Barresi out

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Aug 14, 2012
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Common core was not as big of a deal to the educators (at least more rural) as her support for Charter Schools. Charter schools would basically take the best students from a district and leave the "regular" school with what is left but the same expectations and less money. If you take the top 10% of students from a small school it would destroy that schools "grades" in a matter of seconds. They thrive, academics wise, off the the top few percent of students. If you have a class of 80-90 students and 6-8 score in the the high 20s or low 30s on the ACT or very well on EOI it really helps the school overall. Some students just don't care and mark "c" all the way down a test.

Our basic education problem IMHO is we try to educate everyone to go to college. I would be happy if the we could just teach the masses enough math to count my change back right or be able to figure out I get a quarter back from $1.77 when I give them $2.02. We compare ourselves to countries that separate out the students at an early age to academics or "craft"/trade school. Then we compare our selves to the academic student only population. All of our students can not compare to the top X% of their students.

We will have common core to some degree just like we now have outcome based education (90s hot topic). They will just stop talking about it or give it a different name.

Who ever said parental involvement was the difference hit the nail on the head.

Good post man.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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We are the only country in the world that requires EVERY student receive and education 12-13 yrs. That statement includes the severely handicapped, felony convicted minors, etc. That said we are the only ones that include those mentioned in our test scores. That is a pretty large cup to fill. Our brightest can and do compete with the world's best in math and science. So if the zealots out there that are throwing our scores around in comparison with the remainder of the world want to compete on fair field, lets not expect the impossible. Now I am NOT saying all children do not have a right to a free and appropriate education. I am saying lets compare apples to apples. Most of the world only has 50% or less of the student population in high school today. What is the answer? It certainly is not to strip the best out to be farmed out to every charter school or religious private school that pops up with the public funds that go with that child. Why some say? Here's why because if public schools can hand pic or should I say cherry pic their students the test scores would be far different when compared to private schools and charter schools. Remember the public schools are required by law to take EVERY thug, truant, abusive, uninterested, lazy student in this country, without regard for all the previously stated problems. Private schools and charter schools cull those folks if they so desire. Lets restructure the process. Lets say hey if you don't want to come to school, your parents don't care if you go or what you do after arriving there, etc then hey after the 8th grade those students have a choice, take the vo tech route or go home. Remember we have all these unfilled seats at our vo tech schools that could be filled. Tulsa Vo tech alone has 2 campuses, West campus and Owasso that are not nearly filled. Lets let them educate those for a while instead of turning their backs on them in the selection process. Let public schools catch their breath and began to educate those who are genuine students. You'd see test scores go up in a heartbeat. Our state, and the nation would quit beating the public school system to death because they'd finally be on a level playing field. Most of all those in high school would truly have an opportunity to grow educationally.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 2, 2009
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Exactly. There are many very successful examples of just this that self selected themselves out. School proper is NOT for everyone. Vo-Techs are great. I got my start with night classes at Vo-Tech while going to college to be a teacher. I thought I wanted to be teacher before figured out the politics and parent (non participation) situation.

I am not knocking any person or group of people just feel we should teach towards people's strengths. You don't want me working on your car...but some of the best mechanics I know did not excel in school proper why torcher them.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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She gone!
Tsk, tsk. That should be, "her goed." ;)

I don't know enough about CC to have an educated opinion on the subject, but that's really irrelevant--I didn't care for what I saw of how she ran things, I detested her campaign commercials, and the more I read and heard about her, the less I liked. Not that my opinion matters at all with this state's bass-ackwards closed primaries, but I'm glad to see her gone, regardless of what happens to CC.

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