Single men raising kids

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Jun 16, 2009
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I got a girl knocked up when I was only 20 and not even close to being ready for a family, I was playing guitar in a traveling band and was only home occasionally, I couldn’t stand her but stayed with her for the duration of the pregnancy and until my daughter was 5 and then fought for and got FULL custody of my kiddo and raised her by myself from there on out without a single penny of child support from the deadbeat mom, I gave up a career in music that I was gung ho about before and NEVER regretted giving up doing what I loved to take care of my child and give her a normal childhood !
I hear of men that don’t take care of their own kids and don’t have any contact with them and only pay child support to keep out of jail, I know a couple of deadbeat dads personally and if you don’t take care of your own kids then you’re a worthless piece of rat crap and I wish you every bit of bad karma possible!!
On the other side of the coin I had a conversation with a member here who adopted his wife’s son from her previous husband and is a dad to that child and my hat is off to him and any other parent that steps up to take on someone else’s child !
With all that said I’m just curious of how many men here raised a child alone ?


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I raised two sons alone when the ex left a dear john letter when they were 9 and 13. That letter came back to bite her at the divorce. Stated she would get some place close so the kids could walk to visit.
In reality, she moved across town and never saw the boys for almost 4 months.
In court when she found out it was mandatory child support, I produced the letter and proof of where she lived, and a witness that the boys had never had a visit, so I was granted full custody and child support from her.
She was not financially responsible, and her parents knew she couldn't/wouldn't pay so to keep her out of jail for non-payment that happened back then, they paid me a lump sum.
Invested that money and gave it to them when the youngest hit 25 years old, but I kept the earned interest.
She never accepted weekend visitation or summer visitation for many years. Her party life was too important, even dating high school boys while the oldest was in high school in her 30's.
The youngest would go on visitations, but the oldest wanted no part of her.
Meanwhile, my parents and her parents remained best friends, traveling together and so on until dad passed away.
Remained on great speaking terms with the ex-inlaws. After getting married, my wife was wondering how I could remain cordial with the ex's parents. It was easy, they treated me like a son, and did so after the divorce as well as the friendship with my parents.
It was rough times financially, coupon clipping to keep good food on the table and working lots of overtime for extra money, but we made it.
36 years down the road, both sons have reconciled with their mother, and love my wife as a stepmom that helped raise them in their teen years, supporting them to this day.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 14, 2023
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I raised my twin boys and my daughter thru their high school years as a single dad! Some of the best years of my life. My kids have advanced college degrees, married with children, and have made me a proud Dad. I was a compressor mechanic at this time and sometimes I would come home crabby. One night one of them told me I was crabby, before I could reply, they told me to go to bed. I love my kids and I am glad we had that time together.

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