Effing skunk

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
Had a nice evening and dinner out with the wife everything was going so well that I thought I might even get lucky tonight (we have 2 month old so it happens like never). So we get home and she is feeding baby and I let the dogs out so I can go get ready for bed early and before I take 3 steps I here one of the dogs going crazy. I open the door and she comes running in spitting coughing foaming at the mouth and then the stench. Oh my god. Now this dog is runing around the house going crazy I can't catch her. The wife comes out screaming with a baby on her tit and did I mention the smell?? Well after a frantic google search I have tried 5 different home remedies and. Either my smelled is broke or she is tolerable. My wife has spread baking soda and bowls of vinegar all around the house and whenever we walk out of the bedroom it still about knocks us down. Well that was my night and I am too tired to make since now anyway.


Ah, one of lifes memorable moments


Special Hen
Sep 22, 2011
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Hit one with my motorcycle once. With the back wheel only. Still haven't figured that out. He got my shoes, and my wife at the time wouldn't even let me bring them in to wash them.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
She only made it about 1 step in the house before I picked her up to check on her (I though she maybe got bitten or something), then the smell hit me and I tossed her in the bath. She got a tomato sauce bath (that's what I had handy in the cupboard), then the peroxide/soda mix, and it's still incredibly bad on her. I dropped the dog off at the groomer (I never use groomers) who said they have a 4 step enzyme bath kit that should do wonders on her.The groomer was confident she could get her back to normal.

The house reeked mainly because the dog was crated in there, and my pajamas sat on the bathroom floor all night. I didn't realize my clothes were hit (from holding the dog) until this morning. It's airing out now, along with some coffee grounds that I toasted this morning to help. When I retrieve the dog I'm picking up some of the Nature's Miracle Skunk enzyme spray to mist everything down just to try to neutralize it. I'm gonna dump some lime on the yard to try to get that up (as it's about 15 feet from the house).

Oh, and I'm in a residential area, near 41st and Yale/Sheridan in Tulsa. No where near the "country" but this doesn't surprise me. We got a lot of foxes and possums, occasionally a 'coon, but I have never seen a skunk until today.

I forgot, that one doesn't use the peroxide that you get at the pharmacy. You have to use the stuff that hairdressers use to bleach hair. Its much stronger. Sally Beauty supply is where we get ours.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 7, 2009
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Funny how this thread resurfaced. A few weeks ago, I let my dogs out front (I live in a semi-rural area) early one morning to do their business. As luck would have it, a skunk was passing through the yard at the same time, and several of the dogs got sprayed. I herded all the dogs through the fence gate into the back yard to wash them off with the garden hose and some shampoo, which was all I had time for before leaving for work. While I was washing the first dog, the skunk somehow got into the back yard (probably under the gate) undetected, until I had finished with the first dog. While washing the second dog, the first one found the skunk - and got sprayed again. I got my .22 pistol, took care of the skunk and got it out of the yard, then went back to give the first dog a second bath...


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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I forgot, that one doesn't use the peroxide that you get at the pharmacy. You have to use the stuff that hairdressers use to bleach hair. Its much stronger. Sally Beauty supply is where we get ours.

Well, she's at the beauty shoppe now. I made due with the drug store stuff I had in my bathroom at 3:30 this morning. Next time it happens, I'll keep some on hand or run and get a bottle of hair dye to work on her :D I'll leave the dye out but they still have the peroxide packaged in it. I'm sure she always wanted to be a blonde.

I picked up some Nature's Miracle skunk spray on my lunch break and doused the house down while on lunch. It seemed to start working before I even left. We'll go for round two when I get home in a few hours.

Also, I stopped by my dad's and picked up a bag of lime. I figured it may work on the small amount of spray I have in the back yard that didn't completely cover my dog.

This has turned into an ordeal.

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