Keep an eye on whats going on in Virginia.

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Special Hen
Aug 10, 2019
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The situation in Virginia is getting progressively (man I hate that word now) worse. With the DSA/dnc tyranny saying they will bring the NG out against the 80 or so Sheriffs that have declared that they will NOT enforce any uncomstitutional gun laws period, The tyranny then stating that they will charge these sheriffs with felonies. Now it appears that there are some 2A groups that are mobilizing to show support of these folks. Also I have one question, with most of the people from VA saying they di NOT vote for this trash to take power, how did they get elected, or did they get elected. And how come no review of these elections? Were these sociocommunists elected, or were they placed in their respective positions?
Just something to think about and yeah we should really keep an eye on this situation.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I'm watching.

If it comes down to a shooting match, I seriously doubt the National Guard will participate. If the NG does take a stand, they will not be difficult to identify just like law enforcement personnel who take up arms. Please note, however, that the National Guard is not the militia. It ceased to be the militia when the Feral Government usurped power reserved to the states regarding the appoint of officers. For it to be the militia, the several states must exclusively appoint the officers per Article I, Section 8, Clause 16. As it stands now, the Posse Comitatus Act would prevent the use of the NG domestically.

I wonder if the Congress and Trump will send in militia troops from neighboring states to defend those defending the Second Amendment. It is authorized in the Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 15; and Article II, Section 2, Clause 1. I seriously doubt it, though. Especially with the anti-gun-rights House of Representatives as controlled by the Democrats/liberals/socialists/communists and their dictatorial, despotic, tyrannical nature.

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 20, 2006
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The situation in Virginia is getting progressively (man I hate that word now) worse. With the DSA/dnc tyranny saying they will bring the NG out against the 80 or so Sheriffs that have declared that they will NOT enforce any uncomstitutional gun laws period, The tyranny then stating that they will charge these sheriffs with felonies. Now it appears that there are some 2A groups that are mobilizing to show support of these folks. Also I have one question, with most of the people from VA saying they di NOT vote for this trash to take power, how did they get elected, or did they get elected. And how come no review of these elections? Were these sociocommunists elected, or were they placed in their respective positions?
Just something to think about and yeah we should really keep an eye on this situation.

Its interesting, at my previous job I had to take several trips out to California (LA area) and while there spoke with a lot of folks about their political mess. Almost every one I spoke with said their elections were rigged and they all voted conservative along with the people they know. Granted I was speaking with working folks but it was interesting that they all said the same thing. I believe our elections are this way for sure now.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
This would be a good situation for the SCOTUS to flush down the toilet. It needs to be done BEFORE anyone is confronted with armed minions attempting to confiscate arms. Every gun owner in Virginia already has standing due to the immanent threat to their safety and constitutionally protected Right to Keep and Bear Arms - not to mention the threat to the security of their state and the Union by making them incapable of fulfilling their duty to stand with their arms in defense of their state, nation, family, and self.

I cannot abide these people who pass such laws, including those who enforce such laws and allow such laws to stand. They are not my countrymen. They don't abide the Constitution.



Special Hen
Aug 10, 2019
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There will be no NG involvement. If anything it would be State Police, State AG prosecuting. But I doubt it will even come to that. Same situation as sanctuary cities. They'll make some noise, and then everyone will forget and move on to the next hot topic.
The difference is that this time people are starting to mobilize and THAT is a major shift from the wait and see of the recent past. Also if the NG decides to act against the people and the Sheriffs there will be retribution this time. I am concerned about how far the leftist sociocommunists are going to push this. The people of this nation have had about enough of these jokers and I fear that this may be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. This is already far beyond political games. Threats of violence against the citizens by the gov of any of these United States is a major escalation in the fight for this nation, and may well be the act that pushes "We The People" to action.

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