Home Invasion! You Just Heard Your Back Door Being Kicked In...

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In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
...you are in bed sound asleep when you are rudely jerked awake as you hear the sound of splintering wood and glass being broken at the back of your house. For whatever reason, your alarm is going off and your dog isn’t barking...why not? This can’t be a good thing. The hairs on the back of your neck are standing up.

It’s just you and your wife (or significant other) no kids are in this scenario; you look over at her (or him, for some of you) and her eyes are big around as saucers. You reach for your home defense shotgun/rifle.
1. Rifle or shotgun? Pump or Auto? Caliber or Gauge?
2. What do you have it loaded with?
3. What condition is it in?
4. Do you have a BUG? What is it, what’s in it, and it’s condition too please.

It’s now been just a split second since you got jerked awake by the sound of the break-in; now you hear the gritty sound of the back patio door sliding open across the broken glass. What is your immediate next and subsequent actions?

You get to finish this story. Carry this scenario on to the conclusion. Begin with you reaching for your home defense shotgun/ rifle, whichever long gun you choose as your primary home dense weapon. Ready? CRASH!
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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I've stated my position on this before.
We live in an isolated area in the country. Likely 20 minutes or more before any LEO help can arrive, so we will have to handle things ourselves until the posse arrives.
We both keep our phones next to us on the night stands so at the sound of glass breaking on the other side of the house, I'm getting the Taurus Judge with alternate loads of single aught buck and .45 colt to give me time to get to the corner where the AR resides with M-855 steel core ammo in a 30 round mag. It's a long hallway to the bedroom, and they will have to wade through a withering fire of bullets to breach the bedroom door. Spare ammo for the Judge and the AR is available.
In the meantime, I'll hold my defensive position while calls are made to 911 and those that get paid to clear houses arrive. Not going to strap on a headband, throw a bandolier of ammo over the shoulder and wade into a gun fight.


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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If ya hadn't disgusted me with the or him scenario I might have participated.. YUCK, Does your "other" have a hairy chest ? Maybe you shouldn't answer that..


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Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
If ya hadn't disgusted me with the or him scenario I might have participated.. YUCK, Does your "other" have a hairy chest ? Maybe you shouldn't answer that..

First off, who cares if you have a hangup on homosexuality. Second, you forget there are women on this MB (at least one), so their SO could be a male.


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Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
Our house is small, just under 1300 sq/ft. I can see from our bedroom door almost across the whole house. I have my PT840 with a laser/light and a spare mag in my nightstand. I'm closest to the door so I would grab it while the wife calls 911. I would peak around the door frame and wait for a target to become visable, then would unload. I live in the city, but still its going to be at least 5 minutes on avg for a responder.


Unarmed boating accident survivor
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Dec 22, 2017
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Crash......grab 357 k6s, guaranteed wife is awake cuz she sleeps much lighter than I. Think to self, "dog is a dink, I miss my old dog". Wife has safe open (it's right by her pillow) and laid 20ga by me cuz I'm still laying in bed. I'm not moving cuz I've got a straight line of sight down the hallway the length of my house without moving my head from the pillow. She is down between the bed and safe callin the law (talkin real quiet n calm I hope) she armed herself with the s&w 686 357mag I wait for the sommitch to step into the light cuz no matter which door he came in he's gonna have to cross the lit hallway to move around the house. Unless, he came in the back door only seeking a bacon sandwich or he came in the front door only wanting to steal my tv remote. If he steps into the light he gets shot with the 20 unless wife hasn't got it to me yet and then he gets 357'd. Then he gets shot more and more cuz sommitch can't be dead nuff to suit me! Survival crime my ass! I still haven't left my room and I hope the law gets here soon. Wife has opened bedroom winder so we can effectively communicate with law on their arrival. Now she's at the safe waiting orders on what caliber I want next cuz this sommitch wanted a buffet instead of fitzin a ham sammich n leavin.
Plans may be subject to change.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I feel for you folks that live in the urban environment. You have to worry about pass through or missed rounds leaving the house and being a danger to the neighborhood in centerfire.
I always remember the story that has been posted on here before of a guy that had a negligent discharge of a .45acp that traveled through his wall, and entered a window two houses down killing a person.
Also a story of an air force person in OKC that had a ND in his apartment, killing the elderly neighbor next door.
Your responsible for your rounds.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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This would be why the smaller buck shot is to be preferred. It won't over penetrate walls, but it'll make a mess of a soft skinned mammal at close quarters.
I feel for you folks that live in the urban environment. You have to worry about pass through or missed rounds leaving the house and being a danger to the neighborhood in centerfire.
I always remember the story that has been posted on here before of a guy that had a negligent discharge of a .45acp that traveled through his wall, and entered a window two houses down killing a person.
Also a story of an air force person in OKC that had a ND in his apartment, killing the elderly neighbor next door.
Your responsible for your rounds.

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