Who here is an OathKeeper?

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Special Hen
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Arkansas, Conway County
Its not a second oath, its a reminder of the significance of your oath, and a focus on the constitution.

Secondly, they offer the opportunity for those who have not served to swear an oath to the constitution.

Its a constitutional awareness organization, not grandstanding, conspiracy, or paranoia as the media would have you believe.

That list is a list of unlawful, and plausible orders (some have been given in US history).

Japanese-American internment, gold confiscation, property eviction and firearms confiscation (Katrina).

It is not a second oath, not sure where you guys got that idea.

My unit was called to work in New Orelans after Katrina, and we did not confiscate any guns, nor did we do any forced evictions. We did however, have to weed through a lot of knot heads to help the people that decided to stay and watch after thier property(what was left of it). Spent 28 days down there, saw a lot of horrible things, every one of which was the result of the people of New Orleans actions upon each other. Walked down the street 4 blocks from the Super Dome and personally saw 23 city busses lined up to carry the people out, every had the motors, windows, and tires shot all to hell. A lot of the problems that the people of New Orleans were brought on by their own.:ooh2:

Mitch H.

Special Hen
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
One of the worst situations you could ever find yourself in would be refusing an illegal order. Regardless of the outcome, it's going to cause lasting problems.

Also +1. I can tell you refusing an unConstitutional order, like what happened during Katrina, would probably be better than being engaged in some type of altercation by the citizenry when/if they decided to not be trampled upon. To me, that would be a horrible and sad decision to be made by both parties.


Special Hen
Nov 21, 2009
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Here's some food for thought.
Lets say I'm the .gov and I decide to engage in nefarious activity. I know there are folks who will resist me and will be very troublesome if they are within one of the agency's I intend to use. Now if only I had a list of those people.... oh yeah I'll just make a call to the NSA and get a copy of everything on the oathkeeper server.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
I've taken the oath several times and serve under it today in two different capacities. To me it shouldn't matter whether you want to join Oath Keepers or not, you're still bound by the oath you took. Five years into my current employment, my boss had us stand in front of the public on the anniversary of 9/11 and reaffirm our oath. Not a bad idea in my mind.

Most who take the oath take it seriously, but I think in all the time I've served, I've seen a few who didn't. They would be willing, if not even eager to suspend the Constitution under "emergency" circumstances for the "good" of the people. I've even heard a person who swore the same oath I did say that the government allows people to own guns and he meant it.

More so than these few among the ranks, I think it's important to reaffirm to the politically motivated "leaders" who all too often think that sworn oath means obeying their will and not that of the people comes with that oath. It does not.

One of the worst situations you could ever find yourself in would be refusing an illegal order. Regardless of the outcome, it's going to cause lasting problems. For that reason I believe it's important to do more than swear the oath upon commission and leave it at that. You have to live that oath and ensure that your leadership is aware of your loyalty to it. With that knowledge they will be less likely to test your resolve by issuing an illegal order.

Myself and others I've worked with all the way back to 1983 have from time to time worked for people who could benefit from that reminder, and we've done just that. It's far easier to put them on notice before something happens than to back them into a corner when things are at a critical state.

For that reason, I have no issue with Oath Keepers and what they stand for. If they cause just one person in power to give pause when considering the issuance of an unconstitutional order, then they've served a purpose. That's a type of grandstanding I can appreciate.

+1 Well said. Thank you.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
it wasn't the just the cops, and it didn't just come from Ray "chocolate city" nagin.


This video solidifies the purpose & need of the 2nd Amendment- to resist and protect oneself from a tyrannical government. While I agree the people of New Orleans should have evacuated, I disagree that a "free" citizen of this nation should be forcefully removed or stripped of his/her ability to defend themselves. My thoughts, well.....you live in a sub sea level toilet bowl, you have been warned, stay at your own risk. No taxpayer money will be spent to evacuate or help you after you have ignored the warning. Additionally, no taxpayer money will be spent to restore or rebuild in an area that lies in floodplain. I can't build a house in Oklahoma in a floodplain. Why should this be encouraged and incentivized in New Orleans?


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Arkansas, Conway County
The orders came from New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. But he wouldn't have authority with ANY military and would not be able to give the command. Governor and President for national guard. He is neither. So going to say their local LEO force did it. Technically they are in violation of the constitution and you could get them on treason and other charges. I know soldiers and security both that were there and working Katrina and none of them were involved

My unit did'nt take orders from Ray Nagin or NOPD, we were under the command of the Louisiana Sheriff's Association, more specifically the Parish Sheriff. There were some questions as to the behavior of some NOPD personell, and I have to admit, you folks probably saw more of the "big picture" than I did. Things look a lotdifferent from the outside looking in, than on the inside looking out. What I saw was only part of what was going on at the time.


Special Hen
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
I took an Oath that I take very seriously. My actions have consequenses on other's lives and I tread that line and use the Constitution as my rulebook. I don't need to take any other Oaths, but if someone else wants to take one It does not effect my job one bit. The problem you have is that people take the Oath and they don't understand the Constitution in the first place and then they think they are fighting the good fight but in actuallity they are just ignorant of the law.

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