Naproxen is 1500mg/day max for 6 months, equivalent to 1650mg naproxen sodium.
What never ceases to amaze me is the steady stream of fools that knock back 5-10gm of Acetaminophen in combination with Hydrocodone (think 10-20 Lortab, of whatever strength they can steal, scam or buy) for weeks to months, and end up with normal liver function. Go figure.
Same with the poopy pants drunks- live with a blood alcohol level 2-4 times DUI for years and no cirrhosis, when others bleed out or turn to pumpkins within 5 years.
Naproxen is 1500mg/day max for 6 months, equivalent to 1650mg naproxen sodium.
Why do people not see the chain of death coming for them?
My doctor recommended acetaminophen over ibuprofen because there's apparently some new research showing that ibuprofen is not good for your heart. Sucks, that, since Advil is one of the few OTC medications I've taken that actually works well, but since we're working on my blood pressure, I figure I ought to listen to him...
Why do people not see the chain of death coming for them?
Some of us do... and welcome it.
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