These United States of America

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Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Here is a letter written by Rexford Miller. I think he is spot on. This was written after Obama won the 2008 election.

The founding of these United States was the marvel of the 18th Century. Thirteen independent and sovereign nations uniting for a specific purpose, something never-before accomplished. Founded by Christian men desirous of establishing a Republic and their official banner reflected that.

Thirteen stripes and thirteen stars representing thirteen Sovereign States of a specific and unique Union. Red representing the blood of Christ who died for all men and the blood of patriots who perished for the founding. White representing the purity and light of God from whom America seemed a magnificent gift and the purity of virtue with which the founders wished it governed. Blue representing the truth of God’s Word and the truthfulness with which America’s laws would be written and administered.

Their dream endured for 84 years. It does appear that some of the Sovereign States were administered by those lacking the virtue necessary for the Union to function as designed, as they could not resist pilfering the National Treasury. The Republic was executed and buried in 1865, replaced with a kind of oligarchy under the guise of limited democracy. The rule of law was replaced by the rule of man, and Sovereign States became political districts. By 1895 Washington’s admonition to refrain from foreign entanglements was forgotten and thus began the process of empire to make the world safe for big personal business interests. 1913 witnessed our founder’s worst imagination—the taxing of a man’s labor and the taxing of the fruit of his labor, then the wholesale theft of our National Banking system by European Bankers and their American agents. By this time much of America had been infected with the European gutter filth of the French Revolution and Marx’s Communism. Then America was led into WWI, the war for European banking and Communism. Next came WWII, the war for world banking and Communism. Communists had successfully infiltrated this country under the Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt administrations and with wars and emergencies their influence and power grew exponentially through the 20th Century. By the end of the 20th Century much of Christianity in America was diluted with humanist dogma so that even decent people were so confused as to not discern the nature of the threat.

Finally, with all government organs in a firm grip and with the media, culture, and academia in tow they orchestrated the perfect finale of mob rule which brought about the collapse of a once free and independent Nation.

With the Constitution and legalisms out of the way, and in control of the three branches of government, the enemies of a once free people plundered what remained of the wealth of the old USA. They had already completely destroyed the capacity of several generations to reason correctly by focusing education on indoctrination and systematic repetition. They oversaw the destruction of the nuclear family. They introduced and sanctified perverse and wicked behavior as normal. They stifled personal responsibility and replaced it with an entitlement mentality. God was removed from every public venue and the culture had become trained to sneer and reject such notions because the State had become the grantor of rights. Liberty swiftly became license. The Earth and environment or saving something became the new object of worship as the steady drumbeat of crisis and emergency had done its work. They made sure the industrial capacity was exported and that independent farming was destroyed. Any remaining means of wealth creation was placed under a system of government rules, regulations and taxation which could incrementally be ratcheted tighter and tighter. Demagoguery and politics had long ago replaced statesmanship and civic duty so the culture thus created rewards-base human conduct. Finally, our borders became flood gates to millions of third world peoples who possessed no concept or concern for our real history, the true debt we owe to the Living God, or the true meaning of stewardship and Liberty. Their new flag reflects all that.


Thirteen stripes representing what was lost. Black representing total darkness and hopelessness, the absence of truth and light. Green representing the god of the global environment, the object of worship. Red, representing the blood of those who dare to stand in the way of their progress. The Soviet Hammer and Sickle as proof that the Soviet collapse simply exported their advisors and educators here to influence and command in due time. The morphing of the USA into the USSA has occurred over the course of the last century and a half and should not come as a surprise. You see, it is simply the logical conclusion of a people and culture with no regard for their history, the meaning of liberty, or the Living God whose debt they deny.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Who is Rexford Miller?
Think he got the meaning of the flag colors wrong.
So....America is not a republic?
He is a nobody. I just wanted to post the name of who wrote it. I’m not sure about the colors. It very well may be wrong. As for us being a republic, we ain’t. Not anymore. We haven’t been for over a 100 years.

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