Anyone else get a flu shot this year

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 6, 2007
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Got one yesterday while seeing the doc for fasting blood draw. He offered it, I gladly took him up on it. His nurse stuck me in the left arm with maybe the least discomfort I've ever felt from an injection. Sharp needle, no barbs or perfect stab site, whatever. I told her that was not as bad as some mosquito bites I've had. Injection site was noticably sore when I raised my arm for the rest of the day and improved noticably this morning. I've taken advantage of any vaccines available and reccommended for 53 yrs. and benefited from them. Just get allergies a couple times a year is as close to being sick as I ever get. When you work in a large facility around many people touching the same doorknobs, landline phones, tools, shop aids and co-workers hacking, sneezing and spitting in trash cans, your immune system is going to be challenged.


Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
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No time to read the five pages. Got mine, and got a pneumonia shot in almost the same hole. No reaction.

As for taking your chances, you can be a vector, Viktor <movie Airplane reference>. You aren't just risking getting sick, you are risking being the agent of infection for those around you.

Those who ascribe sinister motives to public health efforts have been at it nearly forever. Anybody remember the fluoridation BS? And the Hollywood fad of not vaccinating kids because of autism concerns really puts one in select company with the "I'll take my chances" group.

As for bad reactions to the shot, it is my unproven theory that if the shot makes you sick, you really needed it. Or, maybe it might cause you to turn into a Democrat.

Afterthought--You can have a wonderful immune system and be in perfect health, and darn well die from something your system doesn't recognize. Some elderly friends of mine (and they are all gone now) who went through the 1918 flu epidemic said the most robust folks tended to be the most often dead. I liken it to being exposed to pistol bullets and saying I'm in such good shape I don't need Kevlar. CB


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2006
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I've never once heard anyone here say any of that nonsense, mostly just along the lines of "I don't need it". Strange that you allude to flaming, then flame away yourself.

Man its a ongoing joke around here...lighten up. Half the threads on here are about some kinda conspiracy theory from chem trails to rfd tags. :comfort:

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