Ersland petition..

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Special Hen
May 9, 2009
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It's hard to understand that people have to be prepared to handle a situation like that... 30 seconds... a cooling period?? not sure... what is sufficient time to calm down??
is it true he was recovering from back surgery 6 weeks prior?? or another lie?? if


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
some other keys would be also to:

NOT tell 911 "I just killed a guy"
NOT lie about the events and change your story at least 3 times
NOT write your lies in a letter to the OSBI
NOT go on Bill O'Reilly and lie about it
NOT falsely claim to have been in Iraq in the Gulf War
NOT falsely claim to be disabled by an IED explosion
NOT falsely claim to have killed people with a .50 cal
NOT fake injuries from a fabricated gunshot wound
NOT ask the doctor to forget about you faking injuries

and the wildest key of all... NOT bring a handcuff key to court on the day a verdict was reached



Like I posted in the other thread, all these things truly are things NOT to do. You are correct in that regard. Prater did prove that Erslund is a liar and that his statements are not to be trusted. Erslund helped him do just that in every way imaginable. But that doesn't relieve the burden from the DA to prove beyond reasonable doubt in a murder case. In this regard Prater failed, based on what I've read. The caveat is, I'm looking forward to seeing a copy of the transcript. The blood spatter evidence might change my mind, but for now I have to agree with 1shott. Erslund saying that he was moving is not to be trusted and disregarded. But Prater still has to prove it, I think I recall him saying that the thug was unconscious one time. I call BS, no way for him or the ME to know that for certain, that's just drama and grandstanding.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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Like I posted in the other thread, all these things truly are things NOT to do. You are correct in that regard. Prater did prove that Erslund is a liar and that his statements are not to be trusted. Erslund helped him do just that in every way imaginable. But that doesn't relieve the burden from the DA to prove beyond reasonable doubt in a murder case. In this regard Prater failed, based on what I've read. The caveat is, I'm looking forward to seeing a copy of the transcript. The blood spatter evidence might change my mind, but for now I have to agree with 1shott. Erslund saying that he was moving is not to be trusted and disregarded. But Prater still has to prove it, I think I recall him saying that the thug was unconscious one time. I call BS, no way for him or the ME to know that for certain, that's just drama and grandstanding.

If you go over to the Ersland Saga thread, I've posted a bunch of the details on what was presented for evidence. It's not the official transcript but it might give you a start.

I would like to see the transcript, but I don't know if we get to see that or not? Is that something that is publically available at the courthouse? Even if it requires a copy fee, I'd be willing to pay it.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
If you go over to the Ersland Saga thread, I've posted a bunch of the details on what was presented for evidence. It's not the official transcript but it might give you a start.

I would like to see the transcript, but I don't know if we get to see that or not? Is that something that is publically available at the courthouse? Even if it requires a copy fee, I'd be willing to pay it.

Ya, I was following that thread.

The transcript should be public record, but I don't know when they would be made available. I would think that it would be after sentencing or appeals? Not sure. :anyone:

One thing I do know is that there most definitely will be a copy fee in OK county.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2009
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Really find it hard to believe that he deserves life in prision. You hear guys outright killing people all the time and getting out in 12-18 yers. LIfe in prision, come on, the other day a guy killed someout and gets to look at parole in 12 years.

Spec ops Grunt

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2011
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Well I hope for all of you who feel the Ersland is guilty, never fire more than 1 round in a situation like Ersland found himself in.

JB, again, show me video proof that the thug was not moving, you cant, and again in my view, there is reasonable doubt.
As for Ersland running his mouth, I said from the get go, he should keep his yap shut.

So, your argument is basically that every crime must be video taped, or else you will doubt it?

Oh lawdy, how did we get convictions before these magical picture boxes?

That being said, I think he is guilty of manslaughter, not murder.

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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Thats all good and well. I am not saying the guy is a saint, I am saying that from watching the video I saw, there is reasonable doubt in my mind about if the thug was no longer a threat. No one knows what was going on in his mind but him. Did he make mistakes after ward, yup, sure did, and I am sure if a person was to search thru the archives of this joint, they would find that I posted several times, they guy should shut up.
Reasonable doubt, in my view about what happened in the pharmacy. I cant convict someone when there is a reasonable doubt.

As I told JB, I am done, I have posted my view, you have yours, we dont agree on all points, hey thats all fine and well..

This is beginning to remind me of the Dave Chappelle episode where he is on the O.J. Simpson jury:

"C'mon man. What black person don't have some bloody gloves in his car? I got some right here."

Michael Brown
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