To switch Parties or not to switch Parties

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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I was just pissing statistics. It was a friendly pissing contest. You know, who can make their stream go the farthest against the wind.

I looked at the CP when I was deciding which party I fit in with. There are a few planks I disagree with in the Constitution Party's Platform to the point where I felt like I would be sacrificing too many of my own principles and moral values to "fit in", as well as a few inconsistencies within the platform itself (specifically, "We assert that any form of taxation on churches and other religious organizations is a direct and dangerous step toward state control of the church. Such intrusion is prohibited by the Constitution and must be halted.", and others). I'm a practical Libertarian, meaning that most of my ideology lines up with their platform, but I recognize that certain ideals aren't truly achievable in the real world and that a practical compromise may have to be made in certain areas.

I disagree with the majority of the Green Party's platform, but I still recognize them as better than Republicans or Democrats. That's why I believe all minor parties should work together for ballot access reform. We can duke it out amongst ourselves later over the little things if we really want to. You and I can't get on the ballot as Libertarians or Constitutionalists in Oklahoma as it is now.

By the way, between 50% and 60% (depending on when you poll) of Americans want a third party.

Not saying I agree 100% with the CP either. We all go where our beliefs, values, ideals, motivations, etc... fit best, and there is no perfect party or government.

As far as ballot access, (Paul Jacobs(cough, cough)) if there were a LP and CP on the ballot I'd vote for the person and not the party, I feel that might better empower the person as opposed to empowering the party, (the party would have to "bend" to the candidate that the people wanted not the candidate bending to party goals).

And although I agree that on political matters there is room for compromise, when it comes to the Constitution, (the Law not the party) should we "compromise" that for any reason?


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
You are right, the current parties lost our support. What we need is the right leader that will either lead an existing third party or start a brand new one.

With or without the right leader we, the people need to move in the right direction, leaders will rise as a result of the movement.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Wait... do you mean political parties, or do you mean countersuit or appeal?

Political parties. And I really am serious. I wish I could see in stark terms of darkest black or brightest white, but, is just not that simple. Life is sometimes difficult for pragmatists. Oh to be an ideologue!

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