Crimea votes for secession .

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Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
I don't live in Crimea, nor do I have access to the raw data from which the propaganda we're presented with is crafted. I can only say that if osama is against it, it's probably a good thing. I may be blinded by my own ideology, but as long as I don't have to shoot at either side, I can live with that.

Agreed. Yet, these things will eventually come to impact everyone eventually. For instance, let us assume that US/EU sanctions are imposed upon Russia. Russia can then tell Europe that if they want energy, pay up in gold instead of the petrodollar. If the dollar is dumped by Russia as payment for energy, the USD plummets like a rock the world over. China has been buying gold so they're fine. Hyperinflation here will be the the result. Gaddafi & Hussein were taken out because they sough to dump the petro dollar (among other things), which will have a major impact on the interest payments to the Federal Reserve, which has hooked the American tax livestock for the debt repayment on loans that USG "leaders & politicians" foisted on the nation to advance socialism/communism. Sanctions on Russia are going to impact US companies. For example, Russian Billionaire Alisher Usmanov has reportedly sold shares in Apple and Facebook to focus on Alibaba and other tech investments in China as a preemptive move. Pepsi, Ford, Boeing, GE, etc. are all deeply entrenched in the Russian economy which will impact Americans. So one might not be shot at with arms, but everyone is going to take a hit. All for what? A story based on lies, deception and power hungry psychotic people who hold the idea that they are "a special people". Geez...


Jan 8, 2013
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Let us not forget, as the Obamamites seem to have forgotten, that the US has 156 billion dollars in investments tied up in Russia. Ford's European entity is heavily invested in Russia and Ford will take a big hit. China is close behind the US in having assets plowed into Russia. Russia is concerned about its border, as are we. But I don't see Putin telling Obama to give Texas back...,d.aWc

My bust: 159 billion, going by the thread.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Activists in region of Moldova ask to join Russia

The former Soviet Trans-Dniester region in Moldova has submitted a request to join Russia on the heels of the Russian annexation of Crimea.
The Transdniester region, much like Crimea, is mostly populated on by ethnic Russians and sits on Ukraine's eastern border. Signs can be seen in the region with the words, "We remember: we are not Moldova."

This is not the first time the region has tried to break away from Moldova. In 2006, the region passed a referendum declaring independence but it went unrecognized by Moldova and the international community...


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Isolationism, like Marxism, works far better as an idealogical thought experiment than as a strategy for national policy. An integrated world economy does not lend itself to such notions.

I suppose we need to define our terminology a little better if we're going to throw around these loaded terms like "isolationism." What I am advocating is no military intervention in foreign affairs, but complete economic freedom of association. So whether you want to call it non-interventionism, isolationism, or what have you, that is what I am referring to.

That being the case, I can hardly see how you can criticize it as an unworkable strategy for national policy, since it has only rarely been tried by our nation, and the time period in which it was the most prevalent was actually a quite peaceful and prosperous time. By contrast, the results of military interventionism need no introduction. As difficult as it is to prove a negative, it is personally hard for me to imagine how a worse result could have occurred without our country's 20th Century military interventions.

As far as an integrated world economy goes, that is a better protection against war than any military deterrent could provide. If enough people could understand the simple economic principle of comparative advantage, and had enough of a capacity for reason to draw even the most obvious conclusions from it, war would quickly start to become a thing of the past. Alas, while the human race has made great strides with its knowledge of math, science, and language, the vast majority of the planet's population remains completely economically illiterate.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Obama, Kerry, Nuland and the parasites are on the losing side of this event. I especially get a kick from all the "conservative" talkers on the radio who continue with the same mantra that Putin is trying to rebuild the former Soviet Union. They are clueless since they apparently have no concept of who Putin is or what he is intent on achieving. The fact is that Putin is a Christian and a loyal member of the Russian Orthodox Church which the Tribe hates as they have always hated Jesus Christ (for you so called Christians). Putin is righting the wrongs of the Bolshevik Revolution and is methodically rebuilding Russia to it's Christian ways under Nicholas II. The homosexual uproar during Sochi is an example of his cleansing of society (in the US & West homosexuality is being pushed constantly onto society by the Tribe media). All very fascinating to me as the US talks crap while siding with the demonic Tribe who hates Jesus. So much for the US being a "Christian nation"... lol. What a nation of useful tax livestock idiots and dupes.

