No more Hesitation Targets

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 29, 2009
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There is no such thing as a "No shoot" target, but there are plenty of "shouldn't have shot" targets! By convention a target is somethig you shoot, a target that you DON'T shoot is just a picture.

Michael how am I to get any exercise if I cant jump off to conspiracy land? Ill need to find something else, perhaps jumping to conclusions ???


Dec 10, 2008
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There is no such thing as a "No shoot" target, but there are plenty of "shouldn't have shot" targets! By convention a target is somethig you shoot, a target that you DON'T shoot is just a picture.

Michael how am I to get any exercise if I cant jump off to conspiracy land? Ill need to find something else, perhaps jumping to conclusions ???
you see it's a mat with different conclusions you can jump to


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Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
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Del City
You may think it's dumb crap... but it is realistic!

It's not just hardened criminals with tats and ugly mean faces that are the enemies anymore. In case you haven't noticed things happen at schools, malls, businesses, parking lots, etc. Young kids are killing people. Military personnel are killing people. Women are killing people. Old people are killing other people. Not just white men holding a revolver.....

Like it or not, the targets serve a purpose. A threat is a threat no matter which way you dress it, or the age, or pregnant or not.

And as far as some giant DHS conspiracy about preparing to kill civilians....********. I've heard some dumb ****ing stuff on the board but this about takes the cake. I've been thru DHS training and guess what..... nothing in the curriculum about killing civilians... Better luck next time.

That's because when a civilian threatens your life we refer to them as combatants from then on. Sure, there's no reason the US military is buying millions of dollars of up-armored vehicles and stationing them at CONUS bases that have no combat mission, and running exercises in US cities, buying more firearms and ammo than needed while pushing for disarming the public. The threat of a tyrannical government is just as real today as it was 10, 50, and 100 years ago. Things the current admin is doing started the Civil War, but no one studies history anymore because, hey Jersey Shore is on.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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I'm calling Bullshido on this. Where on the company's website are these targets located?

On their home page as I type this:

"We apologize for the offensive nature of our "No More Hesitation" products. These products have been taken offline due to the opinions expressed by so many, including members of the law enforcement community". Etc., etc.,


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Sure, there's no reason the US military is buying millions of dollars of up-armored vehicles and stationing them at CONUS bases that have no combat mission, and running exercises in US cities, buying more firearms and ammo than needed while pushing for disarming the public. The threat of a tyrannical government is just as real today as it was 10, 50, and 100 years ago. Things the current admin is doing started the Civil War, but no one studies history anymore because, hey Jersey Shore is on.

Oh good, more BS without proof when we are trying to retain credibility.

I'm unaware of any military program pushing to disarm the public, and how exactly could the military buy more bullets than necessary? It's always necessary that the military has bullets, THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. Good grief.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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If you don't do ANY research or critical thinking before jumping off into conspiracy theories, then you're not just a tin foil hat wearer; you're just ignorant.

If you just like conspiracies because they entertain you, enjoy, but do not post about it here or run your piehole in public and ruin the credibility of the rest of us who want to preserve our rights.

Michael Brown

So name me some pregnant women who have needed to be shot in their own home. Because these targets weren't called something like go/no go or shoot/don't shoot, they were called no hesitation targets. Now maybe it was just a poor marketing decision, but that damn sure sounds to me like you see them armed in their own home and you drop them with no hesitation. Now while I can't think of any pregnant women shooting threats, I can think of a rogue officer shooting threats, so where are the no hesitation targets with police officers pointing a gun at you?

Now like I said before, this could just simply be poor naming, but there is absolutely nothing conspiratorial about wondering what government agencies might want to shoot civilians in their own home with no hesitation. And if that wasn't the purpose of the targets, then why hasn't anyone simply come out and said so?

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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So name me some pregnant women who have needed to be shot in their own home. Because these targets weren't called something like go/no go or shoot/don't shoot, they were called no hesitation targets. Now maybe it was just a poor marketing decision, but that damn sure sounds to me like you see them armed in their own home and you drop them with no hesitation. Now while I can't think of any pregnant women shooting threats, I can think of a rogue officer shooting threats, so where are the no hesitation targets with police officers pointing a gun at you?

Now like I said before, this could just simply be poor naming, but there is absolutely nothing conspiratorial about wondering what government agencies might want to shoot civilians in their own home with no hesitation. And if that wasn't the purpose of the targets, then why hasn't anyone simply come out and said so?

The point of the name is that people (police officers, military, citizens etc) DO hesitate when confronted with non-conventional threats.

Thus what training is supposed to ingrain is to determine what a threat is, not what gender or health condition the suspect is.

You are simply continuing to lack critical thinking and attempting to bolster whatever your position is.

Michael Brown


Special Hen
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
So name me some pregnant women who have needed to be shot in their own home.
Yeah because you can say with 100% certainty that this is the case with the picture on the target.....right...... or are you just making huge assumptions to try and justify an absolutely idiotic theory?

I mean if you can tell by a single photo... everything about that person and the situation..... you could make some money solving all the crimes around the world. Just let the Police know who they are, what their intentions are, and also what color panties the women in the pictures are wearing..... just to show how badass you are!

Because these targets weren't called something like go/no go or shoot/don't shoot, they were called no hesitation targets.
As Michael Brown has stated, there have been NUMEROUS incidents where an LEO hesitated in situations like the ones presented. Once again, this is about RECOGNIZING A NON-CONVENTIONAL THREAT.

Now maybe it was just a poor marketing decision, but that damn sure sounds to me like you see them armed in their own home and you drop them with no hesitation.
Refer to previous section about interpreting a single photo to rid the world of crime!!

Now while I can't think of any pregnant women shooting threats, I can think of a rogue officer shooting threats, so where are the no hesitation targets with police officers pointing a gun at you?

Here, let me show you a pregnant woman threat, since you can't seem to find any....

Now like I said before, this could just simply be poor naming, but there is absolutely nothing conspiratorial about wondering what government agencies might want to shoot civilians in their own home with no hesitation. And if that wasn't the purpose of the targets, then why hasn't anyone simply come out and said so?

Yep, you figured it all out. The evil nasty government is going to come into everyone's homes and shoot them all...just for the hell of it... and we know this because they haven't said that they are NOT going to do it!

Just so you know......... Kevin Bacon WAS in Footloose! :hithead:

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