How should CCW person handle a situation like this???

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2008
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Enid, OK


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2021
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st Louis
Let's say under two different scenarios:

1.) YOU are the person who is assaulted
2.) You witness the assault while pumping gas OR the assault is on someone you are with who went inside to get a drink

If you are one who would say you can't use CCW, let's say you are 55 and the guy is 28, OR you are 130lbs or a female and the guy is stronger, or you have a disability, etc.. Are you 'really" expected to fight the guy where he could get the upper hand and stomp your head or take your gun?

In my opinion, the moment he attacks, you should be legally allowed to draw and give verbal commands and prevent another attack by any means necessary. You should not have to square off against a stranger who may be able to kill you with bare hands and then be seen as executing an "unarmed person". Perhaps the key is what led up to the attack...if random, I know if I were on a jury that I would not expect someone to fight someone else who may be able to hurt them for the reasons mentioned above and more.
Different jurisdictions vary, know your local laws. Have a GOOD defense lawyer's contact info in your possession. Make plans ahead of need. PREPARE. Head-on-a-swivel situational awareness and distance are your best friends. Always lock your car, take keys with you. Don't let unknown others close distance to your space. Study, understand body language. "Left of Bang" is a great book to learn to ID danger BEFORE the BANG, principles used by military (including Marine Corps Combat Hunter Program) and LEOs to anticipate threats. Always carry a gun....concealed. ....and be trained, practiced. Under threat/stress capabilities drop to at least your lowest training competency. Upon ID of closing threat, change your direction to maintain space, look them directly in the eye, give STOP hand signal, loudly shout, "STOP. STAY BACK. DO NOT APPROACH ME." Understand the Tueller 21-feet Rule of deadly force threat. Place hand on gun without exposing tacit non-brandishing message that you are armed, prepared to take action. Should perp continue to close distance, aggressively/loudly begin yelling to attract others' attention, "HELP. STOP. DO NOT ATTACK ME. CALL 911." Be prepared to open distance and head to safety location, placing, gas pumps, pillars.....between you and the threat. Do NOT turn your back on the threat. Have a phone available to call 911, capture video of threat. Understand Ability/Opportunity/Jeopardy triad of deadly force application as in Massad Ayoob's book "Concealed Carry" and his superb classic book "In The Gravest Extreme." One does not have to wait for threat to administer deadly force to you before you apply deadly force.....actions taken must be obviously necessary, unavoidable to reasonable person. Caution: reasonableness and common sense aren't very common or reasonable today. .....especially to a Liberal jury. The only certain method to win a gun/knife/etc fight is to avoid the interaction. Even the stupid get lucky shots/stabs/impacts on target in an encounter. Use deadly force as a last resort. If you must use deadly force, be prepared for your life to change dramatically......and expensively......for a long time. One can win the battle and lose the war.

Be especially cautious as a third person in a deadly confrontation. You may under stress confuse the attacker/victim. Victim/attacker often turn on third party........very typical for LEO in domestic conflict scenario. Use above techniques. BE CAUTIOUS. You are in precarious situation. Call 911 to handle if at all possible. Apply above techniques.
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Special Hen
Jul 5, 2021
Reaction score
st Louis
Let's say under two different scenarios:

1.) YOU are the person who is assaulted
2.) You witness the assault while pumping gas OR the assault is on someone you are with who went inside to get a drink

If you are one who would say you can't use CCW, let's say you are 55 and the guy is 28, OR you are 130lbs or a female and the guy is stronger, or you have a disability, etc.. Are you 'really" expected to fight the guy where he could get the upper hand and stomp your head or take your gun?

In my opinion, the moment he attacks, you should be legally allowed to draw and give verbal commands and prevent another attack by any means necessary. You should not have to square off against a stranger who may be able to kill you with bare hands and then be seen as executing an "unarmed person". Perhaps the key is what led up to the attack...if random, I know if I were on a jury that I would not expect someone to fight someone else who may be able to hurt them for the reasons mentioned above and more.
Don't rely on one's personal opinion. Opinions and ass holes are alike....they are only worth while to their owner. There are many righteous opinions in prison. KNOW what is legally defendable in court of law. Your freedom and future are at stake. Big talk bravado is for movies, not real life.

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