the Chickens Don't Lie

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Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
... and there there is the Rock Star with groupies version...



Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
3 kids and a busy career will do that. She's the same way about being comfortable. When we first got married she wouldn't even go pee with me outside bathroom door (brushing teeth etc) now there's no modesty when it comes to bodily functions. Kinda funny to see how much things have changed.

GC's gonna shoot me but here goes ...

When GC first moved in with me I still had 2 boys at home -- both in high school. GC moved in on a weekend. First Monday (school day) after he moved in, I came home from work at 5:30 and hit the front door stripping clothes off (my usual MO). Headed straight for the bathroom to pee, stripped down to my skivvies. Both boys, who had heard me come through the door, followed me into the bathroom, sat down on the edge of the tub and started telling me about their day like it weren't no thang ...

OK, that's because it weren't no thang to us! ROFLMAO! I'd been a single mom for their entire lifetimes and that was the routine that we had established way back when ... (Believe me, when you have 3 little boys clamoring for your attention you'll give up a LOT of privacy to make sure they feel loved! :D)

GC just stood in the open bathroom door with his mouth hanging open! LOL IIRC he said something about that not being normal. Oh well ... It was normal to us!! :D

It took "Mr. Modest" a while to come around, but he follows me into the bathroom all the time now!! ;) ROFLMAO!!

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