Something we can do to help protect our rights

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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
I don't claim to be any sort of writer, but here's what I just sent all my fed reps after reading the thread about Feinstein's bill.
This has a more angry tone that most of mine, oh well, I'm pissed.
Feel free to use if you want. You may want to tweak it and tone it down a bit.

I writing to demand that the AWB that will be presented by D. Feinstein be completely ignored when presented, or ridiculed for the attack on our liberties that it is.
I've read info from a posting on her website and from a draft on the NRA website; it is absolutely absurd, written by someone who "had personally looked at pictures of guns in 1993, and again in 2012."
I can't believe the USA has SENATORS that openly display this level of ignorance on a subject for which she is proposing legislation, and which will cut so terribly into the rights of US citizens; rights that she is sworn to protect.
This bill and this senator are an embarrassment to our country.


Special Hen
Oct 9, 2012
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Just for critique or use, here is what I sent Senators Inhofe and Coburn immediately following the latest incident:

Sir, I understand in the wake of this mass shooting there will be those with knee-jerk reactions in the name of further gun control legislation. I only hope that common sense will prevail and some of your colleagues will see that the problem lies within people who harbor evil intentions and not the tools they use. It is proven that any gun control legislation does absolutely nothing to prevent crime. No different style of weapons, no magazine count, and no weapon without a bayonet lug will ever prevent a person from carrying out an atrocity they wish to commit. I only hope you lawmakers realize the need us citizens have to protect ourselves, our family, and our friends from the evil that exists in this world. In addition, these “gun free zones” create nothing but a mass of potential victims and targets for those who wish to create these violent acts. All a “gun free zone” does is nothing but strip the right of self-defense from those individuals. I ask that you do all within your power to prevent any further infringement on our 2nd amendment rights as this vaguely worded right is all that stands between us, the evil of man, and governmental tyranny. This document is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. Thank you for your time.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 11, 2012
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Fort Sill , OK
Here's another letter from a gun board that can be sent also. .

I believe you are incorrect when you say "most people want more gun
controls". According to Gallup new gun controls is 4th on the list of
proposed ideas for securing our schools. ... The majority of the people
do not want more gun control. They certainly didn't want it in 1994 when
the original AWB passed and the voters kicked out all those who voted for
it. If you push a new AWB on the American people you will likely be
rewarded with a predominately Republican House and Senate during your last

If your goal is to save the children, then please do something meaningful
vs. passing another draconian gun law which have been shown to have no
positive effect on our nations crime. Give us armed guards in our schools.
Allow our teachers to carry concealed weapons and offer them training. We
did this for our pilots after 9/11 and we've had no further hijackings.
Guns in the hands of responsible citizens save lives, what you're
proposing only further jeopardizes them.

Thank you.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 11, 2012
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Fort Sill , OK
Dear Elected Official,

It is my understanding that the President of the United States has decided to take on the issue of Gun Rights for Americans as a result of the recent tragedy in Newtown Connecticut. The President has appointed the Vice President of the United States to lead an administration-wide effort to curb gun violence in America, and has vowed to use “whatever power this office holds” in efforts to prevent “more tragedies like this” referring to the massacre that occurred in Newtown Connecticut.

The Mainstream Media continues to portray that all Americans are asking for gun control as a result of the massacre in Newtown Connecticut. That is not true. A recent Gallup Poll showed Americans feel that an increased police presence at schools, increased government spending on mental health screening and treatment, and decreased depiction of gun violence in entertainment venues would be effective in preventing mass shootings at schools. I encourage you to research this as you draft the way-ahead on curbing gun violence in America.

As my elected official, you will undoubtedly be asked to participate on committee in order to draft a way-ahead to solve the problem of gun violence in America. As my elected officials, you will undoubtedly be asked to vote on potential bill(s) that may affect my gun rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America. Specifically, the Second Amendment which reads:

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

As a law-abiding citizen of the United States of America, it is imperative that you not infringe on my right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the United States Constitution written by the Founding Fathers. It is your responsibility as my elected official to dutifully represent the will of The People, correctly interpret The United States Constitution, and diligently reflect on court cases throughout our proud history as you draft the way-ahead to curb gun violence.
There are approximately 65 million gun owners in the United States who enjoy the protection of our Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment protects their right and the right of every citizen to legally own and operate guns. This right has been protected in courts over the course of a hundred plus years.