How long till Putin launches a Pogrom against "the demonic Tribe who hates Jesus"?
BTW, would it kill you to type the word JEW?

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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I suppose we need to define our terminology a little better if we're going to throw around these loaded terms like "isolationism." What I am advocating is no military intervention in foreign affairs, but complete economic freedom of association. So whether you want to call it non-interventionism, isolationism, or what have you, that is what I am referring to.

A question, counselor. Imagine you are in charge. Under what circumstances would you authorize military intervention of any kind?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I have no use for any religion or government on this planet. As a creation of the Creator my only interest is in living free. I'm realist enough to realize so long as governments exist, I'll never be free as the Creator intended. My loss.

Technically, that isn't true. Every human being not enslaved has a choice between self-determination and self-enslavement. There are MANY uncharted areas of the world remaining. You can live "off the grid" and never be bothered with the immorality of governments for the rest of your life.

You have made a conscious choice to remain "in the system", in exchange for the benefits it provides. One of those benefits in particular is this very forum. The only reasons for you to be on here are to obtain information important to you (what others know or think) and as a means to express your consciousness to others. You, me, all of us have a need for validation as an entity. The number of humans on the planet who don't require it on the same level as water, food and shelter is incredibly small.

You have made the conscious decision to accept the corruption and greed of man as a price you pay for safety, comfort and validation. Never assume you are more than you really are, a creature with needs.

As for foreign policy, henschman has it right. Anyone decrying our "inaction" around the world will eventually trot out the tired old mantra than those who say we shouldn't intervene are "isolationists". True isolationism is forever a thing of the past on a national level. The country that has been described as best practicing this in history is China. But that's only if you accept that isolationism equals non-interventionism. They aren't. Even China has practiced trade (non-isolationism) for millennia. What they've also done is jealously guard their internal affairs and avoided intervening in the affairs of others. That is nearing an end though.

Our foreign policy is primarily driven by ego and greed. We NEED to be the World Police, because we foolishly think we're better than everyone else. Underneath that layer, foreign policy is actually at the beck and call of financial empires within our ranks. We've invaded more than one country in order to line the pockets of greedy men. Along the way, the rest of us usually benefit in some way or another, so it’s a win for our egos AND our pocketbooks.

But it’s a loss for our credibility and our moral/ethical currency. Question is, what’s that worth to us these days?


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2009
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This is a great book and shows how long we have been taking over countries for their resources

Publication Date: April 13, 2010
Smedley Darlington Butler (1881-1940), nicknamed "The Fighting Quaker" and "Old Gimlet Eye," was a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. By the end of his career he had received 16 medals, five of which were for heroism. He is one of 19 people to be twice awarded the Medal of Honor, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor, and the only person to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions. He became widely-known for his outspoken lectures against war profiteering, U.S. military adventurism and what he viewed as nascent fascism in the United States. In addition to his speeches to pacifist groups, from 1935 to 1937 he served as a spokesman for the American League Against War and Fascism. In 1935, he wrote the exposé "War Is a Racket," a trenchant condemnation of the profit motive behind warfare.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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^^^Smedley had it right, and his record certainly shut up those who would question his "patriotism".

"Isolationism" is used every time someone suggest that the U.S. not get involved in someone else's business. It's misused, usually intentionally, much like "racism" is hurled at an opponent that's using logic, rather than emotion to make an argument.

It's difficult to make an argument for getting our young servicemen in harm's way unless we are directly attacked/threatened. Our soil, our people. No one else, no where else.
Unfortunately, many of our attackers in the past have been provoked over and over, usually in covert manner, before actually attacking us and justifying our reaction to the American public.
This typically involves our government funneling money/arms to whichever side our leaders pick. Sometimes it involves us sending manpower. But there's always a back history, long before CNN gets to show pictures on the 6 oclock news.
It's impossible to justify our foreign policy in the last 150 years, we come nowhere close to the principles that George Washington laid out in his farewell address.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
A question, counselor. Imagine you are in charge. Under what circumstances would you authorize military intervention of any kind?

It would be hard to say it better than TedKennedy just did: "Our soil, our people. No one else, no where else." We withdraw all foreign aid, sanctions, and interventions in foreign affairs except for diplomatic ties, and issue an ultimatum: if anybody attacks us, or is imminently going to do so, we take out those responsible. We don't stay and try to rebuild their society into some sort of Euro style social democratic administrative state afterwards, either. Just kill people and break ****.

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