Civilian defender: #4 buckshot to the face

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spaghetti pistols
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 5, 2020
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I'm not saying that the blog in the original post is B.S. However the guy shares the same "name" as the television show...and he never gave his full name and place of occupation. This is not how legitimate data points are shared in any profession. You couldn't cite this article in any college paper without taking a hit on your grade. In fact, anyone of us could create just a post somewhere that appeared just as legitimate.

There's also ZERO pellets in the ocular region (eye area) of the x-ray. Color me suspicious.

That being said; the wide pattern in the x-ray lacked concentration of pellets in any spot making me think that if this photo is legit, there was considerable distance between the shooter and target (probably in the 20+ yard range).

I have watched (more anecdotal evidence here) a couple YouTube videos of a guy who hunted deer with a traditional shotgun-length barrel and #4 buck. If I remember correctly, his kills were at ~25 yards. His pellet recovery noted that nothing made it deeper than about 10 inches, and really the lethality was unimpressive. However he did kill both deer with a single shot, so there's that.
He's an interesting cat and a legit dental surgeon.



Special Hen
May 4, 2010
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Years ago a local Seminole PD officer was in a pursuit and when it finally ended and he exited his patrol car, he immediately took a .410 blast to the face from his assailant. Not only did he stay in the fight, but he wound up killing one of the combatants (a female accomplice) and arresting the driver that shot him when his boots hit the ground. He lost an eye from the ordeal but he's still totin' a gun and badge today.

Warrior. :thumb:

I know Adam he is a good dude.


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Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
My first deer kill was a fail. I was young and had a 20 gauge single shot and was hunting squirrels
and forgot to put in the lead slug.
#6 shot 1 pellet pierced the windpipe of the deer and the deer fell over on it's back trying to get air in. Right about 20 yards
Died right there and I got severely scolded for having bird shot in my shotgun.
I think i was 12 years old then.
No blood anywhere and did not know where I hit it until we skinned it.

If you poke a hole in the wind pipe will a person fail to breathe?


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Sep 13, 2007
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Tulsa Metro
I'm not saying that the blog in the original post is B.S. However the guy shares the same "name" as the television show...and he never gave his full name and place of occupation. This is not how legitimate data points are shared in any profession. You couldn't cite this article in any college paper without taking a hit on your grade. In fact, anyone of us could create just a post somewhere that appeared just as legitimate.

There's also ZERO pellets in the ocular region (eye area) of the x-ray. Color me suspicious.

That being said; the wide pattern in the x-ray lacked concentration of pellets in any spot making me think that if this photo is legit, there was considerable distance between the shooter and target (probably in the 20+ yard range).

I have watched (more anecdotal evidence here) a couple YouTube videos of a guy who hunted deer with a traditional shotgun-length barrel and #4 buck. If I remember correctly, his kills were at ~25 yards. His pellet recovery noted that nothing made it deeper than about 10 inches, and really the lethality was unimpressive. However he did kill both deer with a single shot, so there's that.

Dorothy, we aren’t in college.

“Dr. Sherman A. House is currently in his third decade as a healthcare provider, and is a Hospital Dentist and Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Meharry Medical College in Nashville TN. Prior to his career in dentistry, Dr. House was a Fireman and Emergency Medical Technician in Washington State. Concurrently, he was a Shotgun Messenger for several West Coast Armored Truck companies. He participated in security operations at the 1999 WTO Riots in Seattle WA. He holds undergraduate degrees in Law Enforcement, Cell Biology and Philosophy from Gonzaga University. He completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery at the Meharry Medical College with Honors in Nashville TN. He earned a Hospital Dentistry Certificate as the Chief Resident from the Metro General Hospital also in Nashville.”


Special Hen
Jul 7, 2021
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Dorothy, we aren’t in college.

“Dr. Sherman A. House is currently in his third decade as a healthcare provider, and is a Hospital Dentist and Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Meharry Medical College in Nashville TN. Prior to his career in dentistry, Dr. House was a Fireman and Emergency Medical Technician in Washington State. Concurrently, he was a Shotgun Messenger for several West Coast Armored Truck companies. He participated in security operations at the 1999 WTO Riots in Seattle WA. He holds undergraduate degrees in Law Enforcement, Cell Biology and Philosophy from Gonzaga University. He completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery at the Meharry Medical College with Honors in Nashville TN. He earned a Hospital Dentistry Certificate as the Chief Resident from the Metro General Hospital also in Nashville.”

Yes dear, but anyone can write an unchallenged blog post. Peer-reviewed articles require assessment by scholars of the same field (the point of my paragraph you're correcting me on).

It's cool that he is what he is, I'm not going to get into an argument over the merits of dental procedures with him for sure. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that I now stand corrected for my "who TF is this guy?" Kudos to him for using CPR to save lives.

I'm not trying to crap on this guy, I don't even know who he is. He and I actually have a few things in common. .
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