The Supreme Court recognized that the right to arms is an individual right in U.S. v. Cruikshank (1876), Presser v. Illinois (1886), Miller v. Texas (1894), U.S. v. Miller (1939) and U.S. v. Verdugo-Urquidez (1990). In U.S. v. Cruikshank, the Court also recognized that the right pre-existed the Constitution. Most recently in 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment, which forbids Congress from infringing the right to keep and bear arms, also applies to state and local governments.

Since our inalienable rights include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we cannot exercise those rights if we are not safe. Self-protection and the ability to fight against tyranny are core values our Founding Fathers believed and embedded within The Constitution. They envisioned a citizenry that must protect itself. The Second Amendment guarantees my right to protect myself and my family.

Attempts to institute a Ban on certain types of weapons is nothing short of telling the American People what type of guns they can own as it pertains to the Second Amendment. What will you do next? Tell the American People what kind of religion they can practice as it pertains to the First Amendment?

Those who oppose our Second Amendment would like for us to believe in a government that protects its people. They would like to strip peaceful citizens of their basic right to safety in an attempt to achieve safe neighborhoods. However, a vibrant democracy demands that we protect ourselves, because we are the embodiment of democracy and government is but our tool. Further regulating gun ownership only affects law-abiding citizens, resulting in criminals operating guns.

As a law-abiding citizen of this great land, it must be said that the focus should rest upon education and the enforcement of current laws. Gun safety education has lowered accidental deaths to less than 1% of all accidental deaths. Therefore, those who willingly use guns irresponsibly must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
As it can be seen, there are choices we must face individually and as a nation. If we decide to give our government too much control, we will be making it an arbiter for determining our fate instead of helping us to determine our own fate. Restricting every citizen’s freedom is a dangerous proposition with grave consequences.

Do we want a larger government that envelopes our lives in the name of safety or do we want a smart government that helps teach us to be responsible and free? Some people believe that we can only be safe when government inhibits our basic freedom, making it harder to protect ourselves. This is a government that evades issues of personal responsibility, holds the actions of criminals against those who are law-abiding, and regulates our lives for us.

Our other choice is that we fashion a smart government that helps teach us to be responsible and free. The millions of Americans who support this view believe that we can only be safe when we are informed of the issues and make decisions for ourselves. These Americans know the danger of fashioning a powerful government and a weak citizenry. Reflect on the war that was fought against England to attain our freedom; remember what risks our Founding Fathers took to obtain a free society and a government that was not intrusive.

I ask you, which government would you rather fashion? Which government helps you to be free?

Reflect on our gun laws and future bills thoughtfully, as the consequences of your decisions will affect the civil rights of every inhabitant within our United States of America. As a constituent, I can make this promise to you…I will donate time and money for campaigns in every upcoming election. I will donate time and money to participate in every grass roots effort to defend the Second Amendment. I will donate time and money to pursue every legal course of action against those who attempt to infringe on my right to keep and bear arms.

Thank you for your time in this matter.




Aug 14, 2012
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Short, simple and to the point.

IMO, each person should write their own letter, in their own words. Be respectful and non threatening, yet firm.

We're fighting for our rights, mass or reproduced letters is too easy. E-mail isnt the same as a hand written letter.


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2010
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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
We need to make them see who we are as a group. That we don't deserve to be vilified simply because we wish to own firearms. That we're not bloodthirsty, soul stealing baby killers. We're good people and we're being punished for something someone else did. Shows about our hobby are being yanked and we're being talked over in interviews on television. It feels like our voices are being silenced and that we're being portrayed as fanatical, anti-government conspiracy spewing rednecks with a violence fetish. It almost seems taboo to say "I'm a gun owner".

And how dare these people stand on the graves of dead children to push their political agenda. It's abhorrent! I would venture to say that gun owners are MORE law abiding than others. Who else willfully submits to background checks just to make a purchase?

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