Unreal new video game trailor...

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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
Actually there is disputing facts that "from a psychological stand point" , not all people that Play these games commit these , or Any crimes.

In all reality, if you carry a gun and plan on defending yourself and your Family, You damm well better be able to obtain this mind set, in a Hurry. Its probably not going to be calm and pretty When that happens.
Then theres the "aftermath", you have taken a life , or two, possibly been shot , or a member of your Family hurt or..?

I'm not saying its right or wrong, But there are people out there that have nothing better to do ALL day , than to figure out how to fawk yours Up.

Desensitized?...wouldnt that be a better way to send our young men into combat , knowing what will happen, rather than getting a wake up call in theyre first fire fight?
Actually some of the NLOS weapons are better operated by "kids" that have experience with this kind of equipment.
Drones, micro surgeries benefit greatly from this kind of experience.

That being said moderation, in most all things, is a good idea.

Now those that have/can make time to spend with theyre kids , to teach them, go camping, Hunting, fishing, sports , academics.....Thats Great......But its like winning the lottery...not everyone gets/has that chance.

Perplexing?...Vicarious might be a better terminology, kids, young men, even real men...get to be "The Sniper", "Zambie Killer", "Seal Team Six". "The Terminator", "Last Surviving Member".

I did find the graphics, the realism, even the storyline to be a little...disturbing. I probably wouldnt play it , or let my younger kids play it .
But if you watch the news much...there are people out there doing these kind of things...what cha gonna do when one of them wackos, come rollin up on Your Family Day?....No time for sensitivity then?

Very interesting take on things. I agree mostly.


Special Hen
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
Now those that have/can make time to spend with theyre kids , to teach them, go camping, Hunting, fishing, sports , academics.....Thats Great......But its like winning the lottery...not everyone gets/has that chance.

I suppose parents that don't "get that chance" should just plop their kids in front of a video game. Problem solved, huh?
If one doesn't want to take the responsibility of teaching and raising their children the way they see fit, perhaps they shouldn't have become parents. But then, that's a different topic altogether.

I believe parents DO have the right to raise their children as they see fit. So if allowing them to own and play these games is okay with them, then I won't interfere with that. Let them play all day for all I care. Most kids will turn out fine, a good handful probably won't.

Using them as "combat-training" would have it's place I'm sure, but certainly not for young children.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
I suppose parents that don't "get that chance" should just plop their kids in front of a video game. Problem solved, huh?
If one doesn't want to take the responsibility of teaching and raising their children the way they see fit, perhaps they shouldn't have become parents. But then, that's a different topic altogether.

I believe parents DO have the right to raise their children as they see fit. So if allowing them to own and play these games is okay with them, then I won't interfere with that. Let them play all day for all I care. Most kids will turn out fine, a good handful probably won't.

Using them as "combat-training" would have it's place I'm sure, but certainly not for young children.

I'm not attacking your way of thinking , just trying to tweek it a little ..its the wolf in the sheeps pen theory

You said "get the chance", I'm saying that some dont get that chance.
There are parents that do everything they can to help theyre kids , and they just choose the wrong path.

Its not always the lazy dope smoking parents that are protrayed.

I dont know about combat training , but ...real world experience?...when should that be started?
Some start ..as soon as theyre child is born...are you ready for ..That Kid?
Some think its a good thing to blow up people ,including them selves..Ready for That One?

The PC that has become, common to us, May be the Real threat.

Theres **** going on out there that no one should have to see...Know That...or be a victim of.
I chose a long time ago ...Not to be the Victim.

The "desensitization"...wear this , believe this , dont make waves...were here to take care of you, its okay , you can trust us.
Thats where its going wrong...Believe That

Damm, sounds like a speech... ;) ...sorry


Special Hen
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
I don't think anyone can truly be "ready" for the guy that wants badly enough to blow himself and others up. That's what makes it so tragic. It seems nearly unpreventable.
I think the best solution is to be involved parents.
For the record, I don't blame video games for the %$#@&ed - up world we live in. I'm not sure who or what to "blame", but I think a good preventive measure is to lead by example and be the most involved parent you can be.
There are parents that do everything they can to help theyre kids , and they just choose the wrong path.

This is ,unfortunately, all too true.

Tulsa Shooter

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Actually there is disputing facts that "from a psychological stand point" , not all people that Play these games commit these , or Any crimes.
There are not many facts that support the claim that violent video games/movies do nothing to the human brain. I would like to hear the disputing facts if you have them? I agree, an extremely small percentage of the population that play these games will ever be violent, or commit any violent crimes due to the game play that they are exposed to.

I'm not saying its right or wrong, But there are people out there that have nothing better to do ALL day , than to figure out how to fawk yours Up.

