy tank I was thinking maybe, just maybe this is what was needed to wake people up. But collapse seems to be averted by the Money Men and they'll continue to work behind the scenes as they've done for generations.

There will be no savior to resurrect the US nor turn it back to the ideals of those who fought the Revolution or envisioned a land of freedom and opportunity. The United Police States of America will continue to grow as long as the people continue to turn to as the savior. It's what most on this forum demand (being gun nuts and all I suppose they're enamored by the guy in black uniform toting a weapon they themselves are forbidden to have). The turning point was long ago. It's too late.

I'll sit this one out. But thanks for the invite.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Griffin. I do agree with nearly everything RP says in theory. In practice, nothing he says will change the course of the US that began to veer the day the Constitutional Convention strayed from it's mandate to fix the Articles when Hamilton and his cronies pushed for a "national government". The tyrant Lincoln hammered in that final nail. The Creator was replaced by "god" (money). That god is emblazened on US coinage and currency and is the all encompassing passion of the people and the government. The Money Masters will make sure that whoever gets into the White House will be their boy and direct policy that enriches and enpowers the elites. Fawk the people.

One thing I learned in life is that sometimes it's necessary to go through hell to come out a better person. As I watched the economy tank I was thinking maybe, just maybe this is what was needed to wake people up. But collapse seems to be averted by the Money Men and they'll continue to work behind the scenes as they've done for generations.

There will be no savior to resurrect the US nor turn it back to the ideals of those who fought the Revolution or envisioned a land of freedom and opportunity. The United Police States of America will continue to grow as long as the people continue to turn to as the savior. It's what most on this forum demand (being gun nuts and all I suppose they're enamored by the guy in black uniform toting a weapon they themselves are forbidden to have). The turning point was long ago. It's too late.

I'll sit this one out. But thanks for the invite.

So you're a disinterested observer with no personal stake in the outcome?


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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