Front yard trepassing ?

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 26, 2012
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Plant something in the front yard along your property line - pampass grass or something that is a natural border. Sounds more like the issue here is more about respect than tire tracks in the yard.
There isn't anything wrong with wanting to keep kids out of your yard, they have their own yard. I have the same issue with kids riding their bikes in my driveway, bumping into one of my vehicles or cats climbing on my cars.
Just don't like it. Control your kids and provide consequences if they don't listen to you.
Keeping it just between the two parties would be the best option, maybe she just needs a beer and a chair to discuss things a little better.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
I'd go with a focused EMP burst aimed at the car..... wait until traffic picks up and they are in the street then BOOM the car is fried.... and if maybe just maybe someone's breaks fail they will be off your yard for quite a while. ......

on a more serious note, I can understand kids walking in your yard occasionally that's not as much of a bother as driving onto your yard (especially after a good rain, etc...l). I'd take a 4 wheeler and do a few donuts in her yard and then go home and wait. Then when she comes to complain, say "men will be men" then smile, say have a nice day.....then slowly close the door.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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I have a friend that had some rough Scottish neighbors once who loved to get in clan wars like this.

Ask them to turn down the stereo and they'd throw an all night party...
Tell their kids to stay off your lawn and they'd put a flaming bag of poo on your porch...
Talk to their Mom about any of it and she'd kick your a$$ without breaking a sweat and a cigarette hanging off her lip...
Call the Police on them and the next day they'd accuse you of touching them in their private areas...

My serious advice is to just burn their house down and get it over with.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I'm on both sides of the "fence" on this one. I live in a cul de sac like many others...and i really don't mind kids walking through the yard, blah,'s the nature of the beast the way my property is laid out. Now granted i DON'T have sprinkler systems and i sure ain't paying what our city charged for water to water enough to make my lawn a golf IS my yard.....I ALSO am of the thought that kids and parents need to learn some damn manners and respect these days. The house on one side of me has been bought and sold and rented severalmany times over the 20 years that i've been in my home...and we've had nice folks and absolute scumbags live there. We've had nice folks that had kids that controlled themselves, and we've had some that i don't have a CLUE where THEY were raised because they have gone buck wild and did whatever, whenever they wanted.

We have some right now that their two small (probably 5 and 8) year old daughters literally try to PUSH themselves in our house when we come home. "I just want to see inside" "Can i see your dog" " I know you have snacks" . Now, when you TELL a child, "no honey you can't come in" and they PROCEED TO STILL TRY TO LITERALLY GET AROUND YOU TO TRY TO GET INTO YOUR HOME" Then something's really wrong. We talked to the help. Also, these kids during the summer will be out after dark running all over the neighborhood with NO parental supervision at all. The parents NEVER watch or check on them night or day. Us and the other adults in the circle are the ones that watch out for them just to try to keep them safe.

When they ride their bikes in the circle....a car can come and they didn't even KNOW to pull over to the curb for their own safety...they just rideeeee right in front of the car like it's a race to see who can get in front of it first. Several of us have talked to the children and told them what to do when a car comes, etc...and they did it for a few days...then all of a sudden, they stopped doing it and would instead roll right out in front of you and stare..Like in defiance..and no it's not imagined, several of us noticed the same thing.....NOW THAT TO ME MEANS THE PARENTS HAVE TOLD THEM THEY DON'T NEED TO DO ANYTHING ANYONE TOLD THEM.

These kids also have some sort of secret language they use to communicate with each will come outside and for 5 solid minutes SCREAM some unintelligeble stuff in the shrillest scream you can imagine...then the other will do the same thing from wherever she's's kinda funny...but annoying at times...but such is the life.

They also ride their bikes and stuff in our driveway up next to our vehicles...and YES...we DO have scratches on our cars and trucks from it. We've asked them not to...we've asked the parents to keep them off the vehicles...NICELY..yeah right, no dice there. They run up to the fence just to make the dog bark...they think it's funny....lots of different things. So i can kind of understand the OP's frustration with his deal. Hey...the dude keeps his crap nice...and i WILL tell you...those powerwheels vehicles "can" DESTROY a nice yard...i've been there done , so the old, "they're just being kids" doesn't cut it. It'ds his yard...if he doesn't mind them being there, then fine, if he doesn't want them riding the vehicles across the yard THEN IT'S HIS YARD...RESPECT THAT.

Trying the nice approach is the first thing to do, with kids AND adults....agreed....but i'm here to tell you sometimes it just doesn't work..some peeople just don't give a %%@ about what their kids do, and so the kids don't either. So don't sell the OP short that he's just being a bitchy old man...there may be more to it. AND i don't know about everyone's areas...but where i live kids are NOT like kids were when WE were kids!!!!!! And Parents Sure aren't what they were back then either!


Special Hen
Apr 20, 2009
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Yeah it's all fun and games until one breaks an arm on your property. Then the trash parents sue because you are responsible and it's obviously your fault for not controlling their kids, regardless of how many times you told them to keep them out of your yard. You should have prevented this because you are a grown adult and they are just little boys. They cannot be held responsible for their actions and lack of respect. It is you, sir, that are grossly negligent and should have been more proactive to prevent such a tragedy. One from which this child's life will never fully recover.

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