I'd say that would be in the wrong, extremely easy answer there....right?:scratch::wink2:

That being said moderation, in most all things, is a good idea.

Now those that have/can make time to spend with theyre kids , to teach them, go camping, Hunting, fishing, sports , academics.....Thats Great......But its like winning the lottery...not everyone gets/has that chance.

Too many parents that have 100% custody of their kids let them do whatever they want just so they don't have to watch them. Whether it be on the internet, video games, tv, it's ridiculous. When you have a kid, it's time to man/woman up and stop being selfish. Parents need to spend more time with their kids, and less time letting them raise themselves.

Perplexing?...Vicarious might be a better terminology, kids, young men, even real men...get to be "The Sniper", "Zambie Killer", "Seal Team Six". "The Terminator", "Last Surviving Member".

Yes it's puzzling to me why your average kid or adult that plays GTA or a like video game eventually ends up killing as many "innocent people" as they can. People just walking down a sidewalk, etc. Games where there is an actual bad guy, or an opponent like you described are a little different in my opinion. It's amazing some parents let their young 4-5 year old kids play GTA or a like game for hours, and hours.

I did find the graphics, the realism, even the storyline to be a little...disturbing. I probably wouldnt play it , or let my younger kids play it .
But if you watch the news much...there are people out there doing these kind of things...what cha gonna do when one of them wackos, come rollin up on Your Family Day?....No time for sensitivity then?

You can be sure that if you attack a man's family you'll get a serious, nonsensitive response.
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Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
You can be sure that if you attack a man's family you'll get a serious, nonsensitive response.

Can you be sure , in general?
The sheeple that mill around out there have NO idea whats Really going on, in theyre little world ...everythings fine, why does some one Need a gun ?

And as sure as I am that youre prepared for the extreme violence that can happen in a few seconds, there are many out there that believe IT wont happen to them.

As a single dad traveling for work(it pays better)to provide for my Family's needs , to finally working in town>
I volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club as a coach, did quite well actually, most of the kids were willing to learn, be around people with positive ideas.
But alas there are those that just dont get to make it, sadly after a few years, I could tell which ones would have problems.
They werent playing video games , they were playing Real Life, and didnt have a chance.

I agree with most of what your saying , and there really is as much proof for as against, depends on the person.

Theres a very violent world out there, if you dont know it, believe it, or have never seen it , doesnt mean its not there.

Now as to the video games, its not my place to say its right or wrong, as I said, I and Mine wont be playing it, thats as close as I can get, but the ones they do play (under my watch) we'll have discussions about.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
Actually there is disputing facts that "from a psychological stand point" , not all people that Play these games commit these , or Any crimes.

In all reality, if you carry a gun and plan on defending yourself and your Family, You damm well better be able to obtain this mind set, in a Hurry. Its probably not going to be calm and pretty When that happens.
Then theres the "aftermath", you have taken a life , or two, possibly been shot , or a member of your Family hurt or..?

I'm not saying its right or wrong, But there are people out there that have nothing better to do ALL day , than to figure out how to fawk yours Up.

Desensitized?...wouldnt that be a better way to send our young men into combat , knowing what will happen, rather than getting a wake up call in theyre first fire fight?Actually some of the NLOS weapons are better operated by "kids" that have experience with this kind of equipment.
Drones, micro surgeries benefit greatly from this kind of experience.

That being said moderation, in most all things, is a good idea.

Now those that have/can make time to spend with theyre kids , to teach them, go camping, Hunting, fishing, sports , academics.....Thats Great......But its like winning the lottery...not everyone gets/has that chance.

Perplexing?...Vicarious might be a better terminology, kids, young men, even real men...get to be "The Sniper", "Zambie Killer", "Seal Team Six". "The Terminator", "Last Surviving Member".

I did find the graphics, the realism, even the storyline to be a little...disturbing. I probably wouldnt play it , or let my younger kids play it .
But if you watch the news much...there are people out there doing these kind of things...what cha gonna do when one of them wackos, come rollin up on Your Family Day?....No time for sensitivity then?

Bolded part
Our new troops don't go into combat thinking they are handing flowers to unicorns and rainbows. Desensitized to killing is what they are trained.
That being said, its a life changing event for most when it actually happens.
For some of the recent or current combat military folks, do they include video games as part of training now?


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
I do think violent shows, movies, games ect affect young and moldable minds. It desensitizes people to violence. It's been studied for over a decade now, and it's scientifically proven...

There is no disputing from a psychological stand point that violence in video games and movies greatly desensitizes the human brain to violence in real life...
You all have links/citations to this evidence? There is strong consensus in the literature that playing violent video games does *not* affect violence in real life, and there is evidence that they actually provide positive benefits.

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