So I found some money

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Special Hen
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
Boone, NE
So I'm walking through the parking lot and see a wad of money. I pick it up and its kinda beside the passenger side of this truck. I see there's a person in the driver seat so I tap on the window to inquire about it. He rolls it down, I ask if he's missing anything and he says "yeah some money".
OK, how much? I wanna make sure its getting back to the right person.
"Idunno, I saw her drop it when she got out"
Ok, so you just let your passenger drop some cash when they get out and going to let it sit out there??? So he gets out and goes into the establishment where "she" is to get her and while doing so I turn around and count it real quick. She comes out, gets out her purse and says "$180".
It was $182 so close enough and I hand it over.
So to answer my question, apparently he was cool with his passenger dumping $180 in the parking lot and hoping it was still there when she came out. How bizarre is that?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
So I'm walking through the parking lot and see a wad of money. I pick it up and its kinda beside the passenger side of this truck. I see there's a person in the driver seat so I tap on the window to inquire about it. He rolls it down, I ask if he's missing anything and he says "yeah some money".
OK, how much? I wanna make sure its getting back to the right person.
"Idunno, I saw her drop it when she got out"
Ok, so you just let your passenger drop some cash when they get out and going to let it sit out there??? So he gets out and goes into the establishment where "she" is to get her and while doing so I turn around and count it real quick. She comes out, gets out her purse and says "$180".
It was $182 so close enough and I hand it over.
So to answer my question, apparently he was cool with his passenger dumping $180 in the parking lot and hoping it was still there when she came out. How bizarre is that?
maybe he just thought she dropped some trash until you picked it up then it dawned on him?

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