Front yard trepassing ?

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Special Hen
Feb 26, 2010
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Ya know, it really is this attitude towards others that causes us to be viewed as social misfits. I honestly can't believe that a grown man would get upset over toddlers driving their electric Barbie car across his lawn. So upset that he threatens to charge a pre-schooler with trespassing. Geezus Effing Christ man! Get a grip. It's a child, interact with the kid, high five the kid for having a cool ride, get the kid a bumper sticker, be a positive experience in the kid's life, not the batsh1t crazy old dude next door.



Aug 14, 2012
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Im glad i only have to worry about adult tresspassers on 4wheelers who tear up fences and steal property.

Kids on toys leaving a "trail" on a 3ft section of grass is something id call the cops for. Id also hire a lawyer, send a certified letter to the owner and waste tons of time, resorces and money combating this problem. Maybe you could get them evicted and force them to pay restitution as well.

Then again, your prolly proud of your yard. If youve done your job as a grass grower, your little trampled on section should make a full recovery in spite of little hoodlum tresspassers.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
OMG!!! Its kids being kids who would ever think that could happen??

Seriously, if this is the thing that gets someone all worked up they should thank their lucky stars that there isn’t something more pressing in their life like total economic collapse, a government out of control or an insane would be dictator in the Oval Office.

Go ahead and be an a-hole to your neighbors and just see how much fun they can make your life. If you want to keep kids off your lawn give them a couple of small bags of M&Ms or Blow Pops. Tell them you know they didn’t mean to drive their electric car in your yard and you sure would appreciate it if they would be more careful. Wash rinse repeat until you win them over. Win the hearts and minds or lose your own sanity. A little payoff to the would be junior mafia / terrorists will get you much farther. Guaranteed!

Just make sure that what you really aren’t pissed about is the fact that renters live next door rather than someone with a vested interest. That would be majorly un-cool to take out on kids who are in fact just along for the ride.

And yes neighbors can be a real P.I.T.A. too. No doubt about it

I had the same thought. It'd be nice to have enough time in my day to consider toy car tracks in my yard a problem.

I'd be more upset that the kids aren't on real bikes and are likely getting fat rolling down the street in an electric car.


Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
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Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma
In my case I have the HOA to worry about. Can't put up a fence of any type in the front yard, have to maintain your yard to certain standards( in the HOA...blah,blah), have to keep the house a certain color code approved by the HOA. No cars can be parked outside the home over 24 hours.

I don't mind these....heck I wanted them hopefully to uphold the standard of the neighborhood and property.

Just having relatives, old girlfriend, wife(has law degree but doesn't have license and refuses to get one and practice) and friends who are attornies...I'm brainwashed in legal liability. Just my job alone I deal with legal liability and compliance all day long.

I pay for my yard to be nice, I pay for maintanence on my lawn sprinkler system, I pay to have it fertiliezed and weeded...year round. Is there anything wrong with keeping a nice yard and home.....remember, I don't have I shouldn't have to worry about them as much as my neighbors worrying about my pets being a pest to them.

Lawn sprinklers are great. They use water guns squirting to train dogs
Non-violence is always the solution. Having a good doctor and a good attroney in todays world is a must.

Just my :twocents: right, wrong, good or bad.


and as Underpar stated.....who knows I may like to stir the pot just a little.... Just look at my signature statement. VVVVVVVVVVVV


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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My last neighbor was a 35-year-old "man" who lived with his mommy and cooked meth in the garage until he got busted and got out and cooked meth in the spare bedroom and sold meth from the house until he tried to steal a guy's AC unit down the street and pulled a knife on him when confronted and he's in prison again until later this year.

He once cut my fence so he could drive a large truck across my property, when he got to the back he cut my neighbor's fence. When he got to the other side her cut their other fence.

He had a job once where he worked for a company that had large cabover flatbed, they paid him to go to the dump and he drove onto my property, dumped the construction waste (4 loads) in my creek, and kept the dump fees.

I was on a first name basis with a nice sheriff's deputy named Roy who gave me his cell number and felt bad for me. I could go on and on. Some things I should not type.

I sold the house when he went back to prison, moved to town, and here in town sometimes regular-ass people walk near my home. They smile and wave and my neighbors and I gave each other cookies at Christmas and it's terrible. There's a kid across the street and he's like a small person that exists and it's scary and I'm angry because of him.

Wimpy yuppies are funny.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 4, 2011
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Buy a trained "junk yard" dog and chain him up in the front yard. Grass will die but those pesky kids won't meddle with your yard agin. Just be glad the mom isn't driving her car across your yard. You obviously have never had to deal with og&e or okc utility's not staying on the right of way on your land and actually causing damage. Or the tree contractor for og&e totally fawking up your pasture because the idiots drive heavy equipment and trucks out of the right of way after a big rain then you will know what pissed is. As others have stated interact and try and be positive in the boys lives. You stated they have single mothers. Teach the boys about respect. Don't go all "third grade" on their mother.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 17, 2009
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Southern OK
I had a similar problem....

Guy behind me has 2 daughters (7 and 9 I think) that would climb over my chain link fence (5 acre yard) to play in the trees on the back side of my place. I have badass dog signs posted mind you. Seems the lil rug rats were attracted to the german sheppard and would literally climb the fence to play with her bad ass.

So I confronted the dad on the situation and asked if he knew about their wondering endeavors onto my property as I was concerned for their safety. He assured me he did not as his house is at the other end of his 5 acre yard but that he would see to it they didn't cross the fence. I informed the man that I thought I had a solution to both our problems. Walked him and the girls around to the side of the fence and cut the lock off a gate so they could walk through. Traded phone numbers with the dad "just in case" something were to happen or if he missed them.

I also now have to make sure I stay stocked up on both dog treats and kid treats but other than that...Problem solved.

As previously stated...Glad I don't live in town.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
I had a similar problem....

Guy behind me has 2 daughters (7 and 9 I think) that would climb over my chain link fence (5 acre yard) to play in the trees on the back side of my place. I have badass dog signs posted mind you. Seems the lil rug rats were attracted to the german sheppard and would literally climb the fence to play with her bad ass.

So I confronted the dad on the situation and asked if he knew about their wondering endeavors onto my property as I was concerned for their safety. He assured me he did not as his house is at the other end of his 5 acre yard but that he would see to it they didn't cross the fence. I informed the man that I thought I had a solution to both our problems. Walked him and the girls around to the side of the fence and cut the lock off a gate so they could walk through. Traded phone numbers with the dad "just in case" something were to happen or if he missed them.

I also now have to make sure I stay stocked up on both dog treats and kid treats but other than that...Problem solved.

As previously stated...Glad I don't live in town.

So the kids took the badass out of the dogs? That's awesome!